get across是什么意思,get across同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:05:40自考教育网

你是否曾经遇到过看不懂英语标题的困扰?或者是在阅读英语文章时,遇到一些生词无法理解?今天,我将为大家解决这个难题,让我们一起来探究“get across”这个行业标题的含义吧!通过下面的内容,让我们一起来了解“get across”的定义、发音、用法和双语例句,以及它的词组和同义词示例。让我们一起来探索这个有趣且实用的英语表达吧!

get across是什么意思,get across同义词及例句

get across的定义

get across的定义是指成功表达或传达某种信息或意思。它可以用于各种场合,包括口头交流、书面表达以及艺术创作等。在下面的内容中,我们将探讨get across的具体含义,并给出一些同义词和例句来帮助读者更好地理解。

1. 同义词

- Convey:传递、表达

- Communicate:沟通、交流

- Express:表现、表达

- Conveying a message:传递信息

2. 例句

- I tried to get my point across, but she just wouldn't listen.


- The artist's painting really gets the emotion across.


- It's important to get your ideas across clearly in a presentation.


- She used hand gestures to get her meaning across to the deaf audience.


get across的发音

1. 发音简介

"get across"的发音为/dʒet əˈkrɔːs/,其中/dʒ/发音类似于中文的“j”,/ə/发音类似于中文的“a”,/ˈkrɔːs/中的/k/发音清晰,类似于中文的“k”。

2. 发音示例

- She couldn't get her point across to the audience. (她无法向观众传达她的观点。)

- It's difficult to get your meaning across in a foreign language. (用外语表达自己的意思很难。)

- I hope I can get my message across to you clearly. (我希望我能够把我的信息清楚地传达给你。)

3. 同义词发音

- Convey [kənˈveɪ]:传达,表达

- Communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt]:交流,沟通

- Express [ɪkˈspres]:表达,表现

4. 示例句子及同义词替换

- The teacher tried to convey the importance of studying to the students. (老师试图向学生们传达学习的重要性。)

同义词替换:The teacher tried to get across the importance of studying to the students.

- It's important for us to communicate effectively in our daily life. (在我们日常生活中有效地交流很重要。)

同义词替换:It's important for us to get our message across effectively in our daily life.

- She expressed her gratitude to her parents for their support. (她向父母表达了对他们支持的感谢。)

同义词替换:She got her gratitude across to her parents for their support.

5. 注意事项

- "get across"中的"across"发音为/əˈkrɔːs/,而不是/əˈkrɒs/,注意区分。

- 在英文中,有些单词的发音可能会因为不同的国家或地区而有所差异,请根据自己所处的环境和习惯来选择发音方式

get across的用法和双语例句

1. get across的意思是什么?

Get across是一个短语动词,意为“使理解;使被接受;表达”。它通常用来指通过言语或行为来传达某种信息或概念,让对方理解并接受。例如,“我无法把我的想法get across给他”就是说“我无法让他理解我的想法”。

2. get across的同义词有哪些?

Get across的同义词包括:convey, communicate, express, impart等。它们都可以用来表示通过语言或行为来传达信息,让对方理解并接受。

3. 例句一:I'm not sure if I can get my point across to him.


这句话中,“get my point across”就是指“让他理解我的观点”。

4. 例句二:It's important to use simple language to get your message across.


这里,“get your message across”表示“传达信息”。

5. 例句三:He used gestures to get his meaning across.


这个例子中,“get his meaning across”指的是“表达自己的意思”。

6. 例句四:She couldn't get her feelings across in words.


这句话中,“get her feelings across”表示“表达自己的感受”。

7. 例句五:I tried to get across the importance of this project to my team.


这里,“get across the importance”可以理解为“让他们明白重要性”。

8. 例句六:The comedian's jokes didn't get across to the audience.


这个例子中,“get across to the audience”表示“被观众接受”。

Get across是一个常用的短语动词,意为“使理解;使被接受;表达”。它的同义词有convey, communicate, express, impart等,都可以用来表示通过言语或行为来传达信息,让对方理解并接受。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来表达自己的想法、观点、意愿等,也可以用来描述某人是否能够理解和接受某种信息。希望通过本小节,你能更加清楚地了解get across的含义和用法

get across的词组

1. Convey the message: 传递信息

例如:I struggled to get my point across during the meeting. (我在会议上努力让别人理解我的观点。)

2. Make oneself understood: 让自己被理解

例如:She tried her best to make herself understood in the foreign country. (她尽最大努力让自己在外国被理解。)

3. Get through: 通过,顺利完成

例如:I finally got through my exams after months of studying. (经过几个月的学习,我终于通过了考试。)

4. Get over: 克服,克服困难

例如:It took me a while to get over my fear of public speaking. (我花了一些时间克服了对公众演讲的恐惧。)

5. Put across: 表达,阐述

例如:He put his ideas across in a clear and concise manner. (他以清晰简洁的方式表达了自己的想法。)

6. Drive home: 强调,使人明白重要性

例如:The coach drove home the importance of teamwork to his players. (教练向球员们强调了团队合作的重要性。)

7. Hammer home: 反复强调,使人彻底明白

例如:The teacher hammered home the importance of studying for exams to her students. (老师反复强调了学生们备考的重要性。)

8. Get one's message through: 使某人明白

例如:I hope I can get my message through to my boss. (我希望我能让老板明白我的意思。)

9. Get across to: 被理解,被接受

例如:It's important for the speaker to get across to the audience. (对于演讲者来说,让听众理解是很重要的。)

10. Bring home: 让人明白,使人深刻体会

例如:The documentary brought home the harsh reality of poverty in developing countries. (这部纪录片让人深刻体会到发展中国家的贫困现实。)

get across的同义词示例

1. Convey

同义词:express, communicate, transmit

例句:I struggled to convey my true feelings in English, but finally managed to get across my message.

2. Make understood

同义词:clarify, explain, elucidate

例句:The teacher used various methods to make the difficult concept easily understood and got her point across to the students.

3. Get through

同义词:penetrate, permeate, seep in

例句:The speaker's passionate words got through to the audience and they were moved by his message.

4. Put across

同义词:present, deliver, convey

例句:The politician tried to put across his policies in a clear and convincing manner during the debate.

5. Get over

同义词:overcome, conquer, master

例句:It took me a while to get over my fear of public speaking and finally get across my ideas confidently.

6. Get past

同义词:overcome, surpass, exceed

例句:Despite facing many challenges and obstacles, she managed to get past them and successfully get her point across in the end.

7. Get through to

同义词: reach out to, connect with

例句: The advertisement was able to get through to its target audience and effectively convey the company's brand message.

8. Convince

同义词: persuade, sway

例句: It was difficult for him to convince his parents of his decision but he finally got across his reasons for wanting to pursue his dream career.

9. Impart

同义词: bestow, grant

例句: As a language teacher, she strives not only to teach grammar rules but also impart cultural understanding and communication skills.

10. Pass on

同义词: transmit, hand down

例句: It is important for parents to pass on their values and beliefs to their children so they can get across important life lessons

get across是一个非常实用的短语,它可以帮助我们更好地表达自己的意思,让别人更容易理解。希望通过本文的介绍,大家能够对get across有更深入的了解,并能够在日常生活中灵活运用。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请关注我,我会持续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识。我是网站编辑,感谢大家的阅读与支持!
