
生活学习2024-02-12 22:19:38自考教育网






那么,在翻译解释行业中,feature怎么翻译呢?根据具体语境不同,可以有不同的翻译方式。比如说,如果它指某个产品或服务的特色,则可以直接翻译为“feature”;如果它指某个事件、活动或节目的亮点,则可以翻译为“highlight”、“key point”等。总之,在选择翻译时要根据具体情况来确定最合适的表达方式。





虽然听起来有些专业术语的感觉,但其实Feature也可以很接地气。比如,在我们平时听英文歌曲时,可能会看到一些歌曲标题带有“feat.”这个缩写,它其实就是“feature”的简写形式,表示“与...合作”。所以,“Justin Bieber feat. Ed Sheeran”的意思就是贾斯汀·比伯和艾德·希兰合作的歌曲


1. feature的意思和读音


2. feature的用法

a. 作为名词时,feature常用于描述某物的独特之处、显著特点或重要组成部分。例如:

- The new car's most impressive feature is its fuel efficiency. (这辆新车最令人印象深刻的特点是它的燃油效率。)

- This magazine's main feature is its high-quality photography. (这本杂志的主要特色是它高质量的摄影。)

b. 作为动词时,feature常用于表示某物具有某种特征或某物被强调/突出展示。例如:

- The new product features a sleek design and advanced technology. (这款新产品拥有流线型设计和先进技术。)

- The movie features an all-star cast and stunning special effects. (这部电影拥有全明星阵容和惊人的特效。)

3. feature的双语例句

a. This hotel's most unique feature is its rooftop swimming pool, which offers breathtaking views of the city skyline.


b. The company's latest smartphone features a revolutionary new camera that allows users to take professional-quality photos.


c. The fashion show will feature designs from some of the world's most renowned designers.


d. This museum's main feature is its collection of ancient artifacts dating back to the 10th century BC.



1. Feature的定义和解释


2. Feature的发音


3. Feature的常用短语

(1) feature on:以...为主题报道或介绍

例句:This magazine features on the latest fashion trends.

(2) special feature:特别报道或专题节目

例句:The newspaper's special feature on climate change received a lot of attention.

(3) main feature:主要特色或内容

例句:The main feature of this smartphone is its high-quality camera.

(4) key feature:关键特点或功能

例句:One of the key features of this software is its user-friendly interface.

(5) unique feature:独特的特点或功能

例句:The unique feature of this restaurant is that it offers a farm-to-table dining experience.

(6) selling point/feature:卖点或优势所在

例句:The selling point of this product is its durability and affordability.

(7) feature film:长篇电影

例句:The festival will feature films from various countries.

(8) feature writer:特约撰稿人

例句:She is a well-known feature writer for a popular lifestyle magazine.

4. Feature的同义词和反义词

(1) 同义词:characteristic, attribute, quality, aspect

(2) 反义词:bug, flaw, defect

5. Feature的常见搭配

(1) feature in/on: 在...中有特色/被报道

例句:His latest novel features in the New York Times' bestseller list.

(2) feature prominently: 占据重要位置/突出显示

例句:The company's new product features prominently in their marketing campaign.

(3) feature heavily: 占据大部分/重要程度高

例句:This year's conference will feature heavily on sustainability and environmental issues.

6. Feature的用法注意事项

Feature作为动词时,通常用于被动语态,例如:“be featured on”。此外,feature也可以作为名词使用时,可以加上不同的前缀来表示不同的含义,如unfeatured(未被报道)、featured(已被报道)、pre-featured(预先报道)等。

7. 总结回顾



1. Characteristic - This word can be used as a synonym for feature, emphasizing the unique qualities or traits of something.

Example: The main characteristic of this phone is its long battery life.

2. Attribute - Similar to characteristic, this word highlights a specific quality or feature of something.

Example: One of the main attributes of this car is its fuel efficiency.

3. Trait - This word refers to a distinguishing feature or characteristic that sets something apart from others.

Example: His intelligence is one of his most prominent traits.

4. Element - This term can be used to describe an important or distinctive part of something.

Example: The key element of this recipe is the use of fresh herbs.

5. Aspect - This word emphasizes a particular part or aspect of something, often in relation to its overall character.

Example: One unique aspect of this city is its vibrant street art culture.

6. Attribute - Similar to aspect, this word highlights a specific quality or characteristic of something.

Example: The most notable attribute of her personality is her kindness towards others.

7. Quality - This term can be used to describe a distinctive or essential feature that makes something stand out.

Example: The quality that sets this restaurant apart from others is their attention to detail in food preparation.

8. Trait - Similar to quality, this word refers to a particular feature or characteristic that distinguishes something from others.

Example: One trait that makes him a great leader is his ability to listen and empathize with others.

9. Characteristic - This word can also be used as an adjective, describing a feature or quality that is typical or expected.

Example: One characteristic trait of successful entrepreneurs is their resilience in the face of challenges.

10. Attribute - As an adjective, this word describes an inherent quality or feature that belongs to someone or something.

Example: Her greatest attribute as an artist is her creativity and imagination

