
生活学习2024-02-14 01:27:13自考教育网



1. garland的发音是 [ˈɡɑːrlənd]。


2. 在英语中,garland通常作为名词使用,表示花环、花冠或者花链。它来自于古法语的“garlande”,意为“花环”。

3. 除了表示花环外,garland还可以指代其他类型的装饰物,例如圣诞节上挂在树上的彩色灯饰。

4. 在美国英语中,garland也可以作为动词使用,意为“用花环装饰”或者“围绕”。例如,“They garlanded the statue with flowers.”(他们用鲜花给雕像围了一圈。)

5. garland这个词在不同地区也有不同的发音。比如,在英国英语中,它可能被读作 [ˈɡɑːlənd] 或者 [ˈɡɑːlænd]。

6. 无论是哪种发音,在正式场合都应该保持清晰而准确。因此,在学习和使用garland时,最好参考标准的美式或者英式发音。

7. 总的来说,garland是一个非常常见且多功能的词汇,在文学作品、节日庆典、装饰物等方面都有广泛的应用。掌握它的正确发音,可以帮助我们更好地理解和使用英语


1. 什么是garland?


2. garland的起源


3. garland在不同文化中的含义


4. garland的用途


5. garland的相关词汇




1. garland的意思是花环,通常由鲜花、树叶或其他装饰物制成,用于装饰房间、门窗等。

例句:The bride wore a beautiful garland of roses on her wedding day. (新娘在婚礼当天戴着一条美丽的玫瑰花环。)

2. garland也可以指获奖者所戴的荣誉花环。

例句:The Olympic champion was presented with a garland of laurel leaves. (奥运冠军被授予一条月桂叶花环。)

3. 在文学作品中,garland也可以指诗歌、散文等的集合体。

例句:The poet's latest work is a garland of his best poems. (这位诗人最新的作品是他最优秀的诗歌集。)

4. 除此之外,garland还可以用作动词,意为“给某物或某人戴上花环”。

例句:The children garlanded the Christmas tree with colorful lights and ornaments. (孩子们用彩灯和装饰品给圣诞树戴上了花环。)


1. Definition of garland

- Garlands are decorative wreaths or strings of flowers, leaves, or other materials that are used for adornment.

- A garland can also refer to a crown or wreath made of leaves, flowers, or other materials worn on the head as a symbol of honor or victory.

2. Synonyms for garland

- Wreath: a circular band of flowers, leaves, or other materials used as decoration.

- Chaplet: a wreath or garland worn on the head as a symbol of honor or victory.

- Lei: a Polynesian garland of flowers.

- Festoon: a decorative chain or strip hung in curves between two points.

- Swag: an ornamental festoon of flowers, fruit, and greenery hung in a curve.

3. Types of garlands

- Floral garlands: made with fresh or artificial flowers and used for decoration in various settings such as weddings, parties, and festivals.

- Evergreen garlands: made with branches and leaves from evergreen trees and used for Christmas decorations.

- Fruit garlands: made with dried fruits and used for decoration in kitchens and dining rooms.

- Herb garlands: made with herbs such as rosemary and lavender and used for decoration in kitchens and bathrooms.

4. Cultural significance

- In ancient Rome, laurel wreaths were given to victorious athletes as a symbol of honor.

- In Hinduism, flower garlands are offered to deities during worship ceremonies.

- In Hawaiian culture, leis are given as symbols of love, respect, and welcome.

5. Idioms related to garland

- "To be crowned with laurels": to receive recognition or praise for one's achievements.

- "To rest on one's laurels": to rely on past achievements instead of working towards new ones.

6. Famous examples

- The Nobel Peace Prize is often symbolized by a laurel wreath.

- The winner of the Kentucky Derby receives a garland of roses as a prize.

- In the movie "The Hunger Games," the victors are given crowns made of flowers.

7. Other uses of the word "garland"

- Garland can also refer to a string of lights or decorations hung in a loop.

- In cooking, to garland means to decorate with herbs or other toppings.

- Garland can also be used as a surname, such as actress Judy Garland.

In conclusion, garland has multiple meanings and uses, but it is most commonly associated with decorative wreaths and strings of flowers. It has cultural significance and can also be found in various idioms and famous examples


1. 起源


2. 历史背景


3. 文学作品中的garland


4. 当代使用


