
生活学习2024-02-12 18:14:25自考教育网



1. "Falling"是一个英文单词,意为“下落”,通常指物体从高处向低处移动的过程。


2. 该词可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。作为动词时,它的过去式和过去分词形式分别为"fell"和"fallen"。作为名词时,它的复数形式为"falls"。

3. "Falling"还有一些其他含义,比如指情感上的陷入、经济上的下滑等。但在日常生活中,最常见的意思还是指物体向下运动。

4. 同义词包括:dropping、descending、sinking等。

5. 例句:

- She tripped and started falling down the stairs.


- The stock market has been falling for the past week.


- I can feel myself falling for him more and more every day.




1. 意思:falling是动词fall的现在分词形式,意为“跌落、下降”。它也可以用来表示“爱上某人”或者“陷入某种状态”。

2. 发音:/fɔːlɪŋ/,注意不要读成/fælɪŋ/,因为这样会改变单词的意思。

3. 同义词:falling可以用来替换其他同义词,比如tumbling、plummeting、dropping等。

4. 例句:

a) The leaves are falling from the trees.


b) She couldn't help falling in love with him.


c) The stock market is falling rapidly.



1. falling的意思


2. falling的读音


3. falling的同义词

- dropping:指物体从高处向下掉落,与falling用法相似。

- descending:多用于形容物体或人从高处向下移动。

- plummeting:强调物体或价值迅速下降。

- tumbling:指物体翻滚、滚动或跌倒。

4. falling的例句

- The leaves are falling from the trees in autumn.


- The child was saved from falling off the cliff.


- The stock market is falling rapidly.


- The temperature is falling, so remember to bring a coat.


5. 一些常用短语和搭配

- fall in love with:爱上某人/某物

- fall asleep:入睡

- fall behind:落后、拖延

- fall for:上当、被骗

- falling apart:破烂不堪、崩溃

6. 衍生词汇

- fallen:fall的过去分词形式,意为“跌倒”、“倒下”。

- downfall:名词,意为“垮台”、“下降”。

- fallacy:名词,意为“谬论”、“错误的观点”。

7. 拓展阅读


- The falling of the leaves in autumn is a beautiful sight.


- The falling of the stock market caused chaos in the economy.


Falling是动词fall的现在分词形式,意为“下落”、“跌落”。它可以表示物体或人从高处向下掉落,也可以指情况或状态的变化。它的同义词有dropping、descending、plummeting和tumbling。常用搭配有fall in love with、fall asleep和fall behind等。除了作动词外,它还可以作名词使用


1. tumble down:指物体或人从高处掉落,也可比喻为事情的失败或衰落。例句:The vase fell off the shelf and tumbled down to the ground.

2. descending:指向下移动或下降,常用于描述物体或人的运动。例句:The plane is descending for landing.

3. plummeting:指急剧下降,常用于形容价格、温度等的迅速跌落。例句:The stock market is plummeting due to the economic crisis.

4. dropping:指物体从高处向下落,也可用来表示数量或程度的减少。例句:The temperature is dropping rapidly.

5. sinking:指物体沉入液体或沉入地面,也可比喻为情绪低落或境况恶化。例句:The ship sank to the bottom of the ocean.

6. slipping:指因失去支撑而滑落,也可比喻为失误或过失。例句:I slipped on the wet floor and fell down.

7. cascading:指水流从高处倾泻而下,也可形容事件的连锁反应。例句:The waterfall is cascading beautifully down the rocks.

8. toppling over:指物体因失去平衡而倒塌,也可比喻为权力、政权等的垮台。例句:The tower is in danger of toppling over due to strong winds.

9. collapsing:指物体或建筑物因结构不稳定而坍塌,也可比喻为计划或关系的瓦解。例句:The building collapsed after the earthquake.

10. stumbling:指因脚步不稳而跌倒,也可比喻为遇到困难或挫折。例句:He stumbled on the uneven ground and fell to the floor


1. Descending - 下降

例句:The falling leaves signaled the arrival of autumn. (落叶预示着秋天的到来。)

2. Dropping - 下降

例句:The temperature is dropping rapidly. (温度正在迅速下降。)

3. Plummeting - 垂直下降

例句:The stock prices are plummeting due to the economic crisis. (由于经济危机,股价正在垂直下降。)

4. Tumbling - 跌落

例句:He lost his balance and went tumbling down the stairs. (他失去平衡,跌跌撞撞地从楼梯上摔了下来。)

5. Descending rapidly - 迅速下降

例句:The airplane was descending rapidly towards the runway. (飞机正在迅速向着跑道下降。)

6. Sinking - 下沉

例句:The ship was sinking slowly into the ocean. (船正在慢慢地沉入海洋中。)

7. Plunging - 突然跌落

例句:The hiker slipped and went plunging down the steep cliff. (徒步旅行者滑倒后从陡峭的悬崖上突然跌落下来。)

8. Descending in a free fall - 自由落体下降

例句:The skydiver enjoyed descending in a free fall before opening his parachute. (跳伞者在打开降落伞之前享受自由落体下降的感觉。)

9. Cascading - 瀑布般落下

例句:The waterfall was cascading down the rocks. (瀑布从岩石上瀑布般落下。)

10. Plunging down - 暴跌

例句:The stock market is plunging down, causing panic among investors. (股市正在暴跌,引发投资者的恐慌。)

