
生活学习2024-02-14 04:15:44自考教育网



1. genetics的含义



2. genetics的定义

根据《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)的定义,genetics指的是“研究基因、遗传和变异如何影响生物个体结构和功能以及它们之间关系的科学”。简单来说,genetics就是研究基因如何决定个体性状和特征,并且如何通过遗传方式传递给后代。

3. genetics与其他相关概念


4. genetics的同义词


- Heredity:也指遗传学,但更强调个体特征和性状如何通过遗传方式传递给后代。

- Inheritance:也指遗传,但更多用于描述具体的遗传特征或物质。

- Genetic science:指遗传科学,与genetics含义相同。

5. genetics的例句


- Genetics is a rapidly advancing field that has greatly impacted our understanding of human health and disease.


- The study of genetics has led to many breakthroughs in agriculture, such as genetically modified crops.


- Understanding the basics of genetics can help us predict and prevent certain genetic diseases.




1. genetics的发音:[dʒəˈnetɪks],读作“juh-NEH-tiks”。

2. genetics的读法:genetics是一个复数名词,指遗传学。它的读音和拼写与单数名词genetic相同,但意思不同。

3. 同义词:遗传学、遗传科学、基因学。

4. 例句:

- Genetics is the study of genes and heredity.


- My mother is a professor of genetics at the university.


- The discovery in genetics has greatly advanced our understanding of inherited diseases.



1. genetics是什么意思?


2. genetics怎么读?


3. genetics的同义词有哪些?

- Heredity:遗传,与genetics相似,但更强调家族间的遗传特征。

- Inheritance:继承,也指遗传特征的传递。

- Genetic science:遗传学科,与genetics相同含义。

- Genomics:基因组学,研究整个基因组的结构和功能。

4. 以下是关于genetics的双语例句:

- The study of genetics has greatly advanced our understanding of inherited diseases.


- The discovery of DNA was a major breakthrough in the field of genetics.


- Genetics plays a crucial role in the development and evolution of species.


- Scientists are still studying the complex mechanisms of genetics.


- The genetics of eye color is a fascinating topic that has been studied for centuries.


- The study of genetics has led to many breakthroughs in medical treatments.


- The concept of nature versus nurture is a classic debate in the field of genetics.


- Understanding the basics of genetics can help us make informed decisions about our health.



1. Genetics research - 遗传学研究

2. Genetic makeup - 遗传基因组成

3. Genetic traits - 遗传特征

4. Inherited genetics - 遗传遗传学

5. Genetic variation - 遗传变异

6. Genetic disorders - 遗传性疾病

7. Genetic testing - 遗传测试

8. Genetic engineering - 基因工程学

9. Hereditary genetics - 遗传遗传学

10. Molecular genetics - 分子遗传学


1. DNA - genetics is the study of an organism's genetic material, also known as DNA.

2. Heredity - genetics is concerned with the passing of traits from parents to offspring, also known as heredity.

3. Genomics - genetics is a branch of biology that focuses on the structure and function of genomes, also known as genomics.

4. Inheritance - genetics deals with the process of receiving genetic information from parents, also known as inheritance.

5. Chromosomes - genetics studies the structures that contain genetic information in cells, also known as chromosomes.

6. Traits - genetics examines the characteristics and features that are inherited from parents, also known as traits.

7. Genetic makeup - genetics looks at an individual's unique combination of genes, also known as genetic makeup.

8. Genealogy - genetics studies the history and lineage of an organism's genetic material, also known as genealogy.

9. Genetic code - genetics focuses on the instructions for building and maintaining an organism found in its genetic code, also known as genetic code.

10. Mendelism - genetics follows the principles discovered by Gregor Mendel in his experiments with pea plants, also known as Mendelism

