
生活学习2024-02-12 20:09:27自考教育网




1. "fart"的拼音是[fɑːt],其中"f"为清辅音,"a"为开放前不圆唇元音,"r"为卷舌辅音,"t"为塞擦音。

2. "fart"一词来源于古英语单词"farten",意为放屁。

3. 在英语中,"fart"通常被认为是一种粗俗的词汇,用来描述肠胃排气的动作或声音。

4. 除了作为动词使用外,"fart"也可以作为名词,指代放屁这一行为或者指代屁股。

5. 在英语中还有许多与"fart"相关的俚语和表达方式,例如:"let one rip"(放一个屁)、 "break wind"(放屁)、 "pass gas"(排气)等等。

6. 尽管"Farting Championship"(放屁大赛)在英国被视为一项幽默活动,并且也有许多关于放屁的笑话和段子,在其他文化背景下可能会被视为不礼貌或不雅观。

7. 儿童常常会把"farting noises"(放屁声)当成一种幽默方式,并且在游戏中模仿这种声音。但是在公共场合使用这种幽默可能会被视为不尊重他人。

8. 在一些文化中,放屁被视为一种健康的生理反应,可以帮助身体排出毒素。但在其他文化中,放屁被视为一种不雅行为,需要避免。

9. 总的来说,"fart"是一个具有强烈负面意义的词汇,在正式场合或者与陌生人交流时应避免使用。但在家庭、朋友间或者幽默场合下,可以作为一种幽默方式使用


1. 读音介绍


2. 基本含义


- He let out a loud fart. (他放了一个响亮的屁。)

- Don't fart in public. (不要在公共场合放屁。)

3. 源自古英语


4. 相关表达


- Farting around: 浪费时间、闲逛。

- Farting about: 胡闹、胡说八道。

- Farty: 放屁的、臭味熏天的。

5. 文化影响


6. 常见误解


7. 不雅用语

尽管fart在英语中很常见,但它仍然属于一种粗俗用语,因此在正式场合或与陌生人交流时应避免使用。如果需要表达类似的意思,可以使用较为礼貌的表达方式,如“pass gas”或“break wind”


1. fart的定义:fart是一种不雅的身体排气,通常是从肛门排出的气体。它有时也被称为“放屁”或“放屁”。

2. fart的用法:fart可以用作名词或动词。作为名词,它指代排出的气体,如“I just let out a loud fart.”(我刚刚放了一个响屁)。作为动词,它表示排气,如“He loves to fart in public.”(他喜欢在公共场合放屁)。

3. 双语例句:

- I can't believe you just farted in front of our guests!(我简直无法相信你刚刚在客人面前放了一个屁!)

- My dog always farts when he's excited.(我的狗兴奋时总是会放屁。)

- She couldn't stop laughing after she accidentally farted during the yoga class.(她在瑜伽课上不小心放了一个屁后就停不下来笑了。)

- The old man let out a loud fart and everyone in the room burst into laughter.(老人放了一个响屁,房间里所有人都笑翻了。)

4. 你知道吗?根据科学研究,每天平均会有14次排气,每次约为0.5升。所以别再感到尴尬啦,fart是身体自然的反应,不要忍着哦。

5. 总之,fart是一个用来形容排气的俏皮词语,它在日常生活中很常见。但请记住,在公共场合还是尽量克制一下吧。毕竟,我们都希望自己的fart不会成为别人的谈资


1. "let out a fart" - 放屁

2. "silent fart" - 无声放屁

3. "farting around" - 胡闹,浪费时间

4. "farting contest" - 放屁比赛

5. "farting in public" - 公共场合放屁

6. "farting noise" - 放屁声音

7. "farting machine" - 放屁机器,指能够制造放屁声音的装置

8. "wet fart" - 湿放屁,指带有排泄物的放屁

9. "fart bomb" - 放屁炸弹,指一种恶作剧用品,会发出巨大的放屁声音和气味

10. "fart spray" - 放屁喷雾,指一种喷雾剂,会模拟出放屁的气味。

11. "crop dusting" - 指在公共场合散播臭气或放屁的行为。

12. "silent but deadly (SBD)" - 指无声但臭味极大的放屁。

13. "toot your own horn/fart (about something)" - 吹嘘自己或夸耀某事。

14. "pass gas" - 通常用于委婉地说“放屁”。

15. “cut the cheese”- 指“放屁”,常用于幽默的语境中。

16. "a fart in the wind" - 指微不足道的事物,类似于“沧海一粟”。

17. "fartlek" - 指一种跑步训练方法,通过交替快速和慢速跑来提高耐力。

18. "fart catcher" - 指一种穿着宽松的裤子或裙子,会在走路或跑步时产生放屁声音的人。

19. "fartknocker" - 指一个愚蠢或讨厌的人。

20. "fart sack" - 指军队中用来睡觉的袋子,也可以指床


1. Flatulence

- Meaning: Excessive gas in the digestive tract that is expelled through the anus.

- Example: The old man let out a loud flatulence, causing everyone to turn and stare at him.

2. Passing gas

- Meaning: The act of releasing gas from the digestive tract through the anus.

- Example: The little boy couldn't stop passing gas during class, much to the amusement of his classmates.

3. Breaking wind

- Meaning: The act of releasing gas from the digestive tract through the anus.

- Example: The comedian's joke was so funny that it caused everyone in the audience to break wind from laughter.

4. Farting

- Meaning: The act of releasing gas from the digestive tract through the anus.

- Example: The sound of someone farting during a silent meeting was enough to make everyone burst out laughing.

5. Gas

- Meaning: Air or vapor that is released from the digestive system.

- Example: The doctor prescribed some medication to help with my excessive gas problem.

6. Wind

- Meaning: Gas that is expelled from the body through the anus.

- Example: The baby's constant crying was due to her having trapped wind.

7. Flatus

- Meaning: Gas that is expelled from the body through the anus.

- Example: It is normal for humans to produce flatus as part of their digestive process.

8. Toot

- Meaning: A quick and short expulsion of gas from the body.

- Example: The little girl let out a small toot while trying to hold in her laughter at her brother's silly antics.

9. Poot

- Meaning: A slang term for passing gas or farting.

- Example: The boys thought it was hilarious when their teacher accidentally pooted while trying to explain a difficult math problem.

10. Cut one (fart)

Meaning: To release gas from the body through the anus.

- Example: The smell was so bad that everyone knew someone had cut one in the elevator

