
生活学习2024-02-14 04:29:47自考教育网



1. "genitalia"的发音为[jen-i-tey-lee-uh],重音在第二个音节。

2. "genitalia"是由拉丁词根"genit-"和后缀"-alia"组成,意为生殖器官。


3. 与"genitalia"同义的词汇包括:reproductive organs、sexual organs、private parts等。

4. 例句:"Doctors need to examine the genitalia of both male and female patients during a routine check-up."(医生需要在例行检查中检查男性和女性患者的生殖器官。)

5. 在日常口语中,人们也常用简写形式"genitals"来指代生殖器官


1. genitalia的定义


2. genitalia的读音


3. genitalia的同义词


- Reproductive organs:繁殖器官

- Genitals:性器官

- Reproductive system:生殖系统

4. genitalia在句子中的用法示例

- The doctor examined the patient's genitalia for any abnormalities. (医生检查了病人的生殖器官是否有异常。)

- The male and female genitalia are different in structure and function. (男性和女性的生殖器官在结构和功能上有所不同。)

- Insects have a wide variety of genitalia, which are used for mating and reproduction. (昆虫拥有各种各样的生殖器官,用于交配和繁殖。)


1. genitalia的含义:genitalia是指生殖器官,包括男性和女性的外部生殖器官。

2. 怎么读:[dʒəˈnaɪtəlɪə],音标为/dʒə'naɪtəlɪə/。

3. 同义词:reproductive organs、sexual organs。

4. 例句:

- The doctor examined the patient's genitalia for any signs of infection.


- The study found a correlation between the size of male genitalia and their attractiveness to female mates.



1. 生殖器官:genital organs

例句:The doctor examined the patient's genitalia for any signs of infection.

2. 性器官:sexual organs

例句:The male and female genitalia differ in appearance and function.

3. 私处:private parts

例句:It is important to teach children about protecting their private parts.

4. 性征器官:sexual characteristics

例句:Puberty is a time when the body goes through changes, including the development of sexual characteristics such as genitalia.

5. 肛门和生殖器官:anus and genitals

例句:The doctor checked for any abnormalities in the patient's anus and genitals.

6. 生殖系统:reproductive system

例句:The reproductive system is responsible for producing offspring and includes the genitalia as well as other organs like the ovaries and testes.

7. 下身部位:lower body parts

例句:Some cultures have strict rules about covering lower body parts, including the genitalia, in public.

8. 私密部位:intimate areas

例句: It is important to maintain good hygiene in intimate areas to prevent infections or discomfort.

9. 生育器官: reproductive organs

例句: The female reproductive organs include the uterus, ovaries, and external genitalia like the vagina and vulva.

10. 性别特征: gender characteristics

例句: Gender characteristics can include physical traits like facial hair or breast development, as well as internal structures like genitalia


1. 生殖器官:genital organs

例如:The doctor examined her genitalia and found no abnormalities.(医生检查了她的生殖器官,未发现异常。)

2. 阴茎和阴道:penis and vagina

例如:The genitalia of male and female animals are different.(雄性和雌性动物的阴茎和阴道是不同的。)

3. 下体:private parts

例如:He felt embarrassed when the doctor asked him to expose his genitalia for examination.(当医生要求他暴露下体接受检查时,他感到很尴尬。)

4. 性器官:sexual organs

例如:The reproductive system includes the genitalia, as well as other organs involved in sexual reproduction.(生殖系统包括性器官,以及其他参与性繁殖的器官。)

5. 生殖系统:reproductive system

例如:In some animals, the genitalia are only visible during mating season.(在一些动物中,生殖器官只有在交配季节才能看到。)

6. 私密部位:intimate parts

例如:It is important to teach children about their intimate parts and how to protect them from harm.(教育孩子关于私密部位及如何保护它们免受伤害是很重要的。)

7. 性别器官:sex organs

例如:The development of sex organs is a crucial part of puberty for both boys and girls.(性别器官的发育对于男孩和女孩来说都是青春期的重要部分。)

8. 生育器官:reproductive organs

例如:The male reproductive organs produce sperm, while the female reproductive organs produce eggs.(男性生育器官产生精子,女性生育器官产生卵子。)

9. 私密部位:intimate areas

例如:Parents should teach their children the proper names for their intimate areas, instead of using slang terms.(家长应该教育孩子正确的私密部位名称,而不是使用俚语。)

10. 性征:sexual characteristics

例如:Puberty is marked by the development of secondary sexual characteristics, including changes in the genitalia.(青春期标志着第二性征的发育,包括生殖器官的变化。)

