
生活学习2024-02-12 20:49:02自考教育网



1. “Father”一词源自古英语中的“fæder”,意为“父亲”,是指一个人的生物学父亲或养育者。


2. 在宗教领域,father也可以指神父、牧师等基督教教士。

3. 在一些文化中,“father”也可以用来表示尊敬和敬意,类似于“先生”的称呼。

4. “Father”还可以用作动词,表示“当父亲,养育”。

5. 同义词包括:dad, daddy, papa, pop, sire等。


1. My father is a doctor and he works at the hospital.


2. Father Smith is the priest at our local church.


3. Please welcome our guest of honor, Father Johnson.


4. He always wanted to be a father and have a big family.


5. He was fathered by a wealthy businessman who never acknowledged him as his son.



1. “father”一词的发音为[fɑːðər],其中的“th”发音为清辅音/t/,而不是/d/。

2. “father”的意思是“父亲”,主要指男性的生物学父亲。它也可以用作对长辈或尊敬的人的称呼,类似于中文中的“父亲”、“老爸”。

3. 同义词:dad、daddy、papa、pop、pa。这些词都可以用来指代“父亲”,但在不同地区或语言环境下使用的频率可能有所不同。

4. 例句:

- My father is a doctor.(我的父亲是一名医生。)

- He is like a father to me.(他对我就像父亲一样。)

- My dad is the best!(我的老爸最棒了!)

- I can't wait to see my papa again!(我迫不及待想要再见到我的爸爸!)

5. 注意:在英语中,“father”一词通常只用来指代男性生物学上的父亲,而不包括抚养者或养育者。如果要表达这种含义,可以使用其他词汇,如“parent”、“guardian”等。

6. 除了作为名词使用外,“father”还可以作为动词使用,意思是“成为…的创始人”、“创造”、“发明”等。例如:

- He fathered the idea of starting a charity.(他提出了创办慈善机构的想法。)

- The company was fathered by a group of entrepreneurs.(这家公司是由一群企业家创建的。)

7. “fatherhood”是“父亲身份”的意思,指男性作为父亲的角色和责任。例如:

- He takes his fatherhood very seriously.(他非常认真地履行着做父亲的责任。)

- The joys and challenges of fatherhood.(做父亲带来的欢乐和挑战。)

8. “fatherly”是“像父亲一样”的意思,形容词,指某人具有或表现出像父亲般的关怀、指导、保护等特质。例如:

- He gave me a fatherly hug when I was feeling down.(当我情绪低落时,他给了我一个像父亲一样的拥抱。)

- The teacher's advice was always kind and fatherly.(老师的建议总是充满关怀和指导性。)

9. 总结:在英语中,“father”一词主要用来指代男性生物学上的父亲,也可以用作对长辈或尊敬的人的称呼;它还可以作为动词使用,表示“成为…的创始人”、“创造”等含义。同义词有dad、daddy、papa、pop、pa,注意在不同语言环境下使用频率可能有所不同


1. father的意思是“父亲”,通常指一个家庭中的男性家长。

例句:My father is the best dad in the world. (我的父亲是世界上最好的爸爸。)

2. father还可以用作动词,意为“成为…的父亲”。

例句:He will soon become a father. (他很快就要当爸爸了。)

3. 同义词包括dad, daddy, papa等,它们都可以用来称呼自己的父亲。

例句:I love spending time with my dad. (我喜欢和我爸一起度过时间。)

4. 在英式英语中,father也可以用作对神职人员的尊称,相当于“牧师”或“神父”。

例句:Father John is the priest of our church. (约翰神父是我们教堂的牧师。)

5. 在美式英语中,father还可以用作对某个领域或事物的创始人或开创者的尊称。

例句:Steve Jobs is considered the father of modern technology. (史蒂夫·乔布斯被认为是现代科技之父。)

6. 在某些文化中,father也被视为一种权威或领导者的象征。

例句:The king is often referred to as the father of his people. (国王通常被称为人民的父亲。)

7. 在双语例句中,father可以用作名词或动词,具体用法取决于句子结构和语境。


- He took on the role of father to his younger brother after their parents passed away. (在父母去世后,他承担起了对弟弟的父亲角色。)

- The priest blessed the newborn baby and welcomed him into the church family. (牧师为新生儿祝福,并欢迎他加入教堂大家庭。)


1. biological father - 生身父亲

例句:I never met my biological father as he left us when I was very young.(我从小就没见过我的生身父亲,因为他离开了我们。)

2. stepfather - 继父

例句:My stepfather has always treated me as his own daughter.(我的继父一直把我当作自己的女儿。)

3. adoptive father - 领养父亲

例句:My adoptive father has been my biggest support and role model in life.(我的领养父亲一直是我生活中最大的支持和榜样。)

4. single father - 单身父亲

例句:Being a single father is not easy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.(做一个单身父亲并不容易,但我不会用任何东西来交换。)

5. absent father - 缺席的父亲

例句:Growing up with an absent father has made me stronger and more independent.(和一个缺席的父亲一起成长让我变得更坚强和独立。)

6. surrogate father - 代理父亲/替代者

例句:My uncle became a surrogate father to me after my own dad passed away.(在我自己的爸爸去世后,我的叔叔成为了我的代理父亲。)

7. loving father - 慈爱的父亲

例句:I am grateful for my loving father who has always been there for me.(我很感激我的慈爱的父亲,他一直都在我身边。)

8. strict father - 严厉的父亲

例句:My strict father always pushed me to be the best version of myself.(我的严厉的父亲总是鼓励我成为最好的自己。)

9. proud father - 自豪的父亲

例句:As a proud father, I couldn't be happier to see my son graduate from college.(作为一个自豪的父亲,看到我的儿子大学毕业我感到无比幸福。)

10. first-time father - 初为人父

例句:As a first-time father, I am learning so much about parenthood every day.(作为一个初为人父,我每天都在学习如何做一个好家长。)


1. Dad - "Hey dad, can you help me with my homework?"

2. Papa - "Papa, can we go to the park today?"

3. Pops - "Thanks for picking me up from practice, pops!"

4. Old man - "My old man always tells the best stories."

5. Patriarch - "The patriarch of our family always leads by example."

6. Sire - "My sire taught me everything I know about fishing."

7. Progenitor - "He is considered the progenitor of modern art."

8. Forefather - "Our forefathers fought for our freedom."

9. Parental figure - "He has been a great parental figure to me."

10. Male parent - "As a single mother, I had to play both roles of male and female parent."

