
生活学习2024-02-12 21:59:25自考教育网




1. 定义:fearful是一个形容词,意为“害怕的,恐惧的”。它来自于动词fear的现在分词形式,表示正在经历或感受恐惧的状态。

2. 读音:fearful的读音为[fir-fuhl],其中重音在第一个音节上。

3. 同义词:fearful的同义词包括scared、afraid、terrified、panicked等,它们都指某人感到恐惧或害怕。

4. 例句:

- She was fearful of the dark and always slept with a nightlight on.


- The villagers were fearful of the approaching storm and hurried to prepare for it.


- He was a fearful child, always hiding behind his mother's skirts.


5. 总结:fearful指某人处于一种害怕或恐惧的状态,可以用来形容人或事物。它还可以用来表示某件事情令人不安或令人担心





1. She was fearful of walking alone at night.


2. The children were fearful of the dark.


3. He had a fearful expression on his face when he saw the spider.



1. 什么是fearful?


2. fearful的发音


3. fearful的同义词

a. afraid:意为“害怕的、恐惧的”,与fearful用法相似。

例句:She was afraid to go outside alone at night.


b. scared:意为“害怕的、受惊吓的”,强调突然感到恐惧。

例句:The loud noise scared the children.


c. terrified:意为“极度恐惧的、吓坏了的”,强调极大程度上的恐惧。

例句:She was terrified of spiders.


4. fearful用法示例

a. be fearful of something/someone:表示对某事物或某人感到害怕。

例句:Many people are fearful of heights.


b. be fearful for someone/something:表示为某人或某事物担心。

例句:We were all fearful for his safety.


c. be fearful that…:表示担心某事会发生。

例句:She was fearful that she would miss her flight.


5. 双语例句

a. She was too fearful to leave her house after the robbery.


b. The villagers were fearful of the approaching storm.


c. I am not a fearful person, but this situation makes me nervous.



1. Fearful of (对...感到害怕)

例句:She is fearful of heights and refuses to go on roller coasters.

2. Fearful for (担心...的安全)

例句:The mother was fearful for her child's safety in the crowded theme park.

3. Fearful to (害怕做某事)

例句:The young girl was too fearful to speak up in front of the large audience.

4. Fearful of the unknown (对未知的事物感到害怕)

例句:Some people are fearful of the unknown and prefer to stick to their routines.

5. Fearful expression (害怕的表情)

例句:The child had a fearful expression on his face when he saw the spider crawling towards him.

6. Fearful thoughts (恐惧的想法)

例句:She couldn't sleep at night because her mind was filled with fearful thoughts about the future.

7. Fearful anticipation (恐惧的预期)

例句:The students waited with fearful anticipation for their exam results.

8. Fearful consequences (可怕的后果)

例句:He realized too late the fearful consequences of his reckless actions.

9. Fearful experience (令人害怕的经历)

例句:The hikers had a fearful experience when they got lost in the dark forest.

10. Fearful atmosphere (恐怖氛围)

例句:The abandoned house had a fearful atmosphere that sent shivers down their spines.

11. Fearful determination (坚定不移的恐惧)

例句:Despite her fear, she had a sense of fearful determination to overcome her phobia.

12. Fearful silence (恐怖的沉默)

例句:The fearful silence in the room was broken by a sudden loud noise.

13. Fearful imagination (恐惧的想象力)

例句:Her fearful imagination often made her believe in things that weren't real.

14. Fearful caution (谨慎小心的恐惧)

例句:He approached the wild animal with fearful caution, not wanting to startle it.

15. Fearful dreams (可怕的梦境)

例句:She often had fearful dreams that left her feeling anxious and restless in the morning.

16. Fearful eyes (惊恐的眼神)

例句:The old man's fearful eyes showed that he had been through a lot of hardships in his life.

17. Fearful screams (恐怖的尖叫声)

例句:The movie was so scary that it caused many people to let out fearful screams in the theater.

18. Fearful tension (紧张的恐惧感)

例句:There was a sense of fearful tension in the air as they waited for the results to be announced.

19. Fearful warning (警告性的恐惧)

例句:The teacher gave them a fearful warning about the consequences of cheating on the exam.

20. Fearful survival (艰难的生存状态)

例句:The refugees were living in a state of constant fear and fearful survival in their war-torn country


1. Terrified

例句:She was absolutely terrified of spiders and would scream at the sight of one.

2. Apprehensive

例句:He was apprehensive about starting his new job, as he had no prior experience in that field.

3. Anxious

例句:The students were anxious about their final exams and spent hours studying.

4. Panicked

例句:The crowd panicked when they heard the loud explosion, causing chaos and confusion.

5. Timid

例句:The timid child refused to go on the rollercoaster, afraid of the height and speed.

6. Nervous

例句:She was nervous about giving her presentation in front of a large audience.

7. Dreadful

例句:The villagers lived in constant fear of the dreadful dragon that roamed their lands.

8. Horrified

例句:They were horrified by the gruesome scene they stumbled upon in the abandoned house.

9. Petrified

例句:I was petrified when I saw the snake slithering towards me, unable to move or scream.

10. Alarmed

例句:The loud siren alarmed everyone in the building, signaling a fire emergency.

11. Frightened

例句:The frightened child clung onto her mother's hand tightly as they walked through the haunted house.

12. Scared

例句:He was scared to jump off the diving board into the deep end of the pool.

13. Horrifying

例句:The horrifying movie left me with nightmares for days afterwards.

14. Intimidated

例句:Despite feeling intimidated by her boss, she stood up for herself and spoke her mind during the meeting.

15. Panicky

例句: The panicky driver lost control of his car on the icy road, causing a pileup

我们对fearful有了更深入的了解。它是一个形容词,意为“害怕的”,读作[fir-fuhl]。在英语中,fearful可以用来形容人或物体对某事物感到害怕或担忧。比如,他们对未来充满了恐惧(fearful of the future)。同时,fearful也可以指某事物令人感到不安或可怕。例如,这个地方充满了恐惧(fearful place)。除此之外,fearful还可以用来表示谨慎和小心翼翼的态度。例如,在做决定时应该保持谨慎(fearful decision-making)。如果你想要表达类似的意思,还可以使用同义词如afraid、terrified、scared等等。最后,请大家关注我,我是网站编辑,在这里分享更多有趣的单词和知识,希望能够帮助大家提高英语水平。谢谢阅读!

