
生活学习2024-02-12 19:05:33自考教育网





1. fanatics的发音是[fəˈnætɪks],其中重点在于第一个音节[fə]和第三个音节[ɪks]。可以简单理解为“发纳踢克斯”。

2. 这个单词的意思是“狂热者”,指的是对某种事物或活动有极端热情和迷恋的人。在英语中,它也可以用来形容对某种信仰或宗教有过度热忱的人。

3. 你可能会想到一些例子,比如电影迷、球迷、游戏迷等等。他们都可以被称为fanatics。

4. 翻译解释行业也有自己的fanatics。他们对于语言和文化之间的转换充满着无穷的热情和耐心。他们不仅要精通多种语言,还要了解各种文化背景和习惯,才能准确地将信息传达给另一个语言区域的人。

5. 不过,作为fanatics并不意味着只有枯燥无味地工作。相反,他们常常会因为工作的挑战性和多样性而感到兴奋和满足。他们也会因为能够帮助人们跨越语言障碍,使信息得到传播而感到自豪。

6. 但是,作为一个fanatic也有可能会遇到一些挑战。比如,需要不断学习新的词汇和语法规则,以适应不断变化的语言使用。还有就是要面对各种各样的翻译难题,需要有耐心和灵活性来解决。

7. 总之,无论你是哪种类型的fanatic,都应该为自己所做的工作感到骄傲。因为只有热情和专注才能让我们在这个行业中取得成功。所以,让我们一起大声喊出——“我是一个fanatic!”


1. 定义:fanatics是一个英语单词,意为“狂热者”、“狂热爱好者”。它可以用作名词,也可以用作形容词。

2. 发音:fanatics的发音为[fəˈnætɪks],重音在第二个音节上。其中,字母a的发音为[æ],字母i的发音为[ɪ]。

3. 同义词:fanatics的同义词包括enthusiast、zealot、devotee等。它们都指对某种事物或活动有着极度热情和执着的人。

4. 用法:作为名词时,fanatics通常指某种宗教、政治或体育信仰的极端追随者。例如:“He is a religious fanatic and believes in everything his church teaches.”(他是一个宗教狂热者,相信教会教导的一切。)作为形容词时,fanatics用来形容某人对某件事物或活动有着过度热情和执着的状态。例如:“She is a fanatical supporter of the local football team.”(她是当地足球队的一个狂热支持者。)

5. 派生词:fanaticism是fanatics的名词形式,意为“盲目崇拜”、“狂热行为”。例如:“His fanaticism for the leader led him to blindly follow all his orders.”(他对领导的盲目崇拜导致他盲目地遵循所有的命令。)

6. 用法示例:

(1) The fans of the band were fanatics and would do anything to attend their concerts.(这个乐队的粉丝们都是狂热者,为了参加他们的演唱会可以不惜一切。)

(2) His fanatical devotion to his job caused him to neglect his family and friends.(他对工作的狂热奉献导致他忽视了家人和朋友。)

(3) The religious fanatic refused to listen to any other opinions and believed only in his own beliefs.(这个宗教狂热者拒绝听取任何其他观点,只相信自己的信仰。)

7. 总结:fanatics是一个常用的英语单词,意为“狂热者”。它可以用作名词或形容词,指对某种事物或活动有着极度热情和执着的人。其发音为[fəˈnætɪks],重音在第二个音节上。除了原始形式外,还有派生词fanaticism表示“盲目崇拜”、“狂热行为”


1. 定义:fanatics指的是狂热的、痴迷的人,通常指对某种事物或活动有过度热衷、甚至盲目追随的人。

2. 例句:

- She is a fitness fanatic, she goes to the gym every day and follows strict diets.


- The fans of this singer are real fanatics, they will do anything to get tickets for her concert.


- My brother is a football fanatic, he never misses a match and knows all the players' names by heart.



1. What are fanatics?

Fanatics are people who have extreme and often irrational enthusiasm for something. They are passionate and dedicated to their interests, sometimes to the point of obsession.

2. How to use fanatics in a sentence?

- My friend is a fitness fanatic, she goes to the gym every day without fail.

- The football match was filled with fanatics cheering for their favorite team.

- I'm a book fanatic, I can spend hours browsing through a bookstore.

- The fashion show attracted many fashion fanatics from all over the world.

3. Common phrases with fanatics:

- Sports fanatics: people who are extremely passionate about sports.

- Music fanatics: those who have a deep love for music and often attend concerts and festivals.

- Food fanatics: individuals who have an intense interest in trying new foods and exploring different cuisines.

- Tech fanatics: those who are obsessed with the latest technology and gadgets.

- Animal fanatics: people who have a strong love for animals and may even volunteer at animal shelters or wildlife reserves.

4. Why do people become fanatics?

There can be many reasons behind someone's fanaticism. It could be due to personal interest, peer pressure, or simply wanting to belong to a certain group. Some people may also use their fanaticism as a way to escape from reality or cope with stress.

5. The negative side of being a fanatic:

While being passionate about something is not necessarily a bad thing, being too extreme can have negative consequences. Fanaticism can lead to close-mindedness, intolerance towards others' opinions, and even harmful behaviors towards oneself or others.

6. How to deal with fanatics:

If you encounter someone who is overly obsessed with something, it's important to respect their interests while also setting boundaries. Avoid engaging in arguments or trying to change their beliefs. Instead, try to understand where they're coming from and find common ground to have a healthy conversation.

In conclusion, fanatics are individuals who have a strong and often extreme passion for something. While it can be a positive trait, it's important to maintain balance and not let it consume one's life. So go ahead and pursue your interests, but don't forget to keep an open mind and respect others' opinions


1. Enthusiasts

- Definition: people who are very interested in a particular activity or subject

- Example: The fanatics of this sport are always eager to attend every game.

2. Devotees

- Definition: people who are very loyal and dedicated to something or someone

- Example: The devotees of this brand will never switch to another product.

3. Zealots

- Definition: people who have extreme passion and enthusiasm for a cause or belief

- Example: The political zealots were willing to do anything to support their party.

4. Aficionados

- Definition: people who have a strong interest and knowledge in a particular subject or activity

- Example: The food aficionados in this city are always on the lookout for new and unique restaurants.

5. Addicts

- Definition: people who cannot stop doing or using something, often to an excessive extent

- Example: The gaming addicts spend most of their time playing video games.

6. Maniacs

- Definition: people who are extremely enthusiastic and obsessive about something, often in an extreme or irrational way

- Example: The fashion maniacs would do anything to get their hands on the latest designer collection.

7. Die-hards

- Definition: people who are extremely loyal and committed, often refusing to change their opinions or beliefs

- Example: The die-hard fans of this music band have been following them since their early days.

8. Nuts

- Definition: people who are crazy about something, often in an excessive or irrational way

- Example: The movie nuts will line up for hours just to be the first ones to watch a new release.

9. Buffs

- Definition: people who have extensive knowledge and interest in a particular subject, often considered experts

- Example: The history buffs love visiting museums and reading books about different time periods.

10. Fanatics

- Definition: people who have extreme and often irrational enthusiasm for something, often to the point of obsession

- Example: The fanatics of this TV show will analyze every detail and theory to predict the next episode

