
生活学习2024-02-12 21:22:13自考教育网





1. "favourable"是什么意思?

"favourable"一词来自于法语,意为“有利的”、“顺利的”。在英语中,它可以用来形容某个事物或情况对你有益处、有利条件或者良好前景。例如, "The weather is favourable for a picnic today."(今天天气适合野餐。)

2. "favourable"和“favorable”的区别


3. "favourable"的同义词和反义词


4. 使用场景举例

除了上面提到的野餐天气,"favourable"还可以用来描述其他不同的情况。比如,你可以说: "The company's decision is favourable for its growth."(公司的决定有利于其发展。)或者 "The new policy is not favourable for small businesses."(新政策对小型企业不利。)

5. 如何使用"favourable"?

作为一个形容词,"favourable"通常放在名词前面,用来修饰它。例如: "a favourable outcome"(一个有利的结果)。此外,它也可以作为副词使用,表示“赞成地”、“支持地”,例如: "He spoke favourably of the proposal."(他对这项提议表示赞成。)


1. 什么是favourable?


2. 如何正确发音favourable?


- [fey]: 发出长而清晰的[e]的声音,嘴唇张开,舌头抵住上齿龈。

- [vuh]: 发出短而轻快的[u]的声音,嘴唇半张开。

- [ruh-buhl]: 先发出短而轻快的[u]的声音,然后接着发出短而清晰的[uh-buhl]。

3. 如何正确使用favourable?


- The weather is favourable for a picnic.(天气适合野餐。)

- The company has reached a favourable agreement with its employees.(公司与员工达成了有利的协议。)

- The new policy has received favourable feedback from the public.(新政策得到了公众的赞成反馈。)

4. 与favourable相关的词汇

- Favour: 名词,意为“喜爱、偏爱、恩惠”。

- Favourably: 副词,意为“有利地、良好地、赞成地”。

- Favouritism: 名词,意为“偏爱、偏袒”。

5. 相关短语

- In favour of: 赞成、支持某事物或某人。

- Out of favour: 不受欢迎、不得宠。

- Return the favour: 回报恩惠


1. 什么是favourable?


2. favourable作为形容词的用法


- The weather is favourable for a picnic. (天气适合野餐)

- The company's financial situation is looking more favourable this year. (今年公司的财务状况看起来更好了)


- The government has taken a favourable stance towards the new policy. (政府对这项新政策持支持态度)

- She has a favourable opinion about the new boss. (她对新老板持赞同看法)

3. favourable作为名词的用法


- He was given the favourables to join the exclusive club. (他得到了加入这个独家俱乐部的机会)

- She always gets all the favourables because of her connections. (她总是因为人脉关系而得到各种特权)

4. 双语例句

- The favourable weather conditions allowed us to finish the project ahead of schedule. (有利的天气条件使我们提前完成了这个项目)

- The company's favourable financial situation attracted many potential investors. (公司良好的财务状况吸引了许多潜在投资者)

- The government's favourable policies have greatly boosted the development of the local economy. (政府的有利政策极大地推动了当地经济的发展)

- She always tries to make a favourable impression on her boss in order to get a promotion. (她总是尽力给老板留下好印象,以便获得晋升机会)

- He was given the favourables to attend the prestigious conference as a representative of his company. (他得到了参加这次重要会议的机会,作为公司代表出席)


1. favourable outcome - 良好的结果

2. favourable conditions - 有利条件

3. favourable treatment - 优惠待遇

4. favourable opinion - 赞同的看法

5. favourable climate - 良好的气候

6. favourable position - 有利地位

7. favourable reviews - 积极评价

8. favourable circumstances - 有利环境

9. favourable agreement - 有利协议

10. favourable reception - 受到欢迎的接待


1. Favorable

Favorable是favourable的同义词,意为“有利的、顺利的”。它可以用来形容某种情况或条件对某人或某事物有益处,也可以表示某人对某事物持支持或赞同的态度。例如:“The weather conditions are favorable for outdoor activities.”(天气条件有利于户外活动) “He has a favorable opinion of the new company policy.”(他对新的公司政策持支持态度)

2. Advantageous

Advantageous是favourable的近义词,意为“有利的、有益的”。它强调某种情况或条件对某人或某事物带来积极影响。例如:“The new trade agreement is highly advantageous for both countries.”(新的贸易协议对两国都非常有利) “Her experience in marketing will be advantageous for the company’s growth.”(她在营销方面的经验将对公司的发展有益)

3. Beneficial

Beneficial也是favourable的同义词,意为“有益处的、受益的”。它强调某种情况或条件能够带来好处或利益。例如:“Regular exercise is beneficial for both physical and mental health.”(定期锻炼对身心健康都有好处) “The new tax policy will be beneficial to small businesses.”(新税收政策将使小企业受益)

4. Positive

Positive可以用来形容某种情况或条件有利的一面,意为“积极的、正面的”。它强调某种情况或条件带来的好处或积极影响。例如:“The company’s positive financial report boosted investor confidence.”(公司发布的积极财务报告提升了投资者信心) “Her positive attitude towards challenges is admirable.”(她对挑战持积极态度令人钦佩)

5. Propitious

Propitious是favourable的同义词,意为“有利的、吉利的”。它强调某种情况或条件具有良好的兆头或前景。例如:“The propitious market conditions led to the company’s success.”(吉利的市场环境促成了公司的成功) “The timing of the meeting couldn’t have been more propitious.”(会议召开的时机再好不过了)

6. Rosy

Rosy也是favourable的近义词,意为“乐观的、美好的”。它可以用来形容某种情况或条件具有良好前景或可能带来好处。例如:“The future looks rosy for the real estate market.”(房地产市场前景看起来很乐观) “Their rosy predictions about the economy turned out to be true.”(他们对经济做出的乐观预测最终证明是正确的)

7. Promising

Promising也可以用来形容某种情况或条件具有良好的前景,意为“有希望的、有前途的”。它强调某种情况或条件具备发展成为好事物的潜力。例如:“The new product has shown promising results in market research.”(新产品在市场调研中表现出色) “She has a promising career ahead of her.”(她有一个充满希望的职业生涯)

8. Lucky

Lucky是favourable的同义词,意为“幸运的、吉利的”。它可以用来形容某种情况或条件具有幸运之光,也可以表示某人对某事物持赞同或支持态度。例如:“We were lucky to find a parking spot right in front of the building.”(我们很幸运在大楼前面找到一个停车位) “He is a lucky charm for the team.”(他是球队的吉祥物)

9. Fortunate

Fortunate也是favourable的近义词,意为“幸运的、幸福的”。它强调某人或某事物具备一种幸运或幸福感。例如:“I feel fortunate to have such supportive friends.”(我很幸运拥有这么支持我的朋友) “The company’s success is due to a fortunate combination of factors.”(公司成功是由于多种因素的幸运结合)

10. Auspicious

Auspicious是favourable的同义词,意为“吉利的、幸运的”。它强调某种情况或条件具有良好的兆头或前景。例如:“The auspicious start of the project gave us hope for its success.”(项目顺利启动给我们带来成功的希望) “The couple chose an auspicious date for their wedding.”(这对夫妇选择了一个吉利的结婚日期)


