
生活学习2024-02-14 04:06:21自考教育网



1. generic的定义



2. generic的含义


3. generic怎么读


4. generic同义词及例句

(1) Synonyms: general, universal, common, typical, ordinary, standard

例句:This is a generic product that can be used in many different industries.

(2) Synonyms: non-branded, unbranded, store-brand

例句:The store offers a wide selection of generic products at lower prices.

(3) Synonyms: interchangeable, universal, all-purpose

例句:The company's new software has a more generic design to appeal to a wider market.

(4) Synonyms: template, prototype, model

例句:The generic template for the website can be customized to fit different businesses.

(5) Synonyms: common name, general term

例句:The generic term for this type of medication is pain reliever.

Generic一词的含义可以根据不同的上下文而有所不同,但它通常指代普遍适用的、没有特定特色或商标的事物。它可以作为形容词或名词使用,读音为[jəˈnerɪk]。在医学、计算机科学、商业等领域都有使用。同义词包括general、universal、common等,常见用法包括generic product、generic design和generic term等


1. generic的发音


2. generic的读法


3. generic的同义词

generic的同义词包括:general, universal, all-purpose, common, standard等。这些词都可以用来表示“通用的、普遍的”。

4. generic的例句

- This medicine is a generic version of the brand-name drug.


- The store sells both brand-name and generic products.


- The word “chair” is a generic term for any kind of seat.


5. 难点解析:在英语中,“generic”的发音和拼写可能会让人感到困惑。因为它与单词“generous”的拼写相似,但意思却完全不同。因此,在学习和使用generic时,需要特别注意它的正确发音和拼写


1. generic的意思是通用的,普遍适用的。它来自拉丁语“gener”(一般)和希腊语“genos”(种类),可以指代一般或普遍的事物。

例句:The store brand medication is a generic version of the name brand drug. (这家药店销售的药品是名牌药品的通用版本。)

2. generic可以作为形容词或名词使用,读音为/jəˈnɛrɪk/。

例句:I prefer to buy generic products because they are usually cheaper. (我更喜欢买通用产品,因为它们通常更便宜。)

3. 同义词包括:universal, general, common。

例句:There are certain generic rules that apply to all students in this school. (在这所学校里,有一些适用于所有学生的通用规则。)

4. 另外,generic也可以指代某种没有特定品牌或商标的产品。在医疗领域,generic drugs指代非专利药品,与原始药物相同成分但价格更低廉。

例句:I always buy generic paper towels because they are just as good as the name brand ones but cost less. (我总是买通用纸巾,因为它们和名牌纸巾一样好但价格更便宜。)


1. Universal - 通用的

例如:This medicine is a universal treatment for headaches.


2. Standard - 标准的

例如:The company has set a standard for all employees to follow.


3. Common - 普遍的

例如:The side effects of this medication are common among patients.


4. Regular - 常规的

例如:It is important to take your regular dose of medication every day.


5. Typical - 典型的

例如:The symptoms of this disease are typical and easy to recognize.


6. Basic - 基本的

例如:This is a basic treatment for minor injuries.


7. Conventional - 传统的

例如:The conventional method of treating this illness has been proven effective.


8. Non-branded - 非品牌的

例如:Generic drugs are often non-branded and more affordable than brand-name drugs.



1. Generic brand: 非专属品牌,通用品牌

例句:I prefer to buy generic brands because they are usually cheaper.

2. Generic drug: 仿制药,通用药物

例句:The doctor prescribed a generic drug for my headache.

3. Generic term: 通用术语,泛指名称

例句:"Car" is a generic term that can refer to different types of vehicles.

4. Generic version: 通用版本,普通版

例句:I couldn't afford the designer shoes, so I bought the generic version instead.

5. Generic solution: 通用解决方案,普遍适用的方法

例句:There is no one-size-fits-all solution for this problem, but we can try a generic approach.

6. Generic product: 通用产品,标准产品

例句:The store offers both branded and generic products for customers to choose from.

7. Generic name: 通用名称,非专有名词

例句:Acetaminophen is the generic name for the pain reliever Tylenol.

8. Generic code: 通用代码,非专属编码

例句:The software developer used a generic code that can be applied to different projects.

9. Generic response: 普遍反应,一般回答

例句:The politician gave a generic response when asked about his plans for the future.

10. Generic idea: 普遍观念,常见想法

例句:His speech lacked originality and was filled with generic ideas

generic一词在英语中具有多重含义,可以作为形容词、名词和动词使用。其发音也有多种读法,但最常见的是/dʒəˈnerɪk/。generic一词的同义词包括general、universal等,它们都可以用来表示“普遍的、通用的”意思。此外,generic还有许多常用的短语和搭配词组,如generic name(通用名称)、generic drug(非专利药物)等。希望本文能够帮助到大家更好地理解和使用这一词汇。最后,我是网站编辑小张,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的知识和学习资料。祝愿大家在学习英语的路上取得更大的进步!
