
生活学习2024-02-14 01:22:43自考教育网


Introduction to the word "gardens"

1. The meaning of "gardens"


"Gardens" is a noun that refers to a piece of land, usually adjacent to a house, that is used for growing flowers, fruits, vegetables or other plants. It can also refer to a public park or other outdoor space that is designed and maintained for aesthetic and recreational purposes.

2. How to pronounce "gardens"

The word "gardens" is pronounced as /ˈɡɑːrdənz/ with the stress on the first syllable. The "a" in the first syllable is pronounced as in the word "car", while the second syllable has a schwa sound.

3. Synonyms for "gardens"

Some synonyms for the word "gardens" include:

- Greenery: This refers to an area covered with lush green plants.

- Park: This refers to a public garden or other outdoor space that is open to the public.

- Orchard: This refers to an area where fruit trees are grown.

- Flowerbed: This refers to a small plot of land where flowers are grown.

- Vegetable patch: This refers to a small area where vegetables are grown.

4. Examples of usage

Here are some examples of how the word "gardens" can be used in sentences:

- My grandmother loves spending time in her beautiful gardens.

- The city center has several public gardens where people can relax and enjoy nature.

- We have an apple orchard at our farm, but we also grow some vegetables in our gardens.

- The flowerbeds in front of the house are filled with colorful blooms.

- He spends most of his weekends tending to his vegetable patch.

In conclusion, "gardens" can refer to a variety of spaces and areas where plants are grown and cultivated. Whether it's a small backyard garden or a large public park, gardens offer us an opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy its beauty

How to pronounce "gardens"

1. 独特性强的原创内容


2. 不要出现超链接


3. 内容精准详细










1. Park - 公园

例句:We had a picnic in the park yesterday. 昨天我们在公园野餐。

2. Yard - 院子

例句:The kids were playing in the yard. 孩子们在院子里玩耍。

3. Green space - 绿地

例句:This city has a lot of green space for people to relax. 这个城市有很多绿地供人们休闲放松。

4. Orchard - 果园

例句:We went apple picking in the orchard last weekend. 上周末我们去果园采摘苹果。


Usage and examples of "gardens"

1. What does "gardens" mean?

- "Gardens" is a plural noun that refers to a piece of land, usually attached to a house, where flowers, plants, and sometimes vegetables are grown for decorative or recreational purposes.

2. How do you pronounce "gardens"?

- "Gardens" is pronounced as /ˈɡɑːrdns/ with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "gardens"

- Some synonyms for "gardens" include:

- Yard

- Lawn

- Park

- Green space

4. Examples of usage:

- My grandmother loves spending time in her gardens, tending to her roses and vegetables.

- The city has beautiful gardens that are open to the public.

- We have a small garden in our backyard where we grow herbs and vegetables.

- The royal palace has expansive gardens that are meticulously maintained.

- The community center has a community garden where residents can grow their own produce.

- The botanical gardens have a variety of exotic plants from different parts of the world

Common phrases with "gardens"

1. Public gardens - 公共花园

Example: The city has several beautiful public gardens for people to enjoy.

2. Botanical gardens - 植物园

Example: The botanical gardens are known for their diverse collection of rare plants.

3. Community gardens - 社区花园

Example: The community gardens were created to promote sustainable living in the neighborhood.

4. Rose gardens - 玫瑰园

Example: The rose garden is in full bloom during spring, attracting many visitors.

5. Zen gardens - 禅意花园

Example: The zen garden is a peaceful place for meditation and contemplation.

6. Secret gardens - 秘密花园

Example: The children discovered a secret garden hidden behind the old mansion.

7. Vegetable gardens - 菜园子

Example: We have a small vegetable garden in our backyard where we grow fresh produce.

8. Sculpture gardens - 雕塑花园

Example: The sculpture garden displays unique and thought-provoking pieces of art.

9. Botanic gardens - 植物学院庭院

Example: The botanic garden at the university is used for research and education purposes.

10. Herb gardens - 草药园子

Example: The herb garden contains a variety of medicinal plants that are used in traditional medicine.

11. Water gardens - 水上花园

Example: The water garden features a pond with lilies and a small waterfall, creating a serene atmosphere.

12. Japanese gardens - 日式庭院

Example: The Japanese garden is designed to reflect nature's beauty and balance through its elements.

13. Roof gardens - 屋顶花园

Example: Many urban buildings have started incorporating roof gardens to create green spaces in the city.

14. Formal gardens - 正式花园

Example: The formal garden is meticulously designed with symmetrical patterns and trimmed hedges.

15. Cottage gardens - 村舍花园

Example: The cottage garden is a charming mix of colorful flowers and herbs, giving off a cozy and rustic vibe

Synonyms and examples of "gardens"

1. Meaning of gardens:

- Definition: a piece of land, often attached to a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables.

- Explanation: Gardens are outdoor spaces that are typically used for growing plants, flowers, fruits, or vegetables. They can range from small personal gardens to large public gardens.

- Synonyms: yards, plots, green spaces

2. How to pronounce "gardens":

- Phonetics: /ˈɡɑːrdns/

- Explanation: The word "gardens" is pronounced with a long "a" sound in the first syllable and a silent "e" at the end.

- Example sentence: I love spending time in my friend's beautiful ˈɡɑːrdns.

3. Synonyms for gardens:

- Parks

Explanation: Parks are larger public spaces that often have landscaped areas and natural features like trees and ponds.

Example sentence: The city's parks are filled with colorful flowers and lush greenery.

- Orchards

Explanation: Orchards are areas specifically used for growing fruit trees.

Example sentence: We took a trip to the countryside to visit an apple orchard and pick our own apples.

- Plantations

Explanation: Plantations are large areas of land where crops are grown for commercial purposes.

Example sentence: The plantation was filled with rows of neatly planted crops.

4. Examples of gardens:

- Botanical garden

Explanation: A botanical garden is a garden dedicated to the collection and display of various plants for scientific or educational purposes.

Example sentence: We visited the local botanical garden to learn about different types of plants from around the world.

- Zen garden

Explanation: A Zen garden is a Japanese-style garden that promotes peace and tranquility through carefully arranged rocks, sand, and vegetation.

Example sentence: I love meditating in my backyard Zen garden after a long day at work.

- Community garden

Explanation: A community garden is a shared space where individuals can grow their own produce and come together with other members of the community.

Example sentence: I volunteer at the community garden every weekend, helping to maintain the plots and harvest fresh vegetables

