
生活学习2024-02-12 19:21:35自考教育网



1. 定义



2. 词源


3. 同义词

- Amazing:意为“令人惊讶的”,与fantastic一样可以用来形容某件事物非常出色或令人兴奋。

- Incredible:意为“难以置信的”,与fantastic一样可以用来表示某件事物非常令人惊叹。

- Wonderful:意为“美妙的”,与fantastic一样可以用来形容某件事物令人愉悦或令人惊叹。

- Marvelous:意为“奇妙的”,与fantastic一样可以用来表示某件事物非常出色或令人惊叹。

4. 例句

- The fireworks display was absolutely fantastic, it left everyone in awe.


- The new restaurant has a fantastic menu, I can't wait to try all the dishes.


- The magician's tricks were so fantastic that we couldn't figure out how he did them.


- Her singing was fantastic, she has such a beautiful voice.



1. 发音及读法


2. 同义词


3. 例句

(1) The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely fantastic.


(2) She has a fantastic ability to solve difficult problems.


(3) The concert last night was fantastic, I've never seen such a great performance before.


4. 经典口语表达


- Fantastic! (太棒了!)

- That's fantastic news! (太好了!)

- You did a fantastic job on this project. (你在这个项目上做得太棒了。)

5. 注意事项


6. 练习发音


(1) 跟读法:听一段包含fantastic的对话或句子,然后跟着模仿发音。

(2) 单词搭配:将fantastic与其他词汇搭配,比如fantastic view、fantastic job等,加强记忆和应用能力。

(3) 朗读练习:选择一篇英文文章,朗读其中出现的fantastic单词,同时注意正确的发音和语调


1. fantastic的意思是什么?


2. fantastic的发音及读音

fantastic的发音为[ fæn'tæstɪk ],重音在第二个音节上。它的读音与单词“fan”和“tastic”相似。

3. fantastic的同义词

fantastic的同义词包括:amazing, incredible, marvelous, superb, wonderful等。它们都表示某事物非常出色、令人惊叹或令人满意。

4. fantastic的例句及翻译

(1) The party was absolutely fantastic!


(2) She has a fantastic voice.


(3) The view from the top of the mountain was simply fantastic.


(4) My parents gave me a fantastic birthday present this year.


(5) The new restaurant has a fantastic menu with a variety of delicious dishes.


5. Fantastic在双语例句中的用法

- The concert last night was absolutely fantastic! (昨晚的音乐会太棒了!)

- She has a fantastic ability to play the piano. (她有一种非凡的弹钢琴的能力。)

- The special effects in the movie were fantastic. (电影中的特效太棒了。)

- We had a fantastic time on our vacation to Hawaii. (我们在夏威夷度假过得非常愉快。)

- He has a fantastic imagination, which makes him a great writer. (他有一种非凡的想象力,这使他成为一位伟大的作家。)


1. Amazing - 令人惊叹的

例句:The view from the top of the mountain was simply amazing.

2. Incredible - 难以置信的

例句:The magician's tricks were truly incredible.

3. Marvelous - 极好的,了不起的

例句:The food at the restaurant was absolutely marvelous.

4. Phenomenal - 非凡的,惊人的

例句:The success of their business was phenomenal.

5. Spectacular - 壮观的,令人印象深刻的

例句:The fireworks show was spectacular.

6. Terrific - 极好的,棒极了

例句:I had a terrific time at the concert last night.

7. Awesome - 极好的,令人敬畏的

例句:The new roller coaster was awesome!

8. Fabulous - 极好的,绝妙的

例句:She looked absolutely fabulous in her new dress.

9. Splendid - 精彩的,辉煌的

例句:The performance of the actors was splendid.

10. Outstanding - 杰出的,突出的

例句:He received an award for his outstanding achievements in science


1. Amazing - "The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely amazing, it took my breath away."

2. Incredible - "The special effects in that movie were incredible, I've never seen anything like it."

3. Marvelous - "The chef's cooking skills are truly marvelous, every dish is a work of art."

4. Phenomenal - "The concert last night was phenomenal, the band put on an unforgettable performance."

5. Splendid - "The weather for our beach trip was splendid, we couldn't have asked for a better day."

6. Terrific - "Your presentation was terrific, you really captured the audience's attention."

7. Wonderful - "I had a wonderful time at the party last night, thanks for inviting me."

8. Fantastic - "The new restaurant downtown has fantastic food and service, I highly recommend it."

