
生活学习2024-02-12 22:40:02自考教育网


The pronunciation of federal

Do you often find yourself struggling to pronounce the word "federal"? Don't worry, you're not alone! In this section, we'll break down the pronunciation of federal and provide you with some helpful tips.


1. The basics

Let's start with the basics. Federal is pronounced as "FEH-duh-ruhl". Remember to stress the first syllable, "FEH", and make sure to pronounce the "r" sound in the second syllable.

2. Synonyms

If you're having trouble pronouncing federal, you can also use some synonyms such as national, central, or governmental. These words have a similar meaning and are easier to pronounce for some people.

3. Examples

To help you better understand how to use federal in a sentence, here are some examples:

- The federal government is responsible for managing national affairs.

- The bank was robbed by a group of individuals who were later caught by federal agents.

- The company is facing charges for violating federal regulations.

4. Practice makes perfect

Don't be discouraged if you still struggle with the pronunciation of federal. Like with any language skill, practice makes perfect. Try saying the word out loud several times until it becomes more natural for you.

So there you have it! Now you know how to pronounce federal and can confidently use it in your conversations or presentations. Keep practicing and soon enough, it will become second nature to you

How to pronounce federal

Are you struggling to pronounce the word "federal"? Don't worry, you're not alone! Many people have trouble with this word, but fear not, I am here to help. In this guide, I will explain the meaning of federal, how to pronounce it correctly, and provide some synonyms and examples for a better understanding.

1. What does federal mean?

Federal is an adjective that describes something related to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs. It can also refer to something that is centralized or regulated by a central authority.

2. How do you pronounce federal?

The correct pronunciation of federal is "FEH-duh-ruhl". The emphasis is on the first syllable and the "a" sound is pronounced as in "cat".

3. Synonyms for federal

Some synonyms for federal include national, central, governmental, and state.

4. Examples of using federal in a sentence

- The new law will be enforced by federal agents.

- The country's economy is heavily influenced by the federal government.

- The company was charged with violating several federal regulations.

Now that you know what federal means and how to pronounce it correctly, go ahead and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge! Remember to practice saying it out loud until you feel confident with the pronunciation.

So there you have it - everything you need to know about the word "federal". Happy learning!

Usage and examples of federal

Federal is a term that is commonly used in the field of translation and interpretation. It refers to something that is related to the central government or the national level of a country. In this section, we will explore the usage and examples of federal in different contexts.

1. What does federal mean?

Federal can be used as an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, it means "relating to a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent units." For example, "The United States has a federal system of government." As a noun, it refers to "a member or supporter of the Federalist Party." For example, "He was a strong federal and believed in centralized government."

2. How do you pronounce federal?

The word federal is pronounced as "FEH-der-uhl" with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for federal

Some synonyms for federal include national, central, governmental, and state.

4. Examples of using federal in sentences

- The new law was passed by the federal government.

- The state has its own laws but must follow federal laws as well.

- The court case was taken to the highest federal court.

- The senator is known for his strong support for the federal budget.

- The country's economy relies heavily on its federal reserves.

In conclusion, understanding the usage and examples of federal can help you better comprehend its meaning and use it correctly in your writing or conversations. Remember to always consider the context when using this term as it may have different implications depending on where it is used

Phrases with federal

1. Federal government: 联邦政府,指由多个州或地区组成的国家政府。

例句:The federal government is responsible for managing the country's finances.

2. Federal law: 联邦法律,指适用于整个国家的法律。

例句:According to federal law, all citizens have the right to a fair trial.

3. Federal agency: 联邦机构,指由联邦政府管理的特定部门。

例句:The Environmental Protection Agency is a federal agency responsible for protecting the environment.

4. Federal court: 联邦法院,指负责审理联邦案件的法院。

例句:The case was brought to the federal court after it was deemed a violation of federal law.

5. Federal funding: 联邦资助,指来自联邦政府的财政支持。

例句:The university received federal funding for its research on renewable energy.

6. Federal reserve: 联邦储备银行,指美国中央银行系统。

例句:The Federal Reserve plays a crucial role in controlling the country's monetary policy.

7. Federal income tax: 联邦所得税,指根据收入大小向联邦政府缴纳的税款。

例句:Every year, individuals must file their federal income tax returns by April 15th.

8. Federal deficit: 联邦赤字,指政府支出超过收入所形成的财政赤字。

例句:The country's federal deficit has been a major concern for the government.

9. Federal aid: 联邦援助,指联邦政府向州或个人提供的资金援助。

例句:The federal aid helped the state rebuild after the natural disaster.

10. Federal regulations: 联邦法规,指由联邦政府制定的规定和标准。

例句:The company must comply with all federal regulations in order to operate legally

Examples of synonyms for federal

1. National

- Meaning: relating to a nation or country as a whole

- Example sentence: The federal government is responsible for managing national affairs.

2. Central

- Meaning: located in the center or controlling authority of a group or organization

- Example sentence: The central bank is responsible for regulating the country's monetary policy.

3. Governmental

- Meaning: relating to the governing body of a country or state

- Example sentence: The federal budget is determined by the governmental agencies.

4. State

- Meaning: relating to a specific country or region within a larger nation

- Example sentence: The state government has its own laws and regulations.

5. Nationalistic

- Meaning: having strong feelings of pride and loyalty towards one's country

- Example sentence: The federal election sparked nationalistic sentiments among citizens.

6. Union

- Meaning: an association of states, countries, or organizations for mutual benefit and cooperation

- Example sentence: The federal union was formed to promote economic growth among member countries.

7. Confederation

- Meaning: an alliance between different groups or states for a common purpose

- Example sentence: The confederation of states was formed after gaining independence from colonial rule.

8. Federalist

- Meaning: supporting a system of government in which power is divided between central and regional authorities

- Example sentence: The federalist party advocates for strong central government control.

9. Constitutional

- Meaning: in accordance with the principles set forth in a constitution

- Example sentence: The federal court ruled that the law was not constitutional.

10. Congressional

- Meaning: related to the legislative branch of the federal government

Example sentence:- Congress passed new legislation to address the issue at hand

