
生活学习2024-02-12 19:49:32自考教育网




1. farmers的定义


2. farmers的含义


3. farmers与其他相关词汇

- Farming: 农业生产或经营

- Farm: 农场,通常由一片土地和建筑物组成

- Agriculture: 农业,包括种植、畜牧、渔业等活动

- Farmer's market: 农民市场,供应直接来自农场主或小型农民生产者所生产的产品

4. farmers在句子中的用法示例

- Many small farmers struggle to make a living from their land.


- The farmers planted a variety of crops, including wheat, corn and soybeans.


- The farmer's market is a great place to buy fresh, locally grown produce.


5. farmers的同义词

- Agriculturist: 农业专家或从事农业生产和经营的人

- Grower: 种植者,特指从事农业生产的人

- Rancher: 牧场主,指拥有并管理牧场的人



1. farmers的发音


2. farmers的读法

根据英语语法规则,farmers是一个复数名词,表示“农民”、“农场主”或者“种植者”。因此,在句子中作主语时,动词要用复数形式。例如,“Farmers are working hard to harvest the crops.”(农民们正在努力收割庄稼。)

3. farmers同义词


4. farmers例句

(1) The majority of the population in this village are farmers.


(2) These farmers have been struggling with drought and low crop yields for years.


(3) Many young people nowadays are leaving their hometowns to become farmers in the city.



1. farmers的含义


2. farmers的发音


3. farmers同义词

Farmers的同义词包括:agriculturists, cultivators, growers, ranchers等。

4. farmers的例句

- The majority of the population in this village are farmers.


- My grandfather used to be a farmer, but now he has retired.


- The government implemented policies to support small-scale farmers.


5. farmers在双语例句中的用法

- The cooperative provides loans for farmers to purchase seeds and equipment.


- Many young people in rural areas choose to become farmers instead of moving to the city for work.



1. 农民 (n. farmer) - 指从事农业生产的人,也可以泛指从事农村工作的人。

例句:The farmers in this village are known for their high-quality rice production.

2. 农场主 (n. farm owner) - 指拥有并管理农场的人。

例句:The farm owner is responsible for making decisions about crop rotation and land use.

3. 农场工人 (n. farm worker) - 指在农场工作的劳动者,通常是指非农民身份的工人。

例句:The farm workers are busy harvesting the crops before the rainy season starts.

4. 种植者 (n. grower) - 指种植农作物或养殖牲畜的人。

例句:The growers in this region specialize in growing organic fruits and vegetables.

5. 农业专家 (n. agricultural expert) - 指熟悉农业领域知识和技术的专业人士。

例句:A team of agricultural experts was sent to the village to help improve farming techniques.

6. 土地所有者 (n. landowner) - 指拥有土地的个人或组织。

例句:The landowner refused to sell his property to the developers, as he wanted to continue farming on it.

7. 农产品经销商 (n. produce dealer) - 指从农民手中购买农产品并销售给消费者的商贩。

例句:The produce dealer was impressed by the high quality of the vegetables grown by the farmers in this area.

8. 农业合作社 (n. agricultural cooperative) - 指由农民组成的合作组织,旨在提高农产品的生产和销售效率。

例句:The agricultural cooperative has helped the farmers in this village to access better farming equipment and techniques.

9. 农业专业学校 (n. agricultural college) - 指专门培养农业相关专业人才的学校。

例句:After graduating from an agricultural college, John returned to his hometown to help improve farming practices.

10. 农村发展组织 (n. rural development organization) - 指致力于促进农村发展和改善农民生活状况的组织。

例句:The rural development organization has implemented various projects to help farmers increase their income and improve their living conditions


1. Agriculturists - 农业工作者,指从事农业生产的人。

例句:Agriculturists play a crucial role in ensuring food security for the country.

2. Cultivators - 耕种者,指从事耕作的人。

例句:The cultivators were busy harvesting their crops before the rainy season arrived.

3. Growers - 种植者,指从事种植作物的人。

例句:The growers were worried about the impact of the drought on their crops.

4. Ranchers - 牧场主,指经营牧场的人。

例句:The ranchers were facing difficulties due to the shortage of water for their livestock.

5. Planters - 种植农民,指从事种植作物的农民。

例句:The planters were excited to see their hard work pay off with a bountiful harvest.

6. Agrarians - 农民,指生活方式以及经济活动与农业密切相关的人。

例句:The agrarians in this region have been using traditional farming methods for generations.

7. Producers - 生产者,指从事农产品生产的人。

例句:The producers were facing tough competition from imported goods in the market.

8. Tillers - 耕作者,指从事耕作的人。

例句:The tillers were happy to see their fields turn green after a long period of drought.

9. Plowmen - 犁耕者,指使用犁进行耕作的人。

例句:The plowmen worked tirelessly to prepare the land for the upcoming planting season.

10. Harvesters - 收割者,指从事收割作物的人。

例句:The harvesters were relieved to see a good yield after a year of unpredictable weather

综上所述,farmers是指农民,是从事农业生产的人。它的发音为['fɑːrmər],读作“法默”。在日常生活中,我们可以用“peasant”或者“agriculturist”来代替farmers。例如,“The farmers are busy with their harvest.”(农民们正在忙于收割)。此外,farmers也常用于一些固定词组中,如“small-scale farmers”(小规模农民),“subsistence farmers”(自给自足的农民)等。总之,farmers是一个常用且重要的词汇,在学习和使用英语时都应该掌握。最后,我是网站编辑小张,希望我的文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用farmers这个词汇。如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有用的英语学习资料!
