
生活学习2024-02-14 01:23:40自考教育网



1. garden的含义



2. garden的发音


3. garden的同义词

- Yard:指私人住宅周围的空地,通常用于指后院。

- Lawn:指修剪整齐、铺有草坪的空地。

- Park:指城市中供公众休闲、娱乐和运动的开放空间。

- Orchard:指种植果树的园地。

- Meadow:指大片草地或牧场。

4. garden的例句

- I love spending time in my garden, it's so peaceful and beautiful.


- We have a small vegetable garden in our backyard where we grow our own vegetables.


- The park has a beautiful rose garden that is popular among visitors.


- My grandparents have an apple orchard where they grow different types of apples.


- The meadow was filled with wildflowers and buzzing bees.


5. garden的衍生词

- Gardening:指从事园艺工作或爱好。

- Gardener:指从事园艺工作的人。

- Gardenia:指一种花卉植物,也是一种香水的名称。

- Garden party:指在室外举办的社交聚会。

- Zen garden:指一种日本式枯山水花园,通常用于冥想和放松


1. garden的发音


2. garden的读法


3. garden的同义词


4. garden的例句

(1) She loves to spend her free time working in the garden.


(2) The children are playing in the garden.


(3) We have a beautiful flower garden in our backyard.


(4) The park has a large rose garden that is popular with visitors.



1. garden的意思是花园,通常指种植花草树木的户外空间。例如:I love spending time in my garden, it's so peaceful and beautiful.(我喜欢在我的花园里度过时间,那里非常宁静和美丽。)

2. garden的同义词包括yard、backyard、lawn等,它们都指的是房子周围的空地。例如:We had a picnic on the lawn in our backyard yesterday.(昨天我们在后院的草坪上野餐。)

3. 除了指种植花草树木的空间,garden也可以用来表示一种抽象意义上的“培育”或“养成”。例如:It takes time and effort to garden a good relationship.(培养一段良好的关系需要时间和努力。)

4. 在英式英语中,garden也可以作为动词使用,意为“从事园艺活动”。例如:I have been gardening all morning, my back is killing me!(我整个早上都在做园艺活动,我的背疼死了!)

5. garden也可以用来指某种特定类型的植物群落,比如vegetable garden(菜园)、rose garden(玫瑰园)等。例如:The vegetable garden is looking great this year, we have a lot of tomatoes and cucumbers growing.(今年菜园看起来很棒,我们种了很多番茄和黄瓜。)

6. garden也可以用来表示“花园式的”或“美丽的”。例如:The hotel has a garden-style courtyard, it's perfect for weddings.(这家酒店有一个花园式的庭院,非常适合婚礼。)

7. garden也可以用来表示一种抽象意义上的“美好”或“幸福”。例如:She always finds joy in the little things, she truly has a garden in her heart.(她总是从小事中找到快乐,她内心真的有一片花园。)


1. Yard - This is a common synonym for garden, especially in American English. It refers to an outdoor area that is usually attached to a house and is used for recreational or decorative purposes.

例句:She spent the whole afternoon working in her yard, planting new flowers and trimming the hedges.

2. Backyard - Similar to yard, this word specifically refers to the outdoor area at the back of a house. It can also be used interchangeably with garden.

例句:We had a lovely picnic in our backyard, surrounded by beautiful flowers and trees.

3. Greenery - This term can be used as a synonym for garden when referring to the plants and vegetation within it. It emphasizes the lush and natural aspect of a garden.

例句:The greenery in her garden was so vibrant and colorful, it was like walking into a fairy tale.

4. Lawn - This word specifically refers to an area of grass that is kept neatly trimmed and maintained. It is often used as a synonym for garden when talking about the grassy part of it.

例句:He loves spending his weekends mowing the lawn and taking care of his garden.

5. Park - While not exactly synonymous with garden, park can be used to describe a larger public space that includes gardens, trees, and other recreational areas.

例句:The city park has beautiful gardens where people can relax and enjoy nature.

6. Grounds - This word refers to the land surrounding a building or estate, including any gardens or landscaped areas within it. It can be used as a synonym for garden when talking about larger or more elaborate outdoor spaces.

例句:The grounds of the manor were breathtaking, with sprawling gardens and fountains everywhere you looked.

7. Botanical Garden - This term specifically refers to a type of public garden that focuses on displaying different types of plants for educational or scientific purposes.

例句:We visited the botanical garden and learned about different types of plants from all over the world.

