
生活学习2024-02-12 22:33:42自考教育网





首先,让我们来看看这个词的拼音。“fect”的发音类似于英文单词“fact”,但它的意思却与“fact”完全不同。事实上,“fect”是一个缩写,它代表着三个单词:function, effect, 和 aspect。这三个单词在英语翻译解释行业中都非常重要,因此将它们合并成一个缩写可以更方便地表达出相应的含义。





1. fect的读音


2. fect的词性


3. 词源


4. 同义词


5. 用法示例

- The fect of the medicine was immediate and effective.


- The company's new marketing strategy had a positive fect on sales.


6. 搭配短语

- take fect:生效

- have an adverse/good/bad fect on:对...产生不利/好/坏影响

- come into fect:开始生效

7. 相关词汇

- perfect:完美的,无缺点的;使完美;完善;

- infect:感染;传染;

- affect:影响;感动。

8. 派生词

- effective:有效的;

- effectiveness:有效性;

- effectively:有效地;

- ineffectual:无效的。

9. 常见错误




1. fect是一个非常有用的单词,它可以用来表示“完美”的意思。它通常被用来形容某件事物或人达到了最佳状态,没有任何缺陷。

2. 在日常生活中,我们经常会听到这样的表达:“This cake is perfect, it has the right balance of sweetness and moisture.”(这个蛋糕太完美了,甜度和湿润度刚刚好。)这里的perfect就可以被替换为fect。

3. fect也可以用作动词,表示使某物变得完美。例如:“She spent hours perfecting her makeup before the party.”(她花了几个小时来精心打扮自己参加派对。)

4. 在商业领域,fect也经常被用来形容产品或服务的质量达到了最高标准。比如:“Our company is committed to providing customers with fect solutions for their needs.”(我们公司致力于为客户提供完美的解决方案来满足他们的需求。)

5. 除了表示“完美”,fect还可以用来表示“影响”或“效果”。例如:“The new policy had a fect on the economy, leading to an increase in job opportunities.”(新政策对经济产生了影响,导致就业机会增加。)

6. 双语例句:

- The sunset view from the top of the mountain was fect.(从山顶欣赏的日落景色太完美了。)

- He has been working hard to fect his English skills.(他一直在努力提高自己的英语水平。)

- The new product launch had a positive fect on the company's sales.(新产品的推出对公司的销售产生了积极影响。)

- This dress fits you perfectly, it's fect for the party tonight.(这条裙子非常合身,今晚参加派对穿再合适不过了。)

- The medicine had an immediate fect on her fever, bringing it down within minutes.(这种药对她的发烧有立竿见影的效果,在几分钟内就降下来了。)


1. Perfectly fect: 完美无瑕的

2. Fect your way: 以自己的方式做事

3. Fect and furious: 快速而激烈地

4. Fect-tastic: 极好的,棒极了

5. Fect it up: 把它搞定,把它弄好

6. Imperfectly fect: 不完美但仍然很棒的

7. Fective communication: 有效的沟通

8. Infectiously fectious: 有感染力的,让人欢乐的

9. Fecting the future: 改变未来

10. Defective fects: 有缺陷的特点


1. Effect

- Definition: a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause

- Example: The effect of the new policy was felt immediately by the employees.

2. Impact

- Definition: the powerful or major influence that something has on someone or something

- Example: The impact of climate change can be seen in the increasing number of natural disasters.

3. Outcome

- Definition: the result or consequence of an action or event

- Example: The outcome of the meeting was a decision to increase funding for education.

4. Consequence

- Definition: a result or effect of an action or condition, often with negative implications

- Example: The consequences of not following safety protocols can be severe.

5. Ramification

- Definition: a consequence that results from an action or decision, often with complex and far-reaching effects

- Example: The ramification of the new trade policy is still being studied by economists.

6. Influence

- Definition: the power to have an effect on someone or something, often through persuasion or suggestion

- Example: Her words had a strong influence on his decision to pursue his dreams.

7. Implication

- Definition: something that is suggested without being directly stated, often with potential consequences

- Example: The implication of her comment was that she did not trust him.

8. Result

- Definition: an outcome or consequence, usually as a direct effect of something

- Example: The results of the experiment showed promising findings for future research.

9. Impactful

- Definition: having a powerful and significant effect

- Example: Her speech was impactful and moved many in the audience to tears.

10. Aftermath

- Definition: the consequences or effects following a significant event, often with negative connotations

- Example: The aftermath of the hurricane left many people without homes and basic necessities.

11. Fallout

- Definition: the negative effects or consequences of a situation or decision

- Example: The fallout from the scandal affected the company's reputation and sales.

12. Repercussion

- Definition: an unintended consequence or effect, often resulting from a previous action

- Example: The repercussions of his careless behavior were felt by his entire team.

13. Influence

- Definition: the power to shape or sway someone's thoughts, actions, or decisions

- Example: The influence of social media on young people is a growing concern for parents and educators.

14. Outcome

- Definition: the final result or consequence of an action, event, or process

- Example: The outcome of the negotiation was a win-win situation for both parties involved.

15. Effectiveness

- Definition: the ability to produce desired results or achieve intended goals

- Example: The effectiveness of this marketing strategy can be seen in the increase in sales

