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The pronunciation of "gentle"



1. "gentle"的意思是什么?


2. "gentle"应该怎么读?


3. "gentle"的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句


- She has a gentle voice that always calms me down.


- He is a gentle person who never raises his voice.


- The doctor was very gentle when examining the patient's wound.


What is the meaning of "gentle"

Gentle is a word that is often associated with kindness, softness, and calmness. It can refer to a person's demeanor, actions, or even the way they speak. In this article, we will explore the meaning of "gentle", how to pronounce it, and some synonyms and examples of its usage.

1. What does "gentle" mean?

The word "gentle" can have several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Generally, it refers to someone who is kind, considerate, and not aggressive or harsh in their behavior. It can also describe something that is delicate or mild in nature.

2. How do you pronounce "gentle"?

"Gentle" is pronounced as /ˈdʒɛntəl/, with the emphasis on the first syllable. The first sound should be a soft "j" sound and the second syllable should be pronounced with a short "e" sound.

3. Synonyms for "gentle"

Some synonyms for "gentle" include:

- Kind: showing concern for others; considerate

- Mild: not harsh or severe; gentle in nature

- Tender: showing care and affection; gentle in touch or manner

- Soft: not loud or rough; gentle in tone or texture

- Polite: having good manners; respectful and courteous

4. Examples of using "gentle"

Here are some examples of using "gentle" in sentences:

- She has a gentle heart and always helps those in need.

- The baby's skin was so soft and gentle to touch.

- He spoke to her in a gentle tone to calm her down.

- The doctor was very gentle while examining my injury.

- A gentle breeze blew through the trees on that summer evening.

In conclusion, "gentle" can have different meanings but it generally refers to someone who is kind, soft, and not aggressive. It is a word that can be used to describe a person's behavior, actions, or even the nature of something. Remember to pronounce it as /ˈdʒɛntəl/ and use synonyms like kind, mild, tender, soft, or polite in your writing to add variety and depth to your language

Usage and examples of "gentle"

1. What does "gentle" mean?

When someone is described as "gentle," it means they are kind, calm, and considerate in their actions and behavior. It can also refer to something that is mild or delicate in nature.

2. How do you pronounce "gentle"?

"Gentle" is pronounced as JEN-tuhl.

3. Synonyms for "gentle"

Some synonyms for "gentle" include:

- Kind

- Tender

- Soft

- Mild

- Compassionate

4. Examples of using "gentle"

- She had a gentle touch, which helped calm the crying baby.

- The gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the trees.

- He spoke in a gentle tone, trying to comfort his friend.

- The therapist used gentle massage techniques to ease the tension in her client's muscles.

- The kitten's playful nibbles were surprisingly gentle.

5. Common phrases with "gentle"

- Gentle reminder: A polite way of reminding someone about something without being forceful or harsh.

Example: "Just a gentle reminder that our meeting is at 2 PM today."

- Gentle giant: Used to describe someone who is physically large but has a kind and non-threatening personality.

Example: "Despite his size, he was known as a gentle giant by everyone who knew him."

- Gentle slope: A gradual incline or decline that is easy to walk or climb on.

Example: "The hiking trail had a gentle slope, making it suitable for beginners."

Phrases with "gentle"

1. Gentle touch: a soft and delicate touch, often used to show affection or care. Example: The mother gently touched her baby's cheek.

2. Gentle breeze: a light and mild wind, usually associated with pleasant weather. Example: The gentle breeze rustled through the trees, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

3. Gentle reminder: a polite and subtle reminder, often used to prompt someone to do something without being forceful. Example: Just a gentle reminder that the deadline for the project is next week.

4. Gentle slope: a gradual and smooth incline, often used in geography or sports to describe a gentle change in elevation. Example: The hiking trail had a gentle slope, making it easy for beginners.

5. Gentle voice: a soft and soothing voice, often used to calm someone down or convey empathy. Example: The therapist spoke in a gentle voice to help her patient relax.

6. Gentle manner: a kind and considerate way of behaving towards others, often used to describe someone's personality or character. Example: Her gentle manner made her popular among her colleagues.

7. Gentle soul: someone who is kind-hearted and compassionate, often used as an endearing term for someone with a gentle nature. Example: She was known as a gentle soul who always went out of her way to help others.

8. Gentle giant: someone who is physically large but has a kind and gentle personality, often used as an endearing term for someone with unexpected gentleness. Example: Despite his intimidating appearance, he was actually a gentle giant who loved animals.

9. Gentle hug: a tender embrace, often used between friends or family members as an expression of love or comfort. Example: She gave her friend a gentle hug to show her support during difficult times.

10.Gentle smile:a warm and friendly smile, often used to convey kindness or happiness towards others.Example:The old man greeted us with a gentle smile, making us feel welcome in his home.

11. Gentle heart: a caring and compassionate nature, often used to describe someone's inner character. Example: Her gentle heart was evident in the way she always put others' needs before her own.

12. Gentle rain: a light and soft rain, often used to describe a peaceful or calming atmosphere. Example: The gentle rain pattered against the window, creating a soothing sound.

13. Gentle soulmate: someone who is not only your romantic partner but also your best friend and confidant, often used as an endearing term for a special relationship. Example: She found her gentle soulmate in her husband, who always supported and understood her.

14. Gentle discipline: a non-punitive approach to correcting behavior, often used in parenting or teaching to promote positive behavior without harshness or aggression. Example: The teacher used gentle discipline techniques to guide her students towards better behavior.

15. Gentle leader: someone who leads with kindness and empathy rather than force or authority, often used in leadership development to promote effective and compassionate leadership styles. Example: The company's CEO was known as a gentle leader who valued the well-being of his employees above all else

Synonyms for "gentle" with examples

1. Definition of "gentle"

Gentle is an adjective that describes someone or something as kind, mild, or calm in nature. It can also refer to a soft touch or action.

2. How to pronounce "gentle"

The word "gentle" is pronounced as /ˈdʒɛntl/ in American English and /ˈdʒent(ə)l/ in British English.

3. Synonyms for "gentle"

- Kind: having a friendly and considerate nature; example: She was always kind to her classmates.

- Mild: not harsh or severe; example: The weather was mild and pleasant.

- Calm: peaceful and free from disturbance; example: He took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

- Tender: showing care and affection; example: The mother gave her baby a tender hug.

- Soft: gentle in touch or sound; example: She has a soft voice that soothes others.

4. Examples of using "gentle" in sentences

- He spoke to her in a gentle tone, trying not to upset her.

- The doctor gave the patient a gentle massage to ease the pain.

- The puppy had a gentle demeanor, making it perfect for families with young children.

- She brushed her hair with gentle strokes, not wanting to cause any damage.

- His words were always gentle, even when he was expressing disappointment

