
生活学习2024-02-12 21:08:46自考教育网



1. favorable的定义



2. favorable的解释


2.1 对事物或情况有利


2.2 对人持赞成态度


3. favorable怎么读

Favorable读音为 /ˈfeɪvərəbl/,重音在第二个音节上。

4. favorable同义词及例句

4.1 同义词


4.2 例句

① The weather is favorable for a picnic. (天气适合野餐。)

② The new policy is favorable for small businesses. (新政策对小企业有利。)

③ The boss gave a favorable response to my proposal. (老板对我的提议作出了赞成回应。)

④ It's always good to have a favorable attitude towards life. (保持积极向上的生活态度总是好的。)

Favorable是一个常用的形容词,它可以指事物或情况对人有利,也可以指一个人对某件事持赞成态度。它的同义词包括beneficial、advantageous、positive等,读音为 /ˈfeɪvərəbl/。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词来形容一些积极的事物或情况,例如天气、政策、态度等


1. 发音:[ˈfeɪvərəbəl],重音在第二个音节上。

2. 读法:可以拆分为两部分来读,"fa-vor-able",也可以连读为一个词来读。

3. 同义词:positive, advantageous, beneficial, propitious, auspicious。

4. 例句:

- The weather forecast is favorable for our outdoor event tomorrow.


- His favorable attitude towards the project helped secure the funding.


- The company's financial report shows a favorable trend in profits.



1. “favorable”的意思是“有利的”,指某件事情或情况有益或有利于某人或某物。例如:“The weather is favorable for a picnic.”(天气适合野餐。)

2. “favorable”的同义词包括“advantageous”、“beneficial”、“positive”等,都表示某种情况或条件对某人或某物有益。

3. “favorable”的反义词为“unfavorable”,意为“不利的”、“不幸的”。例如:“The unfavorable weather forced us to cancel our plans.”(不利的天气迫使我们取消了计划。)

4. 例句1:“The company's financial report shows a favorable outlook for the next quarter.”(公司的财务报告显示下一季度前景乐观。)

例句2:“A favorable review from the critics can greatly boost a movie's success at the box office.”(影评人的好评可以极大地提升电影在票房上的成功。)

例句3:“Having a positive attitude can create a more favorable environment for achieving your goals.”(拥有积极的态度可以为实现目标创造更有利的环境。)

例句4:“The new tax policy is expected to have a favorable impact on small businesses.”(新税收政策预计会对小企业产生积极影响。)


1. Beneficial - 有益的,有利的

例句:The new tax policy will have a favorable effect on small businesses.

2. Advantageous - 有利的,优越的

例句:His experience in the industry gives him a favorable position for the job.

3. Positive - 积极的,正面的

例句:The company's financial report shows a favorable outlook for the upcoming year.

4. Propitious - 吉利的,有利的

例句:The timing of the merger seems very propitious for both companies.

5. Rosy - 乐观的,美好的

例句:The CEO's rosy forecast for the company's future has boosted investor confidence.

6. Promising - 有前途的,有希望的

例句:The young athlete showed promising talent at a very early age.

7. Encouraging - 鼓舞人心的,令人振奋的

例句:The positive feedback from customers was very encouraging for the new product launch.

8. Favoring - 支持的,赞同的

例句:Recent polls show that public opinion is favoring the incumbent candidate in the upcoming election.

9. Fortunate - 幸运的,幸福的

例句:We were fortunate to have such a favorable weather for our outdoor event.

10. Auspicious - 吉祥的,幸运的

例句:The auspicious start to their business venture gave them hope for success in the future


1. 同义词:positive, advantageous, beneficial

例句:The company's financial report showed a favorable outcome for the quarter.

2. 反义词:unfavorable, negative, detrimental

例句:The unfavorable weather conditions led to a decrease in crop yield.

3. 词组:in one's favor, favorable impression/opinion/conditions

例句:The judge's ruling was in favor of the defendant.

4. 相关动词:favor, benefit, support

例句:The new policy will greatly favor small businesses.

5. 常用短语:to be favorable to/about something, to have a favorable view of something/someone

例句:The majority of the population is favorable to the new tax reform.

6. 搭配短语:favorable outcome/result/effect/impact

例句:The negotiations had a favorable outcome for both parties involved.

7. 表达方式:

- What does "favorable" mean? How do you pronounce it?

- Can you explain the meaning of "favorable"?

- What are some synonyms for "favorable" and how can I use them in a sentence?

- What is the opposite of "favorable"? Can you give me an example?

- In what situations can we use the phrase "in one's favor"?

- Could you provide some examples of when we might say "to have a favorable opinion/view"?

