
生活学习2024-02-14 04:42:35自考教育网




1. “genre”这个单词的发音是[jahn-ruh],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 它起源于法语,意为“类型”或“流派”,在英语中被用来指代某种特定的艺术形式、文学作品或音乐风格。

3. 同义词包括category, style, type等。

4. 例如,这部电影属于喜剧类别(genre),而那部小说则属于浪漫主义风格(genre)







现在我们知道了genre的意思,接下来就是要学习如何正确地发音了。其实很简单,只需要把重音放在第二个音节上即可。所以它的发音应该是 [zhahn-ruh]。





例如,这本书属于什么genre?(What genre does this book belong to?)

另外,我们也可以用genre来描述一个人的兴趣爱好。比如,我喜欢听摇滚乐,这是我最喜欢的genre。(I love listening to rock music, it's my favorite genre.)


1. genre的含义


2. genre的发音


3. genre的同义词


4. genre的例句

- This book belongs to the fantasy genre.


- The movie is a mix of different genres, including romance, comedy, and action.


- Jazz is a popular music genre in America.


5. Genre在双语例句中的用法

- This novel falls into the horror genre and will surely give you goosebumps. (这部小说属于恐怖类别,肯定会让你毛骨悚然。)

- The artist's work cannot be confined to one single genre as it incorporates elements from different styles. (这位艺术家的作品不能归类为单一的类型,因为它融合了不同风格的元素。)

- The film festival features a variety of genres, from drama to documentary. (电影节展示了多种类型的电影,从戏剧到纪录片。)

- I prefer reading books in the fantasy genre because they allow me to escape into a different world. (我喜欢阅读奇幻类别的书籍,因为它们让我能够逃离现实进入一个不同的世界。)


1. 类型 (type)

- 这部电影属于什么类型?(What genre does this movie belong to?)

- 她擅长写作不同类型的小说。(She excels at writing novels of different genres.)

2. 流派 (style)

- 这首歌曲的流派是什么?(What is the genre of this song?)

- 他的画作融合了不同的艺术流派。(His paintings combine various artistic styles.)

3. 领域 (field)

- 她在哪个领域最为出色?(In which genre is she most outstanding?)

- 研究人员正在探索新兴领域的发展。(Researchers are exploring the development of emerging fields.)

4. 类别 (category)

- 这本书属于哪个类别?(Which genre does this book fall into?)

- 他喜欢阅读不同类别的杂志。(He enjoys reading magazines from different categories.)

5. 风格 (genre)

- 这种音乐风格受到了年轻人的欢迎。(This music genre is popular among young people.)

- 他擅长创作多种风格的绘画作品。(He is skilled at creating artworks in multiple genres.)

6. 种类 (kind)

- 你喜欢哪种电影类型?(Which kind of movie genre do you like?)

- 我们提供多种不同种类的产品。(We offer a variety of products in different kinds.)

7. 形式 (form)

- 这种文学形式的作品最近很流行。(This literary form has been popular lately.)

- 他喜欢尝试不同形式的写作。(He enjoys trying out different forms of writing.)

8. 题材 (theme)

- 这部电影的题材是什么?(What is the theme of this movie?)

- 他擅长创作多样化的题材。(He is skilled at creating diverse themes.)

9. 派别 (school)

- 这种艺术派别受到了广泛的认可。(This art school has gained widespread recognition.)

- 他在不同的艺术派别中探索自己的创作风格。(He explores his own creative style in different art schools.)

10. 类型学 (taxonomy)

- 这个研究领域涉及类型学和分类学。(This research field involves taxonomy and classification.)

- 类型学是对不同类别和分类方法进行研究的学科。(Taxonomy is a discipline that studies different categories and classification methods.)


1. 类型 (type)

- Genre refers to a particular type or category of artistic, literary, or musical composition.

- The novel falls into the genre of historical fiction.

2. 风格 (style)

- The book's genre is characterized by its unique style and tone.

- The movie is a blend of different genres, incorporating elements of comedy, drama, and romance.

3. 种类 (category)

- There are many different genres of music, such as rock, pop, jazz, and classical.

- The film festival features a diverse range of genres, including documentaries, thrillers, and animations.

4. 类型 (kind)

- This book falls under the genre of science fiction.

- The artist's work cannot be confined to one specific genre; it encompasses various kinds of art forms.

5. 流派 (school)

- The writer belongs to the romanticism genre in literature.

- This musician is known for his contributions to the jazz genre.

6. 形式 (form)

- Poetry is a genre that allows for creative expression through various forms such as sonnets or haikus.

- The play follows the traditional form of the tragedy genre.

7. 领域 (field)

- Science fiction is a popular genre in the field of literature.

- He has made significant contributions to the fantasy genre in the field of children's literature.

8. 风格类型 (stylistic type)

- This film can be classified as a hybrid between two stylistic types: comedy and horror.

- The author has created a new stylistic type within the crime fiction genre with his unique writing style.

9. 文体 (literary form)

- Genre refers to the literary form or structure used in writing a particular work.

- The novel's literary form falls into the postmodernist genre with its nonlinear narrative and fragmented plot.

10. 艺术形式 (artistic form)

- The artist's work is a perfect example of the abstract genre in the world of art.

- The dance performance showcased various artistic forms within the contemporary genre

