
生活学习2024-02-12 18:47:21自考教育网



1. familiarize的拼音是"fə'mɪlɪəraɪz",其中"fə"发音类似于英文单词"fur"中的"ur",'mɪlɪər'中的'r'发音比较轻,最后的'z'发音类似于英文单词"zebra"中的'b'。

2. "familiarize"一词来自英语动词"familiarize",意为“使熟悉,使熟知”,是由"familiar"和后缀"-ize"组成。它的基本意思是让某人或某物变得熟悉或熟知某件事物或某种情况。


3. "familiarize"一词在英语中既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词,当作及物动词时,其后通常跟随介词"with"或者宾语从句;当作不及物动词时,则通常跟随介词"in/into/on/with/to/through等。例如:

- I need to familiarize myself with the new software before using it.


- It takes time to familiarize oneself with a new environment.


- The teacher is trying to familiarize the students with different cultures.


- I am familiarizing myself with the local customs and traditions.


4. "familiarize"一词也可以用来表示“使适应”,例如:

- It takes time to familiarize oneself with the new job.


- The training program aims to familiarize new employees with the company's policies and procedures.


5. "familiarize"一词也可以与其他动词连用,形成一些常用的短语,例如:

- familiarize oneself with something/someone:熟悉某事/某人

- become familiarized with something/someone:对某事/某人变得熟悉

- get familiarized with something/someone:开始熟悉某事/某人

- be/get/become familiarized in/with something:在某方面被/变得熟悉

6. 总结起来,"familiarize"是一个非常常用的动词,它可以表示使某人或某物变得熟悉、适应或了解某件事物或情况。它的拼音是"fə'mɪlɪəraɪz",在日常生活和工作中都有广泛的使用




其次,我们来了解一下familiarize这个词的意思。它是动词familiarize的变体形式,在英语中有两种意思:一种是使熟悉、使了解,另一种是使适应、使习惯。比如,“I need some time to familiarize myself with the new job.”(我需要一些时间来熟悉新工作。) “It takes time to familiarize yourself with a new culture.”(要花费时间适应一个新文化。)



1. familiarize的含义


2. familiarize的用法

a. “familiarize + 宾语 + with”结构


- I need to familiarize myself with the new computer system.


- Can you familiarize us with the company's policies?


b. “be/get familiarized with”结构


- I am getting familiarized with the local culture.


- She needs to be familiarized with the rules before starting the job.


3. 双语例句

- It takes time to familiarize yourself with a new environment.


- The new employee was quickly familiarized with the company's procedures.


- The tour guide familiarized us with the history of the city.


- I need to familiarize myself with the local customs before traveling to that country.



1. Familiarize oneself with - 与...熟悉/了解

2. Become familiar with - 熟悉/了解

3. Get familiar with - 熟悉/了解

4. Get acquainted with - 认识/熟悉

5. Acquaint oneself with - 认识/了解

6. Make oneself familiar with - 让自己熟悉/了解

7. Introduce oneself to - 向...介绍自己

8. Make acquaintance with - 结识/认识

9. Adjust to - 适应/习惯于

10. Adapt to - 适应/适合于

11. Get used to - 习惯于

12. Be accustomed to - 习惯于

13. Familiarize yourself with - 熟悉自己的身份/职责等

14. Be well-versed in - 精通/熟练掌握某事物

15. Master the art of - 掌握...的技巧


1. Acquaint: This word means to make someone familiar with something or someone. For example, "I need to acquaint myself with the new software before I can use it effectively."

2. Adapt: This word means to adjust or become accustomed to a new situation or environment. For instance, "It took me some time to adapt to the different culture in this country."

3. Familiarize oneself: This phrase has the same meaning as familiarize and is often used in formal contexts. For instance, "I need to familiarize myself with the company's policies before I start working here."

4. Introduce: This word means to make someone aware of something for the first time. For example, "Let me introduce you to our new product line."

5. Orient: This word means to familiarize someone with a particular situation or environment. For instance, "The company will provide an orientation program for all new employees."

6. Instruct: This word means to teach or provide information about something in a detailed manner. For example, "The trainer will instruct us on how to use the new equipment properly."

7. Inform: This word means to give knowledge or facts about something or someone. For instance, "The tour guide informed us about the history of this famous landmark."

8. Educate: This word means to teach and train someone in a particular subject or skill. For example, "The workshop aims to educate participants on effective communication skills."

9. Enlighten: This word means to give knowledge and understanding about something that was previously unknown or unclear. For instance, "The documentary enlightened me on the effects of climate change."

10. Accustom: This word means to make someone used to something through repeated exposure or experience. For example, "It took some time for my dog to accustom himself to his new home."

