
生活学习2024-02-12 18:08:31自考教育网


The meaning of "fallen"

1. "Fallen" is a word that has multiple meanings and can be used in different contexts.


2. The most common meaning of "fallen" is to descend or drop from a higher position to a lower one.

3. In the literal sense, it can refer to objects or people falling from a height, such as leaves falling from a tree or someone falling down the stairs.

4. However, in a figurative sense, "fallen" can also mean to lose one's status, power, or reputation.

5. For example, we often use the phrase "a fallen hero" to describe someone who was once admired but has now fallen out of favor due to their actions.

6. Another meaning of "fallen" is related to sin or moral degradation. It can refer to someone who has committed a wrong or immoral act and has fallen from grace.

7. In this context, "fallen" is often used in religious or biblical references, such as the story of Adam and Eve who were "fallen" after eating the forbidden fruit.

8. When it comes to pronunciation, "fallen" is pronounced as /ˈfɔːlən/ with the emphasis on the first syllable.

9. Some synonyms for "fallen" include dropped, descended, declined, degraded, and fallen from grace.

10. Here are some examples of how "fallen" can be used in sentences:

- The leaves have fallen from the trees after the strong winds last night.

- He was once a successful businessman but has now fallen into debt and bankruptcy.

- She was a fallen woman who had been shunned by society for her scandalous behavior.

- The city's economy has fallen since the closure of its main industry.

- Many people believe that we are all born as fallen creatures and must seek redemption through faith and good deeds.

In conclusion, "fallen" has various meanings and can be used in different contexts, making it a versatile and interesting word to explore

How to pronounce "fallen"

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1. Fallen - 倒下、跌倒、摔倒

2. Descended - 下降、降临、血统

3. Degenerated - 衰退、堕落、变质


1. The leaves have fallen from the trees. (树上的叶子已经落下来了。)

2. The fallen soldier was honored for his bravery. (这位阵亡的士兵因其勇气而受到了表彰。)

3. She has fallen out of favor with her boss. (她已经失宠于老板了。)

4. The city has descended into chaos after the natural disaster. (这座城市在自然灾害后陷入了混乱。)

5. He is a prince descended from a long line of royalty. (他是一位血统源远流长的王子。)

6. The quality of their products has degenerated over the years. (他们产品的质量多年来逐渐恶化。)


Usage and examples of "fallen"

1. Meaning of "fallen"

"Fallen" is a past participle form of the verb "fall", which means to drop or descend from a higher to a lower position. It can also refer to losing one's status, power, or reputation. In general, it carries a negative connotation and is often associated with failure or downfall.

2. Pronunciation of "fallen"

The word "fallen" is pronounced as /ˈfɔːlən/ in British English and /ˈfɑːlən/ in American English. The stress is on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms of "fallen"

Some synonyms of "fallen" include descended, dropped, collapsed, failed, declined, degraded, demoted, and ruined.

4. Examples of usage

- The leaves have fallen from the trees.

- The fallen soldier was honored for his bravery.

- She has fallen out with her best friend.

- The company's profits have fallen dramatically.

- He has fallen from grace due to his unethical behavior.

- The once prosperous city has now fallen into poverty.

5. Idiomatic expressions using "fallen"

- Fallen on hard times: experiencing financial difficulties

Example: After losing his job, he has fallen on hard times and struggles to make ends meet.

- Fallen asleep: drifted off to sleep

Example: She had been reading for hours and finally fallen asleep with the book in her hands.

- Fallen behind schedule: not keeping up with the planned timeline

Example: Due to unexpected delays, the construction project has fallen behind schedule.

- Fallen head over heels: deeply in love

Example: He has fallen head over heels for his new girlfriend.

6. Common mistakes when using "fallen"

One common mistake when using "fallen" is confusing it with its homophone "follen", which is the past participle form of the verb "fall". Another mistake is using "fallen" as a noun, which is incorrect. The correct noun form of "fallen" is "fall".

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, "fallen" has a variety of meanings and usages. It can refer to physical descent, loss of status or power, and even emotional states like love. It is important to use this word correctly and avoid common mistakes to convey your message accurately

Phrases with "fallen"

1. "Fallen from grace": 意为“堕落”,通常用来形容一个人从高尚的地位或道德标准跌落下来。

例句:After the scandal, the politician has fallen from grace and lost the trust of the public.

