get off是什么意思

生活学习2024-02-14 06:32:54自考教育网

你是否经常会遇到一些看似简单的单词,却让你感到困惑?比如说,“get off”这个词,它到底是什么意思呢?今天我们就来揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱,让你对“get off”的词性和词义有更深入的了解。同时,我们还会为你提供“get off”的用法和例句,以及它的同义词和反义词。此外,我们还会分享一些“get off”常见搭配短语,让你在使用时更加得心应手。最后,如果你对“get off”的用法有任何疑问,也别担心,我们将为你一一解答。让我们一起来探索“get off”的世界吧!

get off是什么意思

get off的词性和词义

1. 词性:动词短语

2. 词义:指离开某处或某物,通常指从一个交通工具、座位或位置上下来,也可以表示结束某种状态或行为。常见的用法有:

- 离开交通工具:I need to get off the bus at the next stop.

- 下车/下飞机:We will get off the train in London.

- 脱离困境/不受惩罚:He was lucky to get off with just a warning.

- 停止做某事:I need to get off social media and focus on my work.

- 获得/取得(不容易得到的东西):She managed to get off a few days of vacation from her boss.

3. 这个词组也可以作为非正式用语,表示“开始行动”或“开始做某事”,类似于动词短语“get going”。例如:

- Let's get off and start our day!

- It's time for us to get off and start working on our project.

4. 另外,get off还可以作为名词短语,表示“性高潮”或“达到顶峰”的意思。例如:

- The movie was so exciting, it gave me a real thrill and I couldn't wait for the big "get off" at the end.

- The team's performance has been steadily improving, but they still haven't reached their "get off" yet

get off的用法和例句

1. get off的基本意思

get off一般指“离开”、“下车”或“摆脱”的意思,常用于日常口语中。它可以作为动词短语,也可以作为名词短语使用。

2. get off的用法


a. 离开某处:She got off the bus at the next stop.


b. 下车:We got off the train and walked to our hotel.


c. 摆脱某种状态或情况:He finally got off drugs after years of struggling.


d. 获得(某种东西):I got off a good deal on this jacket.


e. 发出(声音):The alarm clock just got off a loud ring.



a. 离开某处:I'll give you a ride to get you off.


b. 休息时间:I need to take a break during the day, just to get some time off.


3. get off的例句


a. I need to get off at the next stop.


b. The students got off the bus and walked to school.


c. He finally got off his bad habits after years of trying.


d. She got off a great deal on that car.


e. The fire alarm just got off a loud siren.



a. I'll give you a ride to get you off this place.


b. I always take some time off during the day to relax.


get off的同义词和反义词

1. 同义词:

- alight:这个词的意思是“下车”,通常用于公共交通工具或者汽车上。例如,我在公交车上等了很久,终于在第五站下车了。

- disembark:这个词的意思是“下船”,通常用于船只或者飞机上。例如,我们在小岛度假时,必须从渡轮上下船。

- descend:这个词的意思是“下降”,可以用来形容人从高处走下来,也可以指物体从高处掉落。例如,他从楼梯上跌落后,脚踝受伤了。

- dismount:这个词的意思是“下马”或者“卸载”,通常用于骑自行车、摩托车或者马匹时。例如,他骑着自行车去上班,到达目的地后就要把脚放到地面上。

2. 反义词:

- board:这个词的意思是“登上”,与get off相反。例如,在登机口等待时,请不要离开您的座位。

- embark:这个词的意思是“登船”或者“登机”,与disembark相反。例如,在旅行前,请确保您已经完成所有的登机手续。

- ascend:这个词的意思是“上升”,与descend相反。例如,他一步一步地爬上了山顶,欣赏着美丽的景色。

- mount:这个词的意思是“骑上”或者“装配”,与dismount相反。例如,他骑上马匹后,开始了一场激动人心的赛马比赛

get off的常见搭配短语

1. Get off work: 下班

例句:I usually get off work at 6 pm.

2. Get off the bus/train: 下车

例句:I need to get off the bus at the next stop.

3. Get off the phone: 挂断电话

例句:Can you please get off the phone? I need to make a call.

4. Get off to a good/bad start: 开始良好/不顺利

例句:I hope we can get off to a good start with this project.

5. Get off someone's back: 不再烦某人

例句:Can you please get off my back? I will finish my work on time.

6. Get something off one's chest: 倾诉某事

例句:She finally got that secret off her chest and felt relieved.

7. Get someone/something off the ground: 开始或推进某事

例句:We need to come up with a plan to get this project off the ground.

8. Get something/someone off one's mind: 忘记某事/人

例句:I can't seem to get him out of my mind, even though we broke up months ago.

9. Get someone/something off track: 使某人/物偏离正轨

例句:The unexpected news got me completely off track with my work.

10. Get something/someone off balance: 使某人/物失去平衡或控制力

例句:The sudden gust of wind got me completely off balance and I fell down

get off的疑问解答

1. 什么是get off?

Get off是一个英语短语,意为“下车”、“下来”或“离开”。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。

2. get off的常见用法有哪些?

a. 作为及物动词,get off通常指从某个交通工具(如公交车、火车、飞机等)上下来。例如:“请在这站下车。”(Please get off at this stop.)

b. 作为不及物动词,get off通常指离开某处或某个地方。例如:“我要去上班了,我得赶紧get off了。”(I have to go to work, I need to get off soon.)

c. 另外,get off还可以表示从某种状态或情况中解脱出来。例如:“他终于摆脱了贫穷的生活,现在过得很好。”(He finally got off poverty and now lives a good life.)

3. get off与其他类似短语的区别是什么?

与其他类似短语(如get out、get down等)相比,get off更多地强调从高处或内部移出。例如,“我想从这辆车上下来。”(I want to get off this car.)而如果使用get out,“我想要出这辆车。”(I want to get out of this car.)也是正确的,但更强调从内部出来。

4. get off还有其他的意思吗?

是的,get off还可以表示“脱掉”、“摆脱”、“解决”等。例如:“请把你的鞋子get off。”(Please get your shoes off.)“我希望能够尽快get off这个问题。”(I hope to get this problem off soon.)

5. get off在口语中常用吗?

是的,get off是一种非常常用的口语表达。它可以用于日常生活中各种场合,如乘坐交通工具、离开某处、解决问题等。所以学习和掌握这个短语对于提高口语表达能力非常有帮助

get off作为一个常见的短语,在日常生活和英语学习中都有着重要的意义。它不仅可以表示下车、离开等动作,还可以用来表示脱下衣物、开始做某事等含义。同时,它的同义词还有alight、descend等,反义词则有get on、board等。在实际使用中,我们还可以根据具体情况搭配不同的短语,如get off the bus/train/airplane等。希望本文对您有所帮助,并且能够让您更加了解和熟练地使用这一短语。我是网站编辑,如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我将会为您带来更多有趣、实用的内容。谢谢阅读!
