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The pronunciation of geniuses

1. What does geniuses mean?

- Geniuses is a plural noun that refers to individuals who possess exceptional intelligence, creativity, or talent in a particular field.


2. How do you pronounce geniuses?

- The correct pronunciation of geniuses is "JEE-nee-uhs-iz" with the emphasis on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for geniuses

- Some synonyms for geniuses include prodigies, masterminds, virtuosos, and savants.

4. Example sentences using geniuses

- Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci are considered geniuses in the fields of physics and art respectively.

- The company's success can be attributed to the brilliant minds of its team of geniuses.

- It takes a certain level of genius to come up with such innovative ideas.

- Many people believe that geniuses are born with their exceptional abilities, while others argue that it is a combination of nature and nurture.

5. Common mispronunciations of geniuses

- Some common mispronunciations of geniuses include "juh-NIE-siz", "GEN-yuhs-iz", and "JEN-yuhs-iz". However, these pronunciations are incorrect and should be avoided.

6. Tips for pronouncing geniuses correctly

- Remember to place the emphasis on the second syllable when saying "geniuses".

- Practice saying the word slowly and then gradually increase your speed until you can say it fluently without any mistakes.

- Listen to native speakers pronounce the word and try to mimic their pronunciation.

- If you're still unsure about how to pronounce it correctly, you can use online resources such as dictionaries or pronunciation guides for guidance.

In conclusion, understanding how to pronounce words correctly is essential for effective communication. Now that you know how to pronounce "geniuses", you can confidently use it in your conversations and impress others with your impeccable pronunciation. Remember to always strive for accuracy and clarity when speaking, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you're unsure about the correct pronunciation of a word

How to say geniuses

1. Geniuses are highly intelligent individuals.

2. The word "geniuses" can be pronounced as "jee-nee-uhs-iz".

3. Synonyms for geniuses include prodigies, masterminds, and brainiacs.

4. An example sentence using the word "geniuses" could be: "The school's chess team is full of geniuses who always win competitions."

5. So, what does the term "geniuses" really mean? It refers to people who possess exceptional intellectual or creative abilities, often surpassing their peers in their field of expertise.

6. These individuals are often characterized by their unique and innovative thinking, which sets them apart from others.

7. Some famous geniuses throughout history include Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Marie Curie.

8. In today's society, we often use the term "genius" to describe someone who is exceptionally talented or skilled in a particular area.

9. However, it's important to remember that true genius goes beyond just natural ability - it also requires hard work, dedication, and a constant thirst for knowledge.

10. So next time you come across the word "geniuses", remember that it represents those rare individuals who have truly mastered their craft and pushed the boundaries of human potential

Usage and examples of geniuses

1. Geniuses refer to exceptionally intelligent or talented individuals. They are often characterized by their exceptional abilities in a particular field or their innovative thinking.

例:Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci are considered geniuses in the fields of physics and art, respectively.

2. The word "geniuses" can be pronounced as either "JEE-nee-uhs-iz" or "JEEN-yuhs-iz", with the latter being more commonly used.

例:Many people struggle with pronouncing the word "geniuses" correctly, often saying "JEE-nee-uhs-iz" instead of the correct pronunciation, "JEEN-yuhs-iz".

3. Synonyms for geniuses include prodigies, masterminds, virtuosos, and whizzes.

例:Mozart was a musical prodigy who composed his first symphony at the age of eight.

4. Geniuses are often praised for their exceptional talents and achievements, but they may also face challenges such as social isolation or difficulty fitting in with others.

例:Despite his genius in mathematics, Alan Turing faced discrimination and persecution due to his homosexuality.

5. While geniuses may be rare, they can be found in various fields such as science, art, music, literature, and technology.

例:Steve Jobs is considered a genius for his innovative ideas and contributions to the field of technology through Apple Inc.

6. Some people believe that geniuses are born with their exceptional abilities while others argue that it is a combination of natural talent and hard work.

例:Mozart's father believed that his son was a born genius while others argue that his rigorous musical training from a young age played a significant role in his talent.

7. Geniuses have been celebrated throughout history for their contributions to society and their lasting impact on the world.

例:Marie Curie's groundbreaking research on radioactivity earned her two Nobel Prizes and revolutionized the field of science.

8. While not everyone can be a genius, we can all strive to develop our own unique talents and make a positive impact in our own way.

例:While I may not be a genius like Einstein or da Vinci, I am proud of my writing skills and hope to use them to inspire others

Phrases with geniuses

1. What does "geniuses" mean?

- "Geniuses" is the plural form of the noun "genius", which refers to a person with exceptional intelligence, creativity, or talent.

2. How do you pronounce "geniuses"?

- It is pronounced as juh-nee-uhs-iz.

3. Synonyms for geniuses

- Some synonyms for geniuses include prodigies, masterminds, whizzes, and savants.

4. Examples of using "geniuses" in a sentence

- The university is known for producing many geniuses in the field of science.

- The company hired a team of geniuses to work on their latest project.

- Only true geniuses can solve this complex puzzle.

5. Other phrases with "geniuses"

- Child prodigies: young geniuses who excel in a particular field

- Stroke of genius: an exceptionally clever or innovative idea or action

- Genius loci: the distinctive atmosphere or spirit of a place

- Genius grant: a prestigious award given to individuals who show exceptional promise in their field

6. Fun fact about geniuses

- Did you know that Albert Einstein's brain was preserved and studied by scientists after his death because they believed it held clues to his genius?

Synonyms for geniuses and their usage in sentences

1. What does "geniuses" mean?

- "Geniuses" refers to exceptionally intelligent or talented individuals.

- It can also be used to describe someone who has a high level of creativity or originality in a particular field.

2. How do you pronounce "geniuses"?

- The correct pronunciation is "jee-nee-uhs-iz".

- Some people may also say "jee-nee-siz", but the former is more commonly used.

3. Synonyms for geniuses:

- Masterminds

- Prodigies

- Visionaries

- Wunderkinds

- Brainiacs

4. Usage in sentences:

a) Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking are both considered geniuses in the field of physics.

b) Mozart was a musical prodigy, composing his first symphony at the age of 8.

c) Steve Jobs was a visionary who revolutionized the tech industry with his innovative ideas.

d) At just 16 years old, Bill Gates was already showing signs of being a wunderkind in the world of computer programming.

e) Marie Curie was a true brainiac, winning two Nobel Prizes for her groundbreaking work in chemistry and physics

