
生活学习2024-02-14 02:12:09自考教育网



1. 词性:名词


2. 词义:聚会,聚集,集会

3. 同义词:meeting, assembly, congregation

4. 例句:

- We are having a family gathering this weekend to celebrate my grandmother's birthday.


- The annual company gathering is always a fun event for employees to socialize and bond.


- The political gathering was held to discuss important issues and make decisions for the community.




1. 发音:gathering的正确发音是 /ˈɡæðərɪŋ/,其中重点要注意的是第一个音节的读法,它应该是短元音/a/而不是长元音/ei/。所以,记住这个发音就像念“嘎嘎叮”的声音一样。

2. 读法:gathering这个单词在口语中通常会被缩写成/gathərɪŋ/,也就是把第一个辅音/d/省略掉。所以,在日常交流中如果你听到有人说/gathərɪŋ/,那么他们其实在说"gathering"哦。

3. 同义词:如果你觉得"gathering"这个词有点太长或者太正式,可以用以下几个同义词来代替:get-together、meet-up、assembly、congregation等。它们都表示“聚集、集会”的意思。

4. 例句:下面给出几个例句来帮助你更好地理解"gathering"的用法:

- I'm going to a family gathering this weekend. (我这周末要去参加家庭聚会。)

- The students organized a gathering to celebrate the end of the semester. (学生们组织了一个聚会来庆祝学期的结束。)

- The birds are gathering in the trees. (鸟儿们正在树上聚集。)

- We had a small gathering with some friends last night. (昨晚我们和几个朋友有了一个小型的聚会。)



1. gathering的含义

Gathering一词在英语中有多种含义,通常可以理解为“聚集、集会、收集”的意思。例如,我们可以说:“We are gathering for a party tonight.”(我们今晚要聚会。)或是“Let's gather some information before making a decision.”(在做决定之前,让我们收集一些信息。)

2. gathering的发音


3. gathering的同义词


4. 英文例句

- We had a family gathering last weekend.


- The annual gathering of the company's shareholders will be held next month.


- The children were busy gathering seashells on the beach.


- He has a large collection of stamps gathered from all over the world.


5. 中文例句

- 上周末我们举行了一次家庭聚会。

- 公司股东年度大会将于下个月召开。

- 孩子们在海滩上忙着收集贝壳。

- 他有一个从世界各地收集来的大量邮票


1. Social gathering: 社交聚会,指一群人聚集在一起进行社交活动的场合。

例句:I'm looking forward to the social gathering at the company's annual party.

2. Family gathering: 家庭聚会,指家庭成员聚集在一起共度时光的活动。

例句:We always have a big family gathering during the holidays.

3. Gathering place: 聚集地,指人们常去的地方或者某个特定的场所。

例句:The park is a popular gathering place for families on weekends.

4. Gathering storm: 风暴来临,比喻危险或者不幸即将发生。

例句:The dark clouds in the sky were a sign of the gathering storm.

5. Information gathering: 信息收集,指收集、整理和分析信息的过程。

例句:Before making any decisions, we need to do some information gathering first.

6. Gathering momentum: 势头增强,指某件事情逐渐变得更加重要和有影响力。

例句:The movement against climate change is gaining momentum with more and more people joining in.

7. Gathering dust: 积灰,指某物因为长时间不使用而积累灰尘。

例句:My old books have been gathering dust on the shelf for years.

8. Gathering speed: 加速,指速度逐渐增加。

例句:The train was gradually gathering speed as it left the station.

9. Gather around: 聚集在某人或某物周围,表示邀请大家围坐在一起。

例句:The children gathered around their teacher to listen to the story.

10. Gather one's thoughts: 集中思绪,指冷静地思考。

例句:I need a few minutes to gather my thoughts before making a decision


1. Meeting - A gathering of people for a specific purpose or activity.

例句:We have a meeting every Monday to discuss our project progress.

2. Assembly - A gathering of people for a particular event or purpose.

例句:The assembly was held to celebrate the school's anniversary.

3. Get-together - An informal social gathering of friends or acquaintances.

例句:Let's have a get-together at my place this weekend.

4. Conclave - A private or secret meeting, often involving important discussions or decisions.

例句:The leaders held a conclave to discuss the future of the company.

5. Rally - A large public gathering for a political, social, or religious cause.

例句:Thousands of people attended the rally to support women's rights.

6. Reunion - A gathering of people who have not seen each other in a long time.

例句:Our high school reunion was filled with laughter and reminiscing.

7. Symposium - A conference or meeting where experts gather to discuss a particular topic.

例句:The symposium on climate change brought together scientists from all over the world.

8. Gathering - A casual and informal meeting of friends or family members.

例句:We had a small gathering at the park for our friend's birthday.

9. Congress - A formal assembly of representatives to discuss and make decisions on important matters.

例句:The annual congress will be held next month to elect new board members.

10. Summit - A high-level meeting between leaders from different countries or organizations.

例句:The summit between the two countries' presidents resulted in several trade agreements being signed

