
生活学习2024-02-13 22:16:30自考教育网



1. function的含义



2. function的读音


3. function的同义词


4. function的例句

- The main function of a computer is to process data.


- The heart has the vital function of pumping blood throughout the body.


- In this company, my function is to manage the sales team.


- A car's main function is to provide transportation.


- The machine stopped functioning after a power outage.



1. function的发音


2. function的意思


3. function的同义词

function一词的同义词包括:purpose, role, task, duty, operation等。这些单词都可以表示“功能、作用”或“职能、职务”。

4. function的例句

(1) The main function of a computer is to process data.


(2) As a teacher, it is my function to educate and guide students.


(3) This mathematical problem can be solved by using a specific function.


(4) The new employee will take on the functions of both sales and marketing.


5. 不同语言中的function发音



1. Function的意思


2. Function的读音


3. Function的同义词


4. Function的例句

(1) The main function of this machine is to grind coffee beans.


(2) The function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body.


(3) The function of a teacher is to educate and guide students.


(4) In mathematics, a quadratic function can be represented by the equation y = ax² + bx + c.

在数学中,二次函数可以用方程y = ax² + bx + c来表示。

(5) The main function of a computer is to process data and perform tasks according to instructions.


5. Function的用法


6. Function的例句

(1) The new software has many useful functions.


(2) The medicine functions by reducing inflammation in the body.


(3) The car's engine is not functioning properly.


(4) The committee has been functioning well under the leadership of the chairman.


7. Function与其他词汇搭配

- carry out a function:执行一个功能

- serve a function:起到一个作用

- perform a function:发挥一个职能


1. Function as a noun

- Definition: a particular activity or purpose for which something is designed or used

- Synonyms: purpose, role, use, task, job

- Example sentence: The main function of a car is to transport people from one place to another.

2. Function as a verb

- Definition: to work or operate in a specified way

- Synonyms: operate, perform, work, run, behave

- Example sentence: The machine functions by using electricity.

3. In function of/In the function of

- Definition: with the purpose or role of doing something

- Synonyms: in the capacity of, as, in the role of

- Example sentence: He was hired in the function of project manager.

4. Serve a function/purpose/role

- Definition: to have a particular use or reason for existing

- Synonyms: fulfill a function/purpose/role, play a part/role/function in something

- Example sentence: These rules serve an important function in maintaining order.

5. Primary/Secondary/Tertiary function/purpose/role

- Definition: the most important/second most important/third most important use or reason for something's existence.

- Synonyms: main/major/minor role/function/purpose,

primary/secondary/tertiary aim/objective/goal,

chief/principal/subordinate purpose/function/intention

- Example sentence: The primary function of this organization is to provide aid to those in need.

6. Multi-functional/Multi-purpose/Multi-role

- Definition: having many different uses or purposes

- Synonyms: versatile, adaptable, flexible

Example sentence: This device is multi-functional and can be used for various tasks.

7. Essential/Vital/Critical function

Definition: an extremely important and necessary role or purpose

Synonyms: crucial/key/significant role/function/purpose

Example sentence: The heart has the essential function of pumping blood throughout the body.

8. Function properly/efficiently/effectively

Definition: to work or operate in the intended or desired way

Synonyms: work/run/operate smoothly, perform well, be effective

Example sentence: In order for the car to function efficiently, it needs regular maintenance.

9. Lost its function/purpose/role

Definition: no longer able to serve its intended use or reason for existing

Synonyms: become obsolete/useless/redundant, outlive its usefulness

Example sentence: With the advancement of technology, many traditional tools have lost their function.

10. Function in society/culture/economy

Definition: to have a role or purpose in a particular social/cultural/economic system

Synonyms: play a part/role/function in society/culture/economy

Example sentence: Education plays a crucial function in shaping society and culture


1. Meaning of function

- Definition: the purpose or role that something has in a particular situation or activity

- Synonyms: purpose, role, use, job, task

- Example sentence: The main function of a car is to transport people from one place to another.

2. How to pronounce function

- Pronunciation: fuhngk-shuhn

- Synonyms: action, operation, performance, duty, responsibility

- Example sentence: The function of a teacher is not only to educate students but also to inspire and guide them.

3. Synonyms for function

- Synonyms: purpose, objective, aim, goal, mission

- Example sentence: The primary function of a business is to make a profit and satisfy customers' needs.

4. Examples of function in use

- Examples:

- The main function of our team is to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

- The function of a computer is to process data and perform tasks based on instructions.

- In biology class, we learned about the different functions of various organs in the human body.

- The main function of social media platforms is to connect people and share information.

- As an editor, my main function is to ensure the quality and accuracy of written content

