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Gaslighting: Definition and Explanation

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- 谎言和否认:施加者会刻意撒谎或者否认事实,使受害者产生混淆和怀疑。

- 批评和责备:施加者会不断指责受害者,使其感到自己无能、无用或者有缺陷。

- 误导和改变事实:施加者可能会故意改变事实,制造混乱和困惑,使受害者难以分辨真相。

- 贬低和羞辱:施加者可能会用贬低、羞辱的言语来打击受害者的自尊心,使其感到自卑和无助。

- 控制和操纵:施加者可能会使用控制手段来限制受害者的行动和自由意志,使其完全依赖于他们

How to pronounce gaslighting


1. 什么是gaslighting?


2. 如何发音gaslighting?


- gas:读作/gæs/,和“加斯”类似。

- light:读作/laɪt/,和“莱特”类似。

- ing:读作/ɪŋ/,和“英”类似。


3. gaslighting在生活中


Examples of usage and translations for gaslighting

1. What is gaslighting?

Gaslighting refers to a form of psychological manipulation in which a person makes another doubt their own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. It is a type of emotional abuse that can be used to control or manipulate someone.

2. How do you pronounce gaslighting?

The correct pronunciation for gaslighting is "gas-LITE-ing". It comes from the term "gaslight", which refers to a type of lamp that was used to make people doubt their sanity in the play and movie "Gas Light".

3. Gaslighting in popular culture

Gaslighting has become a popular term in recent years, thanks to its use in TV shows and movies. For example, the character Joe Goldberg in the TV series "You" uses gaslighting as a tactic to manipulate his love interests.

4. Examples of gaslighting phrases

Some common phrases used by gaslighters include:

- "You're overreacting."

- "You're just being paranoid."

- "That never happened."

- "You must have misunderstood."

These phrases are meant to make the victim doubt their own perceptions and experiences.

5. Signs of gaslighting

Gaslighting can be difficult to recognize, but some signs include:

- Constantly feeling confused or unsure about your own thoughts and feelings.

- Feeling like you're going crazy.

- Having trouble making decisions because you doubt yourself.

If you experience these symptoms, it's important to seek help and support.

6. Translations for gaslighting

In Chinese: 煤气灯陷阱 (méiqìdēng xiànjǐng)

In Spanish: manipulación psicológica (manipulation psicológica)

In French: manipulation mentale (mental manipulation)

In German: psychologische Manipulation (psychological manipulation)

7. Real-life examples of gaslighting

Unfortunately, gaslighting is a common tactic used in abusive relationships. It can also be seen in workplace dynamics, politics, and even friendships. Some real-life examples include:

- A partner making their significant other doubt their memories of past events.

- A boss constantly questioning an employee's abilities and making them doubt their own skills.

- A friend always making you feel like you're overreacting or being too sensitive.

In conclusion, gaslighting is a serious form of emotional abuse that can have long-lasting effects on a person's mental health. It's important to recognize the signs and seek help if you or someone you know is experiencing gaslighting. Remember, your thoughts, feelings, and experiences are valid and should never be questioned by someone else

Phrases and idioms related to gaslighting

1. Gaslighting的含义

- Gaslighting是一种心理操纵技术,通过操纵、扭曲、否认或混淆事实来使受害者产生怀疑、不安和无助的感觉。这种行为常常被用来控制他人,并使其相信自己的记忆和感知是错误的。

- Gaslighting一词起源于1944年的电影《Gaslight》,讲述了一个丈夫试图让他的妻子相信她疯了,以便能够控制她的财产。这部电影成为了这种心理操纵行为的代名词。

2. Gaslighting怎么读

- Gaslighting的发音为/ˈɡæsˌlaɪtɪŋ/,重音在第二个音节上。

- 这个词也可以被分解成两部分来读,gas和lighting,但通常情况下会连读。

3. 相关习语和短语

- To gaslight someone:对某人进行心理操纵。

- To be gaslit:被某人进行心理操纵。

- To gaslight oneself:自我怀疑或自我否定。

- To play mind games:玩弄心理游戏,试图控制他人思想和行为。

- To manipulate someone's perception:操纵某人的感知。

- To twist the truth:扭曲事实。

- To make someone doubt their own sanity:使某人怀疑自己的理智。

- To mess with someone's mind:操纵某人的思维。

4. 类似的心理操纵行为

- Gaslighting是一种心理操纵行为,与其他类似的行为相比,它可能更加隐蔽和具有欺骗性。其他类似的心理操纵行为包括:

- Brainwashing:洗脑,通过强迫性手段改变一个人的信念和价值观。

- Emotional abuse:情感虐待,通过言语或行为对他人造成精神上的伤害。

- Manipulation:操控,用谎言、欺骗或其他手段来影响他人的决定和行为。

5. 如何应对gaslighting

- 如果你发现自己正在受到gaslighting,以下是一些应对方法:

- 记录事件:记录下每次发生gaslighting的事件,以备将来作为证据。

- 寻求支持:寻求朋友、家人或专业心理咨询师的支持和帮助。

- 坚持自己的观点:不要被他人改变自己的想法和感受,坚持自己的观点。

- 保持清醒:保持冷静和理智,不要让他人的言语和行为影响自己的判断力。

- 这个词的发音为/ˈɡæsˌlaɪtɪŋ/,可以被分解成两部分来读。

- 相关习语和短语有to gaslight someone、to play mind games等。

- Gaslighting与其他类似的心理操纵行为相比更具欺骗性。

- 应对gaslighting的方法包括记录事件、寻求支持等

Synonyms for gaslighting

1. Manipulation: This term refers to the act of controlling or influencing someone in a deceptive or underhanded way, just like gaslighting.

2. Brainwashing: Similar to gaslighting, this term describes the process of manipulating someone's thoughts and beliefs to gain control over them.

3. Mind games: Gaslighting often involves playing mind games with someone, making them doubt their own perceptions and reality.

4. Emotional abuse: Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can cause serious harm to a person's mental well-being.

5. Psychological warfare: The manipulative tactics used in gaslighting can be seen as a type of psychological warfare against the victim.

6. Deception: Gaslighters use deception to twist the truth and make their victims doubt their own memories and experiences.

7. Coercion: This term refers to the use of force or threats to make someone do something against their will, which can be seen in gaslighting situations.

8. Mental manipulation: Gaslighting involves manipulating someone's thoughts and emotions, causing them to question their own sanity.

9. Emotional blackmail: Gaslighters often use emotional blackmail as a way to control and manipulate their victims.

10. Psychological abuse: Similar to emotional abuse, gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that can have long-lasting effects on the victim's mental health.


In conclusion, gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used to make someone doubt their own perception of reality. It can have serious consequences on a person's mental health and well-being. Knowing how to recognize and address gaslighting is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships.