8. Orchard - This word refers to a garden or area of land where fruit trees are grown. It can be used as a synonym for garden when talking about a specific type of garden that produces fruits.

例句:She loves spending time in her orchard, picking fresh apples and pears from her trees.

9. Courtyard - This term refers to an outdoor space that is enclosed by buildings, often used for decorative purposes and surrounded by plants and flowers. It can also be used as a synonym for garden when referring to smaller, more intimate outdoor spaces.

例句:The hotel's courtyard was filled with colorful flowers and provided a peaceful escape from the busy city streets.

10. Flowerbed - This word specifically refers to a small area within a garden where flowers are planted. It can be used as a synonym for garden when talking about the more decorative aspect of it.

例句:She spent hours tending to her flowerbeds, making sure each flower was perfectly placed and cared for


1. Garden的意思是“花园”,它可以指一个私人的住宅花园,也可以指公共的城市花园或公园。它也可以用来形容一片种植了各种植物的土地。

2. Garden的发音为 /ˈɡɑːrdn/,读作“加登”。

3. 同义词:yard(庭院)、park(公园)、grounds(庭院)、lawn(草坪)

4. 例句:

- I love spending time in my garden, it's so peaceful and beautiful.


- The city has many gardens where people can relax and enjoy nature.


- She has a green thumb and her garden is always full of colorful flowers.


5. 花园类型:

- Vegetable garden:蔬菜园

- Flower garden:花园

- Herb garden:草药园

- Zen garden:禅意花园

- Rock garden:石头花园

- Water garden:水上花园

6. 花园用语:

- Planting:种植

- Pruning:修剪

- Watering:浇水

- Weeding:除草

- Fertilizing:施肥

- Harvesting:收获

7. 花园工具:

- Shovel:铁锹

- Rake:耙子

- Trowel:小铲子

- Pruners:修枝剪

- Hose:水管

8. 花园动词短语:

- Dig up the soil:挖掘土壤

- Plant flowers/seeds/bulbs:种植花朵/种子/球茎

- Pull out weeds:拔除杂草

- Water the plants:给植物浇水

- Trim the bushes/trees:修剪灌木/树木

9. 花园形容词短语:

- Colorful flowers: 多彩的花朵

- Lush greenery: 茂盛的绿色植物

- Well-manicured lawn: 精心修剪的草坪

- Serene atmosphere: 宁静的氛围

10. 与花园相关的习语:

- Stop and smell the roses: 慢下来,享受生活中美好的事物。

- A garden variety: 普通、平凡的。

- To be in full bloom: 全面开花,指花朵盛开。

- A bed of roses: 玫瑰床,指事情顺利、美好。

- To have a green thumb: 擅长种植,指对植物有特别的天赋。

- To weed out: 清除,指清除不需要的东西。

- To have a garden variety of something: 拥有各种各样的事物。

11. 花园名言警句:

- “The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.” – Gertrude Jekyll

(“爱花园之心是一颗播下的种子,永远不会死。”- 杰尔特鲁德·杰基尔)

- “The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.” – Abraham Lincoln

(“未来最伟大的艺术将是从一小块土地上获得舒适生活。”- 亚伯拉罕·林肯)

- “Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years.” – Unknown

(“园艺使你的生命延长,给你的岁月增添色彩。”- 未知)

12. 花园在文学作品中的描写:

- “In every gardener there is a child who believes in The Seed Fairy.” – Robert Brault, English teacher and writer

(“每个园丁心中都有一个相信种子仙女的孩子。”- 罗伯特·布劳特,英语老师和作家)

- “The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth, one is nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.” – Dorothy Frances Gurney, poet

(“太阳的吻是宽恕,鸟儿的歌是欢乐,一个人在花园里比在地球上任何其他地方都更接近上帝的心。”- 多萝西·弗朗西斯·格尼,诗人)


通过本文的介绍,我们可以知道garden是指一个种植花草树木的园地,它可以是私人的或公共的。在英语中,garden的发音为/ˈɡɑːrdn/,读作“加登”。它可以用作名词和动词,表示“花园”或“种植”的意思。例如,“I like to sit in the garden and read a book.”(我喜欢坐在花园里读书。)除了garden外,还有许多同义词可以用来指代类似的概念,比如yard、park、orchard等。同时,在日常生活中也会用到一些与garden相关的短语和表达,比如flower garden(花园)、vegetable garden(菜园)、gardening(园艺)等。最后,我是网站编辑小明,在这里希望能够为大家提供更多有趣、实用的知识和信息。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请记得关注我哦!谢谢阅读!
