
生活学习2024-02-14 07:45:40自考教育网



1. 概念解释



2. 发音及读法


3. 同义词


4. 例句解析

(1) She received a beautiful gift from her friend on her birthday.


(2) The company gave out gifts to all its employees during the holiday season.


(3) He has a gift for languages and can speak five different languages fluently.


5. 衍生用法

除了作为名词使用,gift还可以作为动词和形容词。作为动词时,意为“赠送”、“赋予”,如:The queen gifted her daughter with a beautiful necklace. (女王赠送她的女儿一条漂亮的项链。) 作为形容词时,意为“有天赋的”、“有天赋的人”,如:He is a gifted musician. (他是一位有天赋的音乐家。)




其实,这取决于它在句子中的位置。一般来说,当“gift”作为名词出现时,我们会将其读作/gɪft/,比如“I received a gift from my friend.”(我收到了朋友送给我的礼物。)但当它作为动词出现时,则会读作/dʒɪft/,比如“She gifted me a beautiful necklace.”(她送给了我一条漂亮的项链。)

除此之外,“gift”还可以用作形容词和副词的同义词,分别是“gifted”和“giftedly”。例如,“She is a gifted painter.”(她是一位天才画家。)和“He giftedly played the piano at the concert.”(他在音乐会上精彩地弹奏了钢琴。)


1. gift的意思


2. gift的发音


3. gift的同义词

- Present:指一种礼物或赠品,与gift意思相同。

- Offering:指一种供奉或献上的礼物。

- Donation:指慈善捐赠或捐款。

- Souvenir:指旅游纪念品或纪念品。

4. gift的例句

- I received a beautiful gift from my friend on my birthday.(我在生日时收到了朋友送给我的漂亮礼物。)

- Her singing talent is a true gift from God.(她的歌唱天赋是上帝赐予她的真正天赋。)

- The company gave out gifts to all its employees for the holiday season.(公司在节日期间给所有员工发放了礼物。)

- He made a generous donation to the charity organization.(他慷慨地向慈善组织捐赠了一笔款项。)

- I bought a souvenir for my parents from my trip to Paris.(我从巴黎旅行中给父母买了一个纪念品。)

5. gift的用法

- 作为名词,gift可以表示一种物质上的礼物或赠品。

- 作为动词,gift可以表示赠送或赋予。

- 在商业领域,gift也常用来指企业赠送给客户或员工的礼品。

6. gift的双语例句

- The best gift you can give someone is your time, because you're giving them something that you'll never get back.(你能给别人最好的礼物就是你的时间,因为你给了他们一样你永远也无法拿回来的东西。)

- The ability to speak multiple languages is a valuable gift in today's globalized world.(能够说多种语言是当今全球化世界中一种宝贵的天赋。)

- She gifted her daughter a beautiful necklace on her wedding day.(她在女儿结婚那天送给她一条漂亮的项链作为礼物。)

- The company always gifts its top-performing employees with bonuses at the end of the year.(公司总是在年底向表现优秀的员工发放奖金作为奖励。)

- He received a small souvenir from the museum as a token of appreciation for his donation.(他收到了博物馆的一件小纪念品,作为感谢他捐赠的表示。)


1. present - 礼物,作为一个名词,指的是一件东西,可以是给予他人的礼物,也可以是天赋或才能。

例句:She received a beautiful present on her birthday. (她在生日时收到了一份漂亮的礼物。)

2. donation - 捐赠,作为一个名词,指的是向慈善机构或组织提供的钱或物品。

例句:He made a generous donation to the local charity. (他向当地的慈善机构进行了慷慨捐赠。)

3. offering - 赠品,作为一个名词,指的是商家为促销活动而提供给顾客的小礼品。

例句:The store is giving away free offerings with every purchase this week. (这个店本周每次购买都会赠送免费赠品。)

4. talent - 天赋,作为一个名词,指的是某人特有的才能或技能。

例句:She has a natural talent for playing the piano. (她天生就有弹钢琴的天赋。)

5. boon - 好处,作为一个名词,指的是某种有益于个人或社会的东西。

例句:The new policy has been a boon for small businesses in the area. (这项新政策对当地小企业来说是一件好事。)

6. blessing - 祝福,作为一个名词,指的是某种使人感到幸运和幸福的事情。

例句:Winning the lottery was a blessing for the struggling family. (中彩票对这个苦苦挣扎的家庭来说是一件幸事。)


1. Present

例句:She received a beautiful present for her birthday from her best friend.

2. Donation

例句:The company made a generous donation to the local charity.

3. Offering

例句:The church asked for offerings to support their mission work.

4. Token

例句:As a token of appreciation, the teacher gave each student a small gift.

5. Souvenir

例句:He brought back souvenirs from his trip to Japan for his family and friends.

6. Keepsake

例句:The couple exchanged keepsakes as a symbol of their love on their wedding day.

7. Bounty

例句:The king's bounty was distributed among the poor during the harvest festival.

8. Grant

例句:The organization received a grant to fund their research project.

9. Endowment

例句:The university received a large endowment from an anonymous donor to support scholarships for students.

10. Contribution

例句:Every year, the employees make contributions to the company's annual charity drive.

11. Offering

例句:The temple was filled with offerings from devotees seeking blessings from the deity.

12. Legacy

例句:Her grandmother's antique jewelry was passed down as a legacy to her on her 18th birthday.

13. Benefit

例句:The fundraiser was organized to benefit underprivileged children in the community.

14. Award

例句: The athlete received an award for breaking the world record in his event at the Olympics.

15. Tribute

例句: The concert was a tribute to the legendary musician who passed away last year

