
生活学习2024-02-14 01:31:57自考教育网



1. garnish的定义:garnish是一个英语单词,意为“装饰”,通常用作动词,表示为食物或饮料添加装饰品,以增添美感和吸引力。


2. garnish的词源:garnish一词源于古法语的“garnir”,意为“装备”或“配备”。后来演变为“装饰”的意思。

3. 同义词:decorate, adorn, embellish, beautify, ornament

4. 例句:

- The chef garnished the dish with fresh herbs to make it more visually appealing.


- The cocktail was garnished with a slice of lemon and a cherry on top.


- She garnished her outfit with a statement necklace to make it stand out.



1. garnish的发音

garnish一词的发音为 [ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃ],重音在第一个音节上。其中,字母“a”发[ɑː]的音,字母“i”发[nɪ]的音,字母“sh”发[ʃ]的音。

2. garnish的读音

garnish是一个动词,意为“装饰、点缀”,常用于烹饪领域。它的基本读法为 [ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃ],但在不同语境下可能会有些许变化。

3. garnish作为动词时的读音

当garnish作为动词时,它通常读作 [ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃ]。例如:

- She garnished the dish with fresh herbs.


4. garnish作为名词时的读音

当garnish作为名词时,它通常读作 [ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃmənt]。例如:

- The chef added a beautiful garnish to the plate.


5. garnish其他可能的读音


- [ɡɑːr.nɪʃmənt]:作为名词时的读音,与[ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃmənt]相同。

- [ˈɡɑːr.niʃ]:可能是一些方言或个别人的发音,与[ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃ]相近。

- [gahr-nish]:可能是一些外国人的发音,重音在第二个音节上。

6. garnish的同义词


- decorate:装饰、装潢

- embellish:修饰、点缀

- adorn:装饰、美化


- decoration:装饰品、装潢

- ornament:装饰物、点缀

7. garnish的例句

1)She used parsley to garnish the plate.


2)The chef added a few slices of lemon as a garnish.


3)The cake was beautifully garnished with fresh fruit.


4)The artist used various colors to garnish the painting.


5)The cocktail was served with a cherry as a garnish.


garnish一词的发音为 [ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃ],重音在第一个音节上。作为动词时,其基本读法为[ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃ];作为名词时,其基本读法为[ˈɡɑːr.nɪʃmənt]。其同义词包括decorate、embellish、adorn等。以上是关于garnish的发音及读音的介绍,希望能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词语


1. garnish的意思


2. garnish的发音


3. garnish的同义词


4. garnish的用法示例

- She likes to garnish her dishes with fresh herbs.


- The bartender put a slice of lemon on the side of the glass to garnish the drink.


- The cake was beautifully garnished with chocolate shavings and strawberries.


5. 英文例句及中文翻译

- The chef used parsley to garnish the dish, adding a pop of color and freshness.


- The bartender always makes sure to garnish his cocktails with a slice of lime for an extra zing.


- The wedding cake was garnished with delicate sugar flowers, making it a stunning centerpiece.


- The artist used gold leaf to garnish his painting, giving it a luxurious touch.


- The salad was beautifully garnished with edible flowers, making it not only delicious but also visually appealing.



1. Garnish的基本含义

- Garnish指的是在食物或饮料上加入装饰性的配料,以增添视觉效果和味道。

- 除了在美食领域,Garnish也可以用来形容在其他事物中添加装饰性元素的行为,比如在服装、家居等方面。

2. Garnish的同义词

- Decorate:指用装饰物或配件来美化某物。

- Adorn:强调给某物增添美感或华丽感。

- Embellish:指通过添加细节或装饰来提升某物的美观程度。

- Ornament:指用作装饰的小件物品。

3. Garnish的常见搭配短语

- Garnish with: 用于描述将某种食材或调味料作为装饰添加到食物中。

例句:The chef garnished the dish with fresh herbs.


- Garnish of: 用于描述一种特定的配料作为主要的装饰元素。

例句:The cake was topped with a garnish of chocolate shavings.


- Edible garnish: 指可以食用的装饰配料。

例句:The salad was served with an edible garnish of edible flowers.


- Garnish plate: 指在盘子周围或边缘摆放装饰性配料的盘子。

例句:The chef carefully arranged the garnish plate before serving the main dish.


- Garnish knife: 用于切割或雕刻食材,以制作出精美的装饰。

例句:The garnish knife is an essential tool for creating intricate designs on fruits and vegetables.


4. Garnish在不同语境下的用法

- 在烹饪中,Garnish通常指将食材或调味料作为装饰添加到菜肴中。

例句:The chef used a sprig of rosemary as a garnish for the roasted chicken.


- 在服装领域,Garnish可以指服装上的花边、蕾丝等细节设计。

例句:The dress was adorned with a beautiful garnish of lace trimmings.


- 在家居装饰中,Garnish可以指用来装饰房间的摆件、画作等。

例句:The living room was filled with various garnishes, giving it a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.




1. decorate

- 例句:The chef used fresh herbs to decorate the dish as a garnish.

- 解释:装饰,通常指为了美观而添加在食物上的附加物。

2. embellish

- 例句:The pastry chef likes to embellish her desserts with a colorful fruit garnish.

- 解释:装饰,强调添加在食物上的额外元素带来的美观效果。

3. adorn

- 例句:The bartender adorned the cocktail with a slice of lemon as a garnish.

- 解释:装饰,强调为了美观而添加在食物上的装饰品。

4. trimmings

- 例句:The turkey was served with all the trimmings, including a cranberry garnish.

- 解释:配料,指为了增添食物味道或美观而添加的各种配料。

5. topping

- 例句:The ice cream sundae was topped with whipped cream and a cherry as a garnish.

- 解释:顶部装饰,指放置在食物顶部作为点缀的额外材料。

6. accompaniment

- 例句:The steak was served with a side of vegetables and a herb garnish as an accompaniment.

- 解释:伴随物,指与主菜一起搭配食用的其他配菜或调味品。

7. enhancement

- 例句:The chef added a sprig of rosemary as an enhancement to the roasted chicken dish.

- 解释:增强效果,指为了提升食物的味道或美观而添加的额外元素。

8. decoration

- 例句:The cake was decorated with chocolate shavings and a fruit garnish on top.

- 解释:装饰,指为了美观而添加在食物上的各种装饰品。

9. seasoning

- 例句:The fish was seasoned with herbs and a lemon garnish before being grilled.

- 解释:调味品,指为了增添食物味道而添加的各种调味料。

10. accompaniment

- 例句:The pasta dish was served with a garlic bread accompaniment and a basil garnish.

- 解释:伴随物,指与主菜一起搭配食用的其他配菜或调味品

