get together 是什么意思

生活学习2024-02-14 06:42:13自考教育网

你是否曾经听说过“get together”这个词?它的发音如何?它究竟是什么意思?今天,我将带你一探究竟。从发音到用法,从例句到同义词,让我们一起来揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。无论你是想要扩展自己的词汇量,还是对英语文化感兴趣,本文都将为你带来全方位的解读。那么,让我们开始吧!

get together的发音

1. get together的发音是什么?

2. get together这个词的发音是怎样的?

get together 是什么意思

3. 读音方面,get together应该如何念?

4. 如何正确地发音get together这个词?

get together这个词的发音可以分为两部分来解释。首先,我们来看第一个单词"get"的发音。它是一个单音节词,读作/gɛt/。其中,字母"g"发/k/音,字母"e"发/ɛ/音,字母"t"发/t/音。


因此,整个单词get together的正确发音应该是/gɛt təˈgɛðər/。


Step 1: 发/k/、/ɛ/、/t/


Step 2: 发/tə/


Step 3: 发/ˈgɛðər/


get together的发音是/gɛt təˈgɛðər/。

1. 首先要注意每个字母的正确发音:/gɛt təˈgɛðər/

2. 然后注意将字母"a"和"o"分别发成中央元音/a/和/o/: /tə/

3. 最后轻读字母"g"和"r",重点放在/d/上:/ˈgɛðər/

get together是什么意思

1. 什么是get together?

“get together”是一个常用的英语短语,通常表示“聚会”、“聚集在一起”的意思。它由动词“get”和副词“together”组成,字面意思为“把……聚集在一起”。

2. “get together”的用法

“get together”作为一个短语,可以作为动词或名词使用。作为动词时,它通常用于表达人们聚集在一起的行为,如:“Let's get together for dinner tonight.”(今晚我们一起吃晚饭吧);作为名词时,它可以指代一个聚会或活动,如:“We are having a get together at our house this weekend.”(这个周末我们在家里举办一个聚会)。

3. “get together”的同义词

除了“get together”,还有许多其他的英语短语可以表示相同的意思。比如,“gather”、“assemble”、“meet up”等都可以表示“聚集在一起”。但是,“get together”的使用场景更加广泛,它不仅可以指人们的聚会行为,还可以指物体的汇集或组合。

4. “get together”的反义词

与“get together”相对应的反义词是“split up”,意思是分散、分开。比如,“After the meeting, we will split up and go back to our own offices.”(会议结束后,我们会分散回到各自的办公室)。

5. “get together”的用法注意事项

在使用“get together”时,需要注意以下几点:


(2)作为动词时,可以搭配不同的介词使用,如“get together with”、“get together for”等;


6. “get together”的常见搭配

除了上述提到的用法外,“get together”还有一些常见的搭配,如:

(1)have/get a get together:举办一个聚会;

(2)organize/plan a get together:组织/策划一个聚会;

(3)attend a get together:参加一个聚会;

(4)family/friends get together:家庭/朋友聚会。

7. “get together”的文化背景

“get together”这个短语在英语中已经存在很久了,在不同国家和地区都有使用。它也体现了人们重视社交和团结的文化背景。无论是家庭成员、朋友还是同事之间,都习惯于定期举办聚会来加强彼此之间的关系

get together的用法和例句

1. get together的基本意思

get together是一个动词短语,意为“聚集在一起”、“相聚”、“聚会”。它也可以用作名词,表示一次聚会或会议。这个短语通常用于描述人们一起共同做某件事情的情况。

2. get together的用法示例

- We should get together and have a picnic this weekend.


- Let's get together for dinner next week.


- The family gets together every year for Christmas.


- We had a get-together with our old friends last night.


3. get together的同义词

如果你想表达“相聚”的意思,除了用get together之外,还可以使用以下同义词:

- meet up:与某人见面或相聚

例如:Let's meet up at the park tomorrow.(明天我们在公园见面吧。)

- gather:集合、聚集

例如:The students gathered in the auditorium for the assembly.(学生们在礼堂集合参加大会。)

- assemble:集合、组装

例如:We need to assemble all the parts before we can use it.(我们需要把所有零件组装起来才能使用。)

4. get together的反义词


- separate:分开、隔离

例如:The twins were separated at birth and raised by different families.(这对双胞胎在出生时就被分开,由不同的家庭抚养。)

- disperse:分散、散开

例如:After the meeting, everyone dispersed and went back to their own offices.(会议结束后,每个人都散去回到自己的办公室。)

5. get together的常见搭配

除了上述用法之外,get together还可以与其他词汇搭配使用,形成一些常用短语,例如:

- get together with someone:与某人相聚

例如:I haven't seen my college friends in a long time, I should get together with them soon.(我已经很久没有见过大学朋友们了,我应该尽快和他们相聚。)

- have a get-together:举行一次聚会或会议

例如:We had a small get-together to celebrate our friend's birthday last night.(昨晚我们举行了一次小型聚会来庆祝朋友的生日。)

- get together for something:为某事而相聚

例如:We usually get together for Thanksgiving dinner every year.(我们每年都会为感恩节而聚在一起吃晚餐。)

6. get together的其他用法

- get it together:重新振作、调整状态

例如:You need to get it together and focus on your studies.(你需要重新振作,专心学习。)

- get yourself together:冷静下来、控制情绪

例如:Take a deep breath and get yourself together before you go in there.(在进去之前,深呼吸冷静一下。)

get together的同义词示例

1. Gather: This word is often used as a synonym for "get together" and means to come together or assemble in one place.

Example: Let's gather at the park for a picnic this weekend.

2. Meet: Similar to "gather," this word also means to come together, but can also imply a planned meeting or appointment.

Example: We should meet up for coffee and catch up on old times.

3. Convene: This word is more formal and implies a gathering for a specific purpose or meeting.

Example: The board of directors will convene next week to discuss the company's financial report.

4. Reunite: To reunite means to bring people or things back together after being apart.

Example: The family was excited to reunite for their annual holiday dinner.

5. Assemble: This word can be used as a synonym for "gather" but often implies putting something together or organizing it in some way.

Example: The volunteers will assemble care packages for the homeless community.

6. Unite: To unite means to join together, often with a common goal or purpose.

Example: The team must unite if they want to win the championship.

7. Rally: This word can mean to come together in support of something or someone, often with enthusiasm and energy.

Example: The community rallied behind the local charity's fundraising campaign.

8. Mingle: To mingle means to mix or socialize with others, especially at a social event.

Example: Let's go to the party and mingle with some new people.

9. Hang out: This informal phrase means to spend time with friends or acquaintances in a relaxed setting.

Example: We used to hang out at the mall every weekend when we were teenagers.

10. Join forces: This phrase means to combine efforts or resources with others towards a common goal.

Example: The two companies decided to join forces in order to compete with their larger competitors

get together是一个非常常用的短语,它的发音也很简单。它可以表示聚会、聚集、团聚等含义,而且在日常生活中也经常被使用。除了以上提到的用法和例句外,还有许多同义词可以替换get together,如gather, meet up, assemble等。如果你想要表达“我们一起聚会吧”的意思,也可以使用Let's get together来表示。最后,我作为这篇文章的编辑,希望能够为大家带来有用的信息,并且能够得到大家的关注和喜爱。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的知识和内容。谢谢阅读!
