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The pronunciation of faultless


1. “faultless”的意思是什么?


2. 怎么读“faultless”?


3. “faultless”的同义词有哪些?


4. 有哪些例句中使用了“faultless”?

①She is a faultless dancer, every move she makes is so graceful.


②The cake she made was faultless, it tasted delicious and looked beautiful.


③His performance in the game was faultless, he didn't make any mistakes.



How to pronounce faultless

1. What does faultless mean?

Have you ever heard someone use the word "faultless" and wondered what it means? Well, let me break it down for you. Faultless means without any mistakes or flaws, perfect or flawless.

2. How do you pronounce faultless?

The word "faultless" is pronounced as "fawlt-lis". The emphasis is on the first syllable and the "t" is silent.

3. Synonyms for faultless

If you want to add some variety to your vocabulary, here are some synonyms for faultless: flawless, impeccable, perfect, spotless, without blemish.

4. Examples of using faultless in a sentence

- Her performance was faultless, she didn't make a single mistake.

- The cake she baked was absolutely faultless, not even a crumb out of place.

- He prides himself on having a faultless memory.

Now that you know what faultless means and how to pronounce it correctly, go ahead and impress your friends with your new knowledge!

Usage and examples of faultless

When it comes to the word "faultless," many people may think of something that is perfect or without any flaws. And they're not wrong, as faultless does mean flawless or without any mistakes. However, there's more to this word than just its literal meaning. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the usage and examples of faultless.

1. What does faultless mean?

As mentioned before, faultless means perfect or without any flaws. It can also refer to something that is done without any errors or mistakes. In other words, if something is faultless, it means it is done perfectly and without any room for improvement.

2. How to pronounce faultless?

Faultless is pronounced as "fawlt-lis" with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for faultless

There are many synonyms for faultless, some of which include flawless, impeccable, perfect, spotless, and error-free.

4. Examples of using faultless in a sentence

- The chef's cooking skills were so faultless that every dish he made was a masterpiece.

- Despite her young age, she delivered a faultless presentation that impressed everyone in the room.

- The athlete's performance was absolutely faultless as she broke the world record.

- The company prides itself on providing its customers with products of a faultless quality.

- His English was so fluent and his pronunciation so faultless that you would never guess he wasn't a native speaker.

5. Why use "faultless" instead of other synonyms?

While there are many synonyms for faultless, each one has its own unique meaning and usage. Faultless specifically emphasizes perfection and lack of flaws or mistakes. So if you want to convey this meaning in your writing or speech, using "faultless" would be the best choice.

In conclusion, "faultless" may seem like a simple word, but it carries a powerful meaning. It's not just about being perfect, but also about being without any errors or flaws. So the next time you hear or use this word, remember its true meaning and the examples provided in this article

Phrases with faultless

1. Definition of faultless

Faultless is an adjective that means without fault or flaw, perfect or flawless. It can also refer to something that is done or performed without any mistakes or errors.

2. How to read faultless

Faultless is pronounced as "fawlt-lis" with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for faultless

- Impeccable: without any flaws or errors, perfect.

- Flawless: without any imperfections or mistakes.

- Perfect: without any faults, complete and accurate.

- Immaculate: free from any stain or blemish, perfect.

- Spotless: completely clean and free from any faults.

- Unblemished: without any marks or flaws, perfect.

4. Example sentences using faultless

- Her performance in the play was faultless, she didn't miss a single line.

- The painting was faultless, every stroke was perfect and precise.

- The chef's cooking skills were faultless, every dish he made was delicious.

- His driving record is faultless, he has never been in an accident.

- The dancer's movements were faultless, she executed every step flawlessly.

5. Idioms and phrases with faultless

- Faultlessly dressed: refers to someone who is dressed perfectly and immaculately.

Example sentence: She arrived at the party looking faultlessly dressed in a designer gown.

- Faultlessly executed: refers to something that is done perfectly and accurately.

Example sentence: The plan was faultlessly executed by the team.

6. Proverbs with faultless

- Practice makes perfect (faultlessness): means that by practicing something repeatedly, one can achieve perfection in it.

7. Phrasal verbs with faultless

- Carry out (something) with a faultlessness: means to perform an action perfectly and accurately.

Example sentence: The surgery was carried out with a faultlessness that impressed everyone.

- Pull off (something) faultlessly: means to successfully achieve something without any mistakes or errors.

Example sentence: The team pulled off the project faultlessly, meeting all the deadlines.

8. Other expressions with faultless

- Faultless beauty: refers to someone who is extremely beautiful without any flaws or imperfections.

Example sentence: The actress was known for her faultless beauty and grace.

- Faultless reputation: refers to someone who has a spotless and impeccable reputation.

Example sentence: The company has a faultless reputation for providing quality products.

9. Related words to faultless

- Perfection: the state of being perfect, without any faults or flaws.

- Flawlessness: the quality of being flawless, without any imperfections.

- Impeccability: the state of being impeccable, without any faults or errors.

In conclusion, faultless is an adjective that describes something or someone as perfect, without any flaws or errors. It can also be used in various idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs to convey the idea of perfection. Knowing different phrases with faultless can help you express yourself more accurately and precisely in English

Synonyms for faultless with examples

1. What Does "Faultless" Mean?

"Faultless" is an adjective that means without any mistakes or flaws, perfect or impeccable. It can also refer to something that is done without any errors or imperfections.

2. How Do You Pronounce "Faultless"?

The word "faultless" is pronounced as "fawlt-lis" with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for Faultless

- Impeccable: flawless, perfect, without fault

- Flawless: perfect, without blemish or imperfection

- Immaculate: spotless, pure, without any fault or defect

- Perfect: without any mistakes or flaws, flawless

- Unblemished: free from any faults or imperfections

4. Examples:

- She gave a faultless performance in the play.

- The chef's cooking was impeccable.

- The diamond was flawless and worth a fortune.

- Her house was immaculate, not a single thing out of place.

- He has a perfect record of never being late for work.

- The painting was unblemished and looked like it was just painted.

In conclusion, "faultless" means perfect or without any mistakes or flaws. It can be used to describe someone's performance, an object's condition, or a situation where everything goes smoothly. Some synonyms for "faultless" are impeccable, flawless, immaculate, perfect and unblemished

In conclusion, faultless is a commonly used word that means without mistakes or flaws. Its pronunciation is [fawlt-lis], and it can be used in various contexts to describe something or someone as perfect, flawless, or impeccable. As an editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning and usage of faultless better. If you enjoyed reading this article, please consider following me for more interesting and informative content. Thank you for reading and have a faultless day!
