
生活学习2024-02-14 06:57:38自考教育网







那么,“get-up”的正确发音就是/gɛt ʌp/。记住这个规则,并多多练习,你就能轻松掌握它啦!




1. get-up的字面意思

首先,让我们从字面意思来解释一下get-up。根据字典的解释,get-up可以作为一个名词,表示“着装”或者“打扮”的意思。例如,“Her get-up is always so stylish.”(她的穿衣风格总是那么时尚。)除此之外,get-up也可以作为一个动词短语,表示“起床”的意思。例如,“I usually get up at 7 am.”(我通常7点起床。)

2. get-up在口语中的使用

除了字面意思外,在日常口语中,get-up还有其他更多的用法。例如,“to get up to something”可以表示“做某事”、“从事某事”,例如,“What did you get up to last night?”(昨晚你做了什么?)另外,“to get up to someone”也是一个常用的表达方式,指“与某人亲近”。例如,“I really want to get up to him, he seems so cool!”(我真想和他亲近一下,他看起来很酷!)

3. 与get-up相关的短语

除了上述提到的用法外,get-up还可以与其他词组合使用,形成一些常用的短语。例如,“to get up and go”指“精力充沛、积极向上”,“to get up to speed”指“迅速掌握、适应”,“to get up and running”指“开始运行、启动”。这些短语在日常生活中都是非常实用的表达方式。



1. get-up的定义


2. 作为动词的用法和例句

a) 指起床:I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. (我通常早上7点起床。)

b) 指站立:The children got up to greet their teacher. (孩子们站起来向老师问好。)

c) 指起身:He got up from his chair and walked to the door. (他从椅子上站起来走向门口。)

3. 作为名词的用法和例句

a) 指服装:She was wearing a beautiful get-up for the party. (她穿了一件漂亮的服装参加晚会。)

b) 指打扮:He always has a stylish get-up for work. (他总是工作时打扮得很时尚。)

4. 其他常见搭配

a) Get someone up: 帮某人起床或使某人站立。

例句:My mom always gets me up early on weekends. (我妈妈总是在周末早上把我叫醒。)

b) Get up to do something: 起身做某事。

例句:I got up to get a glass of water. (我起身去拿杯水。)

c) Get up and go: 活力和动力。

例句:I need to have a cup of coffee to get up and go in the morning. (早上我需要喝杯咖啡来提神。)

5. 注意事项

在口语中,get-up也可以用作一个短语,表示“装扮”或“打扮好了”的意思。例如:“You look great! Did you get yourself up for the party?” (你看起来很棒!你为了晚会打扮得很漂亮吗?)



1. Get up early: 早起

2. Get up late: 晚起

3. Get up and go: 起床并出发

4. Get up and running: 开始运行/开始运转

5. Get up and do something: 站起来做某事

6. Get up and leave: 站起来离开

7. Get up and dance: 站起来跳舞

8. Get up to speed: 加快速度/赶上进度

9. Get up the nerve/courage to do something: 鼓起勇气做某事

10. Get back up: 再次站起来/重新振作

11. Get back up on one's feet: 重新站稳脚跟/恢复正常状态

12. Get dressed-up: 打扮得漂亮/盛装出席

13. Get caught-up in something: 被卷入某事/陷入某种情况中

14. Get fired-up about something: 对某事感到兴奋/激动/热情高涨

15. Get fed-up with something/someone: 对某事物/某人感到厌烦/受够了


1. Rise and shine

- 意思:起床,开始新的一天

- 示例:Every morning, I struggle to get-up, but once I do, I feel ready to take on the day.

2. Wake up and smell the coffee

- 意思:意识到现实,清醒过来

- 示例:It's time to stop dreaming and wake up and smell the coffee. You need to get-up and start working towards your goals.

3. Get cracking

- 意思:开始行动,努力做某事

- 示例:Come on, it's time to get cracking! We have a lot of work to do today.

4. Hit the ground running

- 意思:立即开始做某事,充满活力地开始做某事

- 示例:I always hit the ground running in the morning, it helps me be more productive throughout the day.

5. Jump out of bed

- 意思:迅速起床,精神抖擞地起床

- 示例:I can't wait to jump out of bed tomorrow and start my day with a delicious breakfast.

6. Spring out of bed

- 意思:轻松愉快地起床,精神焕发地起床

- 示例:After a good night's sleep, I always spring out of bed feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

7. Shake off sleepiness

- 意思:摆脱困倦,清醒过来

- 示例:I need a strong cup of coffee in the morning to help me shake off my sleepiness and get-up for work.

8. Rouse oneself

- 意思:使自己清醒,振作起来

- 示例:I have to rouse myself every morning to get-up and start my day, but it's always worth it.

9. Throw off the covers

- 意思:甩掉被子,起床

- 示例:Throwing off the covers in the morning is always a struggle, but I know I have to get-up and face the day.

10. Embrace the day

- 意思:拥抱新的一天,迎接挑战

- 示例:Instead of hitting snooze, try embracing the day and all its possibilities by getting up early and making the most of your time

get-up是一个常用的英语词汇,它的发音是/jet ʌp/。它可以作为动词使用,意思是“起床”,也可以作为名词使用,意思是“衣着”。除了这两种基本用法外,还有许多常见的短语搭配,例如“get-up-and-go”、“get-up-to”等。此外,我们也可以用其他同义词来替换get-up,比如“rise”、“awaken”等。希望本文能够帮助到大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇。最后,我是网站编辑小编,在此感谢大家的阅读和支持。如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的英语学习资料。谢谢!
