
生活学习2024-02-12 22:06:53自考教育网



1. Fēi sī tè - feast的拼音是"Fēi sī tè"。

2. Fēi sī tè - 这个词源于拉丁语的"festus",意为节日、庆祝。


3. Fēi sī tè - 在英语中,feast既可以指节日、盛宴,也可以表示享受、满足。

4. Fēi sī tè - 作为一个名词,它也可以指一顿丰盛的饭菜或一系列的食物。

5. Fēi sī tè - 作为动词,它意为享受美食或参加盛宴。

6. Fēi sī tè - 不仅在英语中有这样的含义,在许多其他语言中也有类似的概念,如法语中的"fête"和西班牙语中的"fiesta"。

7. Fēi sī tè - 所以,如果你想要尝试各种美味佳肴,就去参加一场feast吧!


1. 大家都知道,feast是一个英文单词,它的意思是“盛宴”、“宴会”。

2. 但是你知道吗,其实feast还有另外一个含义,就是“节日”、“庆典”的意思。

3. 那么,怎么读这个词呢?其实很简单,就像我们平常说的“费斯特”一样。

4. 不过,如果你想要更加地道一些,也可以将“ea”读成长音,“费斯特”变成“费斯特”,这样更加符合英式发音。

5. 不管怎么读,feast都是一个非常有趣的词汇,在英语中用来形容各种各样的盛大场合。

6. 比如说,在圣诞节、感恩节等重要节日里,人们会举行盛大的feast来庆祝。

7. 同时,在婚礼、生日等喜庆场合上也经常会用到这个词。

8. 而在文学作品中,feast也经常被用来形容美食和享受的场景。

9. 所以说,在英语中掌握了feast这个词汇,不仅能够丰富自己的词汇量,还能够更好地理解和欣赏英语文学作品。

10. 那么,你准备好享受这场feast了吗?快来一起学习这个有趣的词汇吧!


1. feast的基本含义


2. feast作为名词的用法


- We had a feast to celebrate our wedding anniversary. (我们举办了一场盛大的宴会来庆祝结婚纪念日。)

- The Thanksgiving feast was filled with delicious dishes. (感恩节盛宴上摆满了美味佳肴。)

3. feast作为动词的用法


- We feasted on the delicious meal prepared by our host. (我们享用了主人准备的美味佳肴。)

- The eyes feasted on the beautiful scenery of the countryside. (眼睛尽情欣赏乡村美景。)

4. 双语例句

- The annual harvest feast is a tradition in this small town, where everyone gathers to celebrate the bountiful crops of the year. (每年的丰收盛宴是这个小镇的传统,每个人都聚在一起庆祝这一年的丰收。)

- The king feasted on the most exquisite dishes and wines during the royal banquet. (国王在皇家宴会上享用最精致的菜肴和美酒。)

- The festival was a feast for the senses, with colorful decorations, lively music, and delicious food. (这个节日是一场感官的盛宴,色彩缤纷的装饰、欢快的音乐和美味的食物。)

- The art exhibition was a feast for the eyes, showcasing a variety of stunning paintings and sculptures. (艺术展览是一场视觉盛宴,展示了各种令人惊叹的绘画和雕塑作品。)

5. 注意事项


- 作为名词时,feast通常指具体的活动或食物,不可数;作为动词时,可数。

- feast可以用来形容某种事物非常丰富、充足或令人满意。

- 在文学作品中,feast也可以指心灵或感官上的享受


1. Feast on- 意为“享用”,通常用来形容大量吃某种食物的情况,例如:We feasted on delicious seafood at the beach.

2. Feast for the eyes- 意为“视觉盛宴”,用来形容美丽或令人惊叹的景色或事物,例如:The sunset over the ocean was a feast for the eyes.

3. Feast day- 意为“节日”,通常指宗教上的重要节日,例如:Christmas is a feast day for Christians.

4. Feast of (something)- 意为“…的盛宴”,通常指具有特殊意义或重要性的庆祝活动,例如:The feast of Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and give thanks.

5. Feast your ears- 意为“聆听”,用来形容欣赏音乐或声音,例如:We feasted our ears on the beautiful melodies of the orchestra.

6. Feasting and fasting- 意为“饮食和禁食”,通常指在宗教上遵循一定的饮食规则,例如:During Ramadan, Muslims practice feasting and fasting.

7. Feasting table- 意为“宴会桌”,指摆满各种美味食物的大桌子,通常用来形容节日或庆祝活动中的餐桌,例如:The Thanksgiving feast table was filled with all kinds of delicious dishes.

8. Feast your eyes on (something)- 意为“欣赏”,用来形容看到令人惊叹或美丽的事物,例如:We feasted our eyes on the stunning view from the top of the mountain.

9. Feast of reason- 意为“理性的盛宴”,通常用来指智慧和理性的庆祝,例如:The conference was a feast of reason, with experts sharing their knowledge and insights.

10. Feast or famine- 意为“饥荒或丰收”,用来形容极端的情况,例如:As a freelancer, my income is either feast or famine, I never know when I'll have work


1. Banquet: This is a formal and lavish feast, often held to celebrate a special occasion or event.

2. Gala: This is a festive and extravagant feast, usually accompanied by entertainment or performances.

3. Fete: This is a lavish and elaborate feast, often held outdoors and featuring various forms of entertainment.

4. Celebration: This refers to a joyful gathering or event that includes feasting as part of the festivities.

5. Festivity: This refers to a lively and joyous celebration, often involving feasting and other forms of merriment.

6. Repast: This is a more formal term for a meal or feast, usually in reference to an elaborate or abundant spread of food.

7. Banquetting: This is an archaic term for feasting, often used in historical contexts or literature.

8. Spread: This refers to an abundant and varied selection of food served at a feast or banquet.

9. Buffet: This refers to a self-service meal where guests can choose from various dishes laid out on a table.

10. Gala dinner: Similar to a banquet, this is an elegant and formal dinner with multiple courses served throughout the evening.

11. Feast day: This refers to a religious holiday or special occasion that is celebrated with feasting and other rituals.

12. Regale: This refers to entertaining someone with food and drink, often in the form of a lavish feast or banquet.

13. Revelry: This refers to lively and boisterous celebrations that may include feasting as part of the festivities.

14. Carouse: Similar to revelry, this refers to rowdy celebrations involving drinking and merrymaking, often accompanied by feasting.

15. Merrymaking: This refers to joyful celebrations that may involve dancing, singing, and feasting as part of the festivities

