
生活学习2024-02-12 19:32:31自考教育网


The meaning of FAO

1. FAO是什么意思?


FAO是英文“Food and Agriculture Organization”的缩写,直译为“粮食和农业组织”。它是联合国下属的专门负责粮食及农业问题的国际组织,成立于1945年。其总部位于意大利罗马,在全球各地设有办事处。

2. FAO怎么读?


3. FAO的同义词及例句

FAO的同义词包括:Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations、联合国粮农组织等。以下是一些关于FAO的例句:

- The FAO is dedicated to achieving food security for all and making sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives.


- The FAO works closely with governments and other partners to support sustainable agriculture and rural development.


- In 2019, the FAO launched a new initiative to promote sustainable food systems in Africa.


How to pronounce FAO




1. 同义词:Food and Agriculture Organization、联合国粮农组织

例句:FAO is working towards a world without hunger. (FAO正在努力实现一个没有饥饿的世界。)

2. 同义词:United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization、联合国粮食及农业组织

例句:The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization was established in 1945. (联合国粮食及农业组织成立于1945年。)

3. 同义词:FAO of the United Nations、联合国粮农组织

例句:FAO of the United Nations is committed to achieving food security for all. (联合国粮农组织致力于实现全民食品安全。)

Usage and examples of FAO

1. Definition of FAO

FAO stands for the Food and Agriculture Organization, which is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. It was founded in 1945 and has its headquarters in Rome, Italy.

2. How to pronounce FAO

FAO is pronounced as "fao" with the emphasis on the first syllable. It is an acronym and should be pronounced as individual letters rather than as a word.

3. Synonyms for FAO

Other terms that can be used interchangeably with FAO are Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAOUN), Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (ONUAA), and Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (ONUAA).

4. Examples of usage

- The FAO works closely with governments, organizations, and individuals to promote sustainable agricultural practices.

- The FAO recently released a report on global food insecurity, highlighting the need for urgent action.

- The FAO has been providing technical assistance to developing countries in order to improve their food security and reduce poverty.

- The FAO has implemented various projects to increase access to nutritious food for vulnerable populations.

- The FAO's mandate includes promoting international cooperation in fisheries, forestry, and rural development.

- The FAO has been at the forefront of efforts to address climate change impacts on agriculture and food production.

5. Importance of FAO

The work of the FAO is crucial in addressing global issues related to food security, hunger, malnutrition, and sustainable agriculture. It plays a vital role in coordinating international efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger by 2030.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, FAO stands for Food and Agriculture Organization and it is an important agency within the United Nations system that works towards defeating hunger and promoting sustainable agriculture. Its work is essential in achieving a world with zero hunger and ensuring food security for all

Phrases with FAO

1. "What does FAO stand for?" - This phrase is often used when someone wants to know the meaning of the acronym FAO. It can also be used to ask about the purpose or function of the organization.

2. "How do you pronounce FAO?" - This question is commonly asked by non-native English speakers or those who are unfamiliar with the acronym. The correct pronunciation is "eff-ay-oh."

3. "FAO synonymous with Food and Agriculture Organization" - This phrase highlights the fact that FAO is an abbreviation for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

4. "FAO's mission is to eradicate hunger" - This sentence explains the main goal of FAO, which is to eliminate hunger and promote food security worldwide.

5. "FAO works closely with small-scale farmers" - This phrase emphasizes FAO's focus on supporting small-scale farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

6. "The latest report from FAO shows a decrease in global hunger rates" - This sentence refers to a recent publication by FAO that presents statistics on global hunger levels.

7. "FAO's initiatives aim to reduce food waste" - This statement highlights one of FAO's key initiatives, which is to reduce food waste and ensure more efficient use of resources.

8. "FAO provides technical assistance to developing countries" - This phrase explains one of FAO's roles in providing technical support and expertise to countries in need.

9. "FAO headquarters are located in Rome, Italy" - This sentence gives information about where FAO's main office is located.

10. "The success of this project was recognized by FAO" - This phrase mentions how a project or initiative was acknowledged by FAO for its positive impact on food security or agriculture development

Synonyms for FAO with examples

1. Definition and Pronunciation of FAO

FAO stands for the Food and Agriculture Organization, which is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. It is pronounced as "fey-oh" in English.

2. Synonyms for FAO

- Food and Agriculture Organization (the full form)

- UNFAO (abbreviation)

- World Food Agency (unofficial)

- Global Food Organization (unofficial)

3. Examples of Usage

- The FAO works closely with governments, organizations, and communities to promote sustainable agriculture and food security.

- The UNFAO report highlighted the impact of climate change on global food production.

- The World Food Agency has launched a new campaign to raise awareness about food waste.

- The Global Food Organization provides technical support to developing countries in improving their agricultural practices.

4. Related Terms

There are some related terms that are often used in conjunction with FAO:

- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): These are 17 goals set by the United Nations, including zero hunger, that aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all.

- Hunger: The FAO defines hunger as a condition in which people do not get enough food to provide the nutrients needed for growth and maintenance of health.

- Agriculture: This refers to the science or practice of farming, including the cultivation of soil for growing crops and raising livestock for food or other products.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, FAO is an important organization that plays a crucial role in addressing global issues such as hunger and sustainable agriculture. Its synonyms include Food and Agriculture Organization, UNFAO, World Food Agency, and Global Food Organization. By working together with other related terms such as SDGs, hunger, and agriculture, FAO strives towards achieving a world without hunger

