
生活学习2024-02-14 07:32:15自考教育网




1. giants的定义


2. giants的词源


3. giants同义词


4. giants例句

- In Greek mythology, the Titans were a race of powerful giants who ruled the world before the gods.


- The football team's defense was like a wall of giants, impossible to break through.


- The tech company has become a giant in the industry, dominating the market with its innovative products.




如果你还不够熟悉这个词汇,可以想象一下《Jack and the Beanstalk》(《杰克与豆茎》)这个童话故事中的巨人。他们高大威猛、力大无穷,总是给人留下深刻的印象。

所以说,“giants”的含义并不限于字面上的巨大,在某些情况下也可以指那些具有强大力量和影响力的人或事物。比如说,“technology giants”(科技巨头)指那些在科技行业处于领先地位且具有重要影响力的公司。



1. giants的意思


2. giants的读音


3. giants同义词


4. giants双语例句

1) The ancient Greeks believed that giants were the children of the gods.


2) The tech industry is dominated by giants such as Apple, Google and Microsoft.


3) The city skyline was dominated by towering skyscrapers, like giants in a concrete jungle.


4) The football team was nicknamed “The Giants” due to their impressive size and strength.


5) The giants of the financial world were shaken by the economic crisis.



1. Giants的意思是巨人,指的是体型庞大的人或物体。

2. Giants的同义词包括:titans、colossus、monsters等。

3. Giants的读音为[dʒaɪənts]。

4. 常见的搭配有:

- giant steps: 巨大的步伐,形容进展迅速。

例句:The company has taken giant steps in expanding its business globally.

- giant leap: 巨大的飞跃,形容取得重大成就。

例句:The new technology has allowed us to make a giant leap in our research.

- giant killer: 指能够击败强大对手的人或事物。

例句:The underdog team proved to be a giant killer by defeating the top-ranked team.

- a gentle giant: 指外表威猛但内心温和善良的人。

例句:Despite his intimidating appearance, he was known as a gentle giant among his friends.

- sleeping giants: 指潜在强大但暂时处于休眠状态的力量或资源。

例句:The country's untapped natural resources are like sleeping giants waiting to be awakened.

- giants of industry: 指在某一行业具有巨大影响力和地位的企业或人物。

例句:These two companies are considered the giants of the tech industry


1. Titans

- 同义词:巨人

- 示例:In Greek mythology, the Titans were a race of powerful giants who ruled the world before the Olympian gods.

2. Behemoths

- 同义词:巨兽

- 示例:The behemoths of the ancient world were said to be giant creatures that roamed the earth.

3. Colossi

- 同义词:巨像

- 示例:The colossi of Rhodes was a giant statue of the Greek god Helios that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

4. Goliaths

- 同义词:大力士

- 示例:The story of David and Goliath tells of a young boy who defeated a giant warrior with only a slingshot.

5. Juggernauts

- 同义词:巨无霸

- 示例:The tech company has become a juggernaut in the industry, dominating all its competitors.

6. Mammoths

- 同义词:猛犸象

- 示例:Mammoths were giant, woolly elephants that roamed the earth during prehistoric times.

7. Cyclopes

- 同义词: 独眼巨人

- 示例: In Greek mythology, cyclopes were one-eyed giants who forged Zeus' thunderbolts in their underground workshop.

8. Leviathans

- 同义词: 海怪

- 示例: Sailors have long told tales of monstrous leviathans lurking in the depths of the ocean.

9. Gargantuans

- 同义词: 巨大的

- 示例: The gargantuan size of the dinosaur skeleton was awe-inspiring.

10. Titans of industry

- 同义词: 工业巨头

- 示例: The titans of industry control the market and dictate the direction of the economy.

11. Jumbo

- 同义词: 巨大的

- 示例: The jumbo jet can carry hundreds of passengers at once, making long-distance travel more convenient.

12. Gargantuan beings

- 同义词: 巨大的生物

- 示例: The movie featured gargantuan beings from another planet, wreaking havoc on Earth.

13. Monoliths

- 同义词: 巨石

- 示例: Stonehenge is a famous monolith, consisting of giant standing stones arranged in a circular pattern.

14. Gargantuan creatures

- 同义词: 巨大的生物

- 示例: The deep sea is home to many gargantuan creatures that have yet to be discovered by humans.

15. Giants among men

- 同义词:伟人

- 示例:The scientist was a giant among men, making groundbreaking discoveries that changed the course of history

