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Introduction to the word "generous"


1. 什么是"generous"?


2. 怎么读?

现在你知道了它的意思,接下来就是要学习如何正确地读这个单词。"generous"的发音为[jen-er-uh s],注意最后一个音节要轻轻地发出来。

3. 同义词


4. 例句

How to pronounce "generous"

想必大家在学习英语的过程中都会遇到一些难以读音的单词,今天就来帮你解决其中之一——"generous"。这个词的意思是“慷慨的”,它的发音是 [jen-er-uhs]。下面让我们来看看一些类似的同义词及例句,帮助你更加深入理解和记忆这个单词。

1. 同义词:benevolent、liberal、charitable

例句:She is known for her generous donations to various charities.

2. 同义词:magnanimous、unselfish、altruistic

例句:His generous offer to help us with the project was greatly appreciated.

3. 同义词:kindhearted、compassionate、considerate

例句:The old man was always generous with his time and would often help his neighbors in need.

4. 同义词:lavish、munificent、bountiful

例句:The company's CEO is known for his generous bonuses to employees every year

Usage and examples of "generous"

1. Meaning of "generous"

- Generous is an adjective that describes someone who is willing to give, share or help others without expecting anything in return. It can also refer to something that is larger or more plentiful than what is considered normal or necessary.

- In general, being generous means having a kind and giving nature, and being willing to go above and beyond for others.

2. Pronunciation of "generous"

- Generous is pronounced as /ˈdʒɛnərəs/ with the stress on the first syllable. The sound of "g" is similar to the one in "gem" and the sound of "s" is like the one in "sister".

3. Synonyms for "generous"

- There are several synonyms for generous, including:

- Benevolent: showing kindness and goodwill towards others.

- Charitable: willing to give money, resources or time to help those in need.

- Magnanimous: having a noble and generous spirit.

- Liberal: open-minded and tolerant towards different opinions or beliefs.

- Philanthropic: showing concern for the welfare of others by donating money or resources.

4. Examples of "generous" in sentences

- My boss is very generous; she always gives us bonuses at the end of each year.

- The restaurant served us a generous portion of food that we couldn't finish.

- He has a generous heart; he always donates his time and money to charity.

- She was very generous with her compliments, making everyone feel appreciated.

- The company's CEO made a generous donation to support the local community.

5. Idiomatic expressions with "generous"

- There are some idiomatic expressions that use the word "generous", such as:

- A generous heart: someone who has a kind and giving nature.

- A generous offer: an offer that is more than what is expected or required.

- A generous spirit: someone who is willing to help and support others selflessly.

- A generous tip: a large amount of money given as a tip for good service.

6. Common collocations with "generous"

- Here are some common collocations (words that are often used together) with "generous":

- Generous donation/contribution/gift

- Generous salary/benefits/package

- Generous portion/size/helping

- Generous person/heart/nature/spirit

7. Conclusion

- In conclusion, the word "generous" refers to someone who is kind, giving and willing to go above and beyond for others. It can also describe something that is larger or more plentiful than what is considered normal. With its positive connotations, being generous is a desirable trait that we should all strive for in our daily lives

Phrases using the word "generous"

1. "Generous donation": This phrase refers to a large or substantial amount of money or goods given to a person or organization in need. Example: The company made a generous donation to the local charity.

2. "Generous offer": This phrase is used to describe an offer that is very kind, helpful, or beneficial. Example: The hotel made a generous offer to upgrade our room for free.

3. "Generous heart": This phrase is often used to describe someone who is kind, caring, and giving towards others. Example: She has a generous heart and always volunteers at the homeless shelter.

4. "Generous spirit": Similar to the previous phrase, this one also describes someone who is kind and giving, but it can also refer to someone who is open-minded and forgiving. Example: Despite their differences, they both have a generous spirit and were able to reconcile their friendship.

5. "Generous soul": This phrase is used to describe someone who has a kind and compassionate nature towards others. Example: She has a generous soul and always puts others' needs before her own.

6. "Generous tip": This phrase refers to an amount of money given as a gratuity for good service in restaurants or other service industries. Example: The waiter was very attentive, so we left him a generous tip.

7. "Generous portion": This phrase describes a serving size of food that is larger than usual or expected. Example: The restaurant served us generous portions of their famous pasta dish.

8. "Generous time off": This phrase refers to an extended period of time off from work given by an employer as a reward or benefit for employees' hard work or dedication. Example: After working overtime for months, she finally requested for some generous time off from her boss.

9. "Be generous with your compliments": This phrase means to freely give sincere compliments or praise towards others. Example: She is always generous with her compliments and makes others feel good about themselves.

10. "Generous discount": This phrase refers to a significant reduction in the price of a product or service. Example: The store was having a generous discount on all their winter coats

Synonyms and examples of other words with a similar meaning to "generous"

1. Benevolent

- Meaning: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings

- Example: The benevolent old man always donated generously to charity.

2. Magnanimous

- Meaning: generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness

- Example: Despite being wronged, she still showed a magnanimous attitude towards her enemies.

3. Altruistic

- Meaning: unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others

- Example: The billionaire's altruistic acts of donating to various causes earned him widespread admiration.

4. Charitable

- Meaning: generous in giving money or help to those in need

- Example: The local community organized a charitable event to raise funds for the victims of the natural disaster.

5. Liberal

- Meaning: giving freely; generous in amount; abundant; ample

- Example: The liberal boss always gave his employees bonuses during the holiday season.

6. Philanthropic

- Meaning: showing concern for humanity, especially by donating money or time to good causes; charitable.

- Example: The philanthropic organization aims to provide aid and support to underprivileged communities around the world.

7. Open-handed

- Meaning: generous; liberal in giving.

- Example: The open-handed donor contributed a large sum of money towards building a new school for children in rural areas.

8. Big-hearted

- Meaning: kind and generous.

- Example: The big-hearted couple opened their home to refugees and provided them with shelter and food.

9. Lavish

- Meaning: extremely generous or extravagant; giving unsparingly.

- Example: The lavish host spared no expense in throwing a grand party for his guests.

10. Munificent

- Meaning: very generous.


The munificent CEO surprised his employees with large bonuses at the end of the year