2. "Fallen on hard times": 意为“遭遇困境”,通常用来形容一个人或组织因为经济问题而陷入困难。

例句:The small business has fallen on hard times and is struggling to stay afloat.

3. "Fallen behind": 意为“落后”,通常用来形容某人在某方面的进步比别人慢。

例句:I've fallen behind in my studies and need to catch up before the exam.

4. "Fallen head over heels": 意为“疯狂地爱上”,通常用来形容突然陷入爱情或迷恋的状态。

例句:She has fallen head over heels for her new co-worker.

5. "Fallen into a routine": 意为“陷入一种习惯性的生活方式”,通常用来形容生活变得单调乏味。

例句:After retiring, he has fallen into a routine of watching TV all day.

6. "The fallen": 这个短语可以指战争中阵亡的士兵,也可以指已经死去的人们,特别是在纪念活动中使用。

例句:On Remembrance Day, we honor the fallen soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our country.

7. "Fallen on deaf ears": 意为“被无视”,通常用来形容某人的建议或意见没有被接受或听取。

例句:His warnings have fallen on deaf ears and now we are facing the consequences.

8. "Fallen through the cracks": 意为“被忽略”,通常用来形容某人或某事没有得到应有的关注或照顾。

例句:The needs of this vulnerable group often fall through the cracks in society.

9. "Fallen into disrepair": 意为“破败不堪”,通常用来形容建筑物或设施因缺乏维护而变得破旧。

例句:The old castle has fallen into disrepair and is no longer safe to visit.

10. "Fallen asleep at the wheel": 意为“开车时睡着了”,通常用来形容司机在驾驶中睡着了。

例句:He had a near-death experience after falling asleep at the wheel on a long road trip

Synonym examples for "fallen"

1. Descended: This is a synonym for "fallen" that refers to something or someone moving downwards from a higher position. For example, "The leaves have descended from the trees in autumn."

2. Tumbled: This word can be used as a synonym for "fallen" when describing something or someone falling suddenly and uncontrollably. For instance, "The vase tumbled off the shelf and broke into pieces."

3. Dropped: When something or someone falls from a higher position, we can use this word as a synonym for "fallen". For example, "The temperature dropped suddenly last night."

4. Collapsed: This word can be used to describe something or someone falling down due to weakness or exhaustion. For instance, "The old building collapsed after years of neglect."

5. Toppled: This is another synonym for "fallen" that refers to something or someone being knocked over from an upright position. For example, "The statue toppled over during the earthquake."

6. Plunged: When something falls quickly and deeply, we can use this word as a synonym for "fallen". For instance, "The stock market plunged after the economic crisis."

7. Sunk: This word is often used as a synonym for "fallen" when describing something sinking below the surface of water or other liquids. For example, "The ship sunk to the bottom of the ocean after hitting an iceberg."

8. Deteriorated: When something has declined in quality or condition over time, we can use this word as a synonym for "fallen". For instance, "The old bridge has deteriorated and is no longer safe to cross."

9. Degraded: Similar to deteriorated, this word also refers to something becoming worse in quality or condition over time and can be used as a synonym for "fallen". For example, "His health has degraded since he stopped exercising."

10. Descended from grace: This phrase is often used to describe someone who has fallen from a position of power, fame, or respect. For instance, "The politician's scandal caused him to descend from grace in the eyes of the public."

“fallen”是一个多义词,可以指“倒下的”,“堕落的”,“陷落的”等含义。它的发音为 /ˈfɔːlən/,读者可以根据需要选择正确的发音。在使用中,我们可以用它来形容人或物体的状态,也可以用来表示某种情感或状态的改变。例如,“The fallen leaves covered the ground.”(落叶覆盖了地面),“He has fallen ill.”(他生病了)。除了这些常见用法外,还有一些搭配词组如“fallen angel”(堕落天使),“fallen empire”(陨落帝国)等。如果你想要表达类似含义,也可以使用同义词如“dropped”,“degraded”, “collapsed”等。最后,我是网站编辑,请大家关注我以获取更多有趣且实用的语言知识。谢谢阅读!
