far from是什么意思,far from同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-12 19:38:35自考教育网

在日常生活中,我们经常会听到一些英语词汇,比如“far from”。那么,这个词是什么意思呢?它又有哪些同义词可以替代呢?今天,就让我们一起来探究一下这个行业标题中的重要词汇吧!通过学习“far from”的拼音、发音、用法和双语例句,以及它的相关词组和同义词示例,相信你会有更深刻的理解。让我们一起来看看吧!

far from的拼音

Far from的拼音是"fär främ"。

Far from是一个常用的英语短语,意为“远离”,通常用来表示某事物与另一事物之间的距离很远。它可以用来形容物理距离,也可以用来比喻某种情感或状态与现实相差甚远。

far from是什么意思,far from同义词及例句

下面是一些far from的同义词及例句,帮助你更好地理解和运用这个短语:

1. Distant from:意为“远离”,与far from含义相同。例如:“他们住在城市的两端,相隔很远。”

2. Far away from:也可表示“远离”,但更强调距离的遥远。例如:“她搬到了海外,离家乡很远。”

3. Far off:意为“遥远的”,多用于描述地理位置。例如:“我们要走很长时间才能到达那个偏远的村庄。”

4. Not even close to:意为“完全不接近”,强调与目标或期望相差甚远。例如:“他对胜利毫无希望,因为他跑得太慢了,甚至无法接近终点线。”

5. Far cry from:意为“大相径庭”,常用于比较两者之间的差异。例如:“这个新产品的质量和旧产品相比,简直是天壤之别。”

far from怎么读

你可能会想,far from是什么意思?它其实是一个短语,意为“远离”,通常用来表示某事与另一件事相距很远。比如,我们可以说:“我住在市中心,far from我工作的地方。”这里就表示住处和工作地点之间距离很远。

那么,有没有其他的表达方式呢?当然有!far from的同义词还有很多,比如“distant from”、“far away from”、“remote from”等等。它们都可以用来表示相同的意思,只是换了不同的表达方式而已。

举个例子吧。如果我们想要表达“这个小镇距离大城市很远”,就可以说“This town is far from the big city.”或者“This town is distant from the big city.”都是正确的表达方式

far from的用法和双语例句

1. far from的意思是“远离”,也可以表示“远非”、“远不是”的意思。

例句:She lives far from the city center. (她住在离市中心很远的地方。)

2. far from的同义词有:distant, remote, faraway等。

例句:His house is distant from the main road. (他的房子离主路很远。)

3. 还可以用far from来表示程度上的差异,相当于“远比”、“远不如”。

例句:The new restaurant is far from the quality of the old one. (这家新餐厅和老餐厅相比,差距很大。)

4. 在口语中,far from也可以用来表示强调,相当于“一点也不”、“根本不”。这种用法通常会搭配not。

例句:He's not far from being a genius. (他一点也不像个天才。)

5. far from还可以用在否定句中,表示与预期相反的情况。

例句:The movie was far from entertaining. (这部电影一点也不好看。)

far from的词组

1. miles away from:远离

例句:She is miles away from her hometown, living in a big city now.

2. nowhere near:远非

例句:The current situation is nowhere near what we had expected.

3. far off from:远离

例句:The small village is far off from the bustling city life.

4. not even close to:远不及

例句:His performance was not even close to what we had hoped for.

5. a far cry from:相差甚远

例句:His success now is a far cry from his struggling days as a student.

6. light years away from:相去甚远

例句:Her fashion sense is light years away from the current trend.

7. worlds apart from:截然不同

例句:Their opinions are worlds apart, making it difficult for them to agree on anything.

8. in no way comparable to:无法与...相比

例句: This new product is in no way comparable to its previous version in terms of quality and features.

9. poles apart from:南辕北辙

例句: Their personalities are poles apart, making it hard for them to get along.

10. far removed from:大相径庭的

例句: The reality of their relationship was far removed from what they portrayed on social media

far from同义词示例

1. Distant from

例句:He lives far from the city, in a remote village.

2. Far away from

例句:She moved far away from her hometown to start a new life.

3. Not close to

例句:The nearest gas station is far from here, we need to drive for another 20 miles.

4. Far off

例句:Their house is located in a far off corner of the countryside.

5. Far-flung

例句:Their family members are spread out in far-flung areas around the world.

6. Remote from

例句:The village is remote from any major cities, making it difficult to access.

7. Miles away from

例句:The two countries are miles away from reaching a peace agreement.

8. Beyond reach of

例句:The small island is beyond reach of most tourists, making it a hidden gem.

9. Far removed from

例句:His current lifestyle is far removed from his humble beginnings.

10. Not within reach of

例句:The summit of the mountain is not within reach of novice climbers

far from是一个十分常用且多义的词组,它不仅可以表示“远离”,还可以表示“远非”。希望通过本文的介绍,能够帮助读者更加准确地理解和使用这个词组。同时也欢迎大家关注我,我是网站的编辑,将会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识和资讯。如果喜欢本文,请点赞、评论和分享给更多的朋友吧!谢谢大家的支持!
