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The pronunciation of furl

1. Introduction to Furl


Furl is a word that may be unfamiliar to many people, but it has a unique meaning and pronunciation. In this section, we will explore the pronunciation of furl, its definition, and provide some examples of how it can be used in a sentence.

2. The Meaning of Furl

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, furl is defined as "to wrap or roll (something) close to or around something." This can also mean to gather or fold something in a neat and compact way. The word is often used in nautical terms to describe the action of rolling up a sail on a ship.

3. How to Pronounce Furl

The word furl is pronounced as "ferl." It rhymes with words such as "curl" and "hurl." The emphasis is on the first syllable, with a short "e" sound.

4. Synonyms for Furl

Some synonyms for furl include wrap, roll up, fold, bundle, and tuck. These words all convey the same meaning of gathering or wrapping something in a neat manner.

5. Examples of Furl in Sentences

- The sailors began to furl the sails as they prepared for the storm.

- Can you help me furl this blanket so it fits neatly in my bag?

- She watched as he carefully furls his tie before placing it in his drawer.

- The flag was unfurled at dawn and will be furled at sunset.

- He quickly furled his umbrella before entering the building.

6. Common Phrases Using Furl

There are several common phrases that use the word furl:

- To furl one's brow: This means to wrinkle one's forehead in concentration or confusion.

- To furled wings: This phrase describes an airplane's wings being folded up when not in use.

- To furl the flag: This phrase is often used in military or patriotic contexts to describe the act of lowering and folding a flag.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, furl is a unique word with a specific meaning and pronunciation. It is often used in nautical terms but can also be used in everyday language to describe the action of gathering or wrapping something in a neat manner. Remember, the next time you see someone furling their brow, you'll know exactly what they're doing

Is furl an idiom?

If you're a language enthusiast, you may have come across the word "furl" while browsing through a dictionary or reading a book. But what does it really mean? Is it just another obscure word that has no practical use? Or is it something more?

1. Meaning of furl

To put it simply, "furl" means to roll or fold something, usually fabric or a sail. It is often used in nautical contexts, such as "furling the sails" or "furling the flag." However, it can also be used in a figurative sense, such as "furling one's emotions."

2. How to pronounce furl

Now that you know what furl means, let's move on to the next question: how do you pronounce it? The correct pronunciation is "ferl," with the emphasis on the first syllable. It rhymes with words like "curl" and "girl."

3. Synonyms for furl

If you want to add some variety to your vocabulary, here are some synonyms for furl: roll up, fold up, wrap up, coil up. These words can be used interchangeably with furl in most cases.

4. Examples of using furl in sentences

To give you a better understanding of how to use furl in context, here are some examples:

- The sailors quickly furled the sails as the storm approached.

- She carefully furled the flag before storing it away.

- He furled his umbrella and stepped out into the rain.

- The teacher asked her students to furl their artwork neatly before putting them away.

5. Is furl an idiom?

Now comes the interesting part - is furl an idiom? Well, technically speaking, no. An idiom is an expression whose meaning cannot be inferred from its literal words. However, since "furl" is not commonly used in everyday language, it may seem like an idiom to some people. So, while it's not an idiom in the traditional sense, you can consider it as a less common or obscure word.

In conclusion, furl may not be the most commonly used word, but it definitely has its place in the English language. And now that you know its meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and usage examples, you can confidently use it in your conversations and impress your friends with your extensive vocabulary. Happy learning!

Usage and examples of furl

1. What does furl mean?

Furl is a verb that means to roll or fold something, usually a sail or flag, in a neat and compact way. It can also refer to the action of wrapping or bundling something up.

2. How do you pronounce furl?

Furl is pronounced as "ferl" with a silent "u" sound.

3. Synonyms for furl

Other words that have similar meanings to furl include roll, fold, wrap, bundle, and coil.

4. Examples of using furl in sentences

- The sailors quickly furled the sails as the storm approached.

- She carefully furled the flag before storing it away.

- The yoga instructor showed us how to properly furl our yoga mats after class.

- He furled the newspaper and put it back on the coffee table.

- The workers furled up the cables after finishing their job.

5. Furl in popular culture

In the popular movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Captain Jack Sparrow famously says, "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request... means no." This line has become a popular meme with variations such as "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request... means I don't want to."

6. Why use furl?

Furl is often used when referring to nautical or sailing terms but can also be used in everyday situations when talking about wrapping or bundling something up in a neat way.

7. Conclusion

In summary, furl is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts but ultimately refers to rolling or folding something neatly. Now you know what furl means, how to pronounce it, some synonyms for it, and examples of how it's used in sentences. So go ahead and impress your friends with your new knowledge of this word!

Antonyms and synonyms of furl

1. Antonyms of furl

1.1 Unfurl

Unfurl is the antonym of furl, and it means to open or spread out from a rolled or folded state. In contrast to furl, unfurl is used when something is being unfolded or opened up. For example:

- The sailors unfurled the sails as the wind picked up.

- The teacher unfurled the map to show the students where they were going on their field trip.

1.2 Unroll

Similar to unfurl, unroll is another antonym of furl that means to unwind or unfold something that has been rolled up. It can also be used figuratively to mean revealing or disclosing something. For example:

- The carpet installer unrolled the new carpet in the living room.

- The detective slowly unrolled the scroll, revealing a hidden message.

1.3 Unwind

Unwind is another antonym of furl that means to release from a coiled or wound-up state. It can also mean to relax after a period of stress or tension. For example:

- After a long day at work, she likes to unwind by taking a hot bath.

- He carefully unwound the string from around his fingers.

2. Synonyms of furl

2.1 Roll up

Roll up is a synonym of furl and it means to wrap or twist something into a cylindrical shape by turning it over and over on itself. It can also mean gathering or collecting something together in an organized way. For example:

- She rolled up her sleeves before starting to wash the dishes.

- We need to roll up our resources if we want to complete this project on time.

2.2 Coil

Coil is another synonym of furl that refers to winding something into circular loops or rings. It can also mean twisting or bending into a spiral shape. For example:

- The snake coiled itself around the tree branch.

- The rope was coiled neatly on the deck of the ship.

2.3 Tuck

Tuck is a synonym of furl that means to fold or gather something in a neat and compact way. It can also mean to insert something into a confined space. For example:

- She tucked her hair behind her ears.

- He tucked the letter into his pocket for safekeeping.

3. Examples of furl in sentences

- The flag was furled tightly during the storm.

- The old man carefully furled his umbrella before entering the house.

- The curtains were furled to let in more light.

- She quickly furled her scarf around her neck before heading out into the cold.

- The captain ordered his crew to furl the sails as they approached the harbor.

In conclusion, furl has several antonyms and synonyms that can be used interchangeably depending on the context. Some common antonyms of furl are unfurl, unroll, and unwind, while some synonyms include roll up, coil, and tuck. By understanding these words and their meanings, you can enhance your vocabulary and express yourself more accurately in both spoken and written English

Explanation of furl


1. 什么是furl?


2. 如何正确读音?


3. furl的同义词有哪些?

除了furl之外,还有几个与其意思相近的同义词,如fold(折叠)、roll up(卷起)、gather(收集)等。这些同义词可以根据具体语境来选择使用。

4. furl的例句有哪些?

①She carefully furls the flag and puts it away.


②The sailor quickly furled the sails as the storm approached.


③Please furl your umbrella before entering the building.


In conclusion, furl is a commonly used word with a unique pronunciation. It is not an idiom, but rather a verb that has multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. As you have seen from the examples, furl can be used in both literal and figurative senses, making it a versatile word in the English language.
