
生活学习2024-02-14 08:09:31自考教育网



1. 什么是gilt?



2. gilt的同义词


3. gilt的例句

- The chandelier was adorned with gilt decorations.


- The frame of the mirror is made of gilt wood.


- The sun shone on the gilt dome of the palace.


4. 用法示例

- As a noun:

The antique vase is decorated with intricate gilt patterns.


- As a verb:

She carefully gilded the edges of the book pages with gold leaf.


5. 相关表达


- Gilt-edged: 镶有镀金边的,指高质量或高价值的东西。

- Gilt-edged securities: 镶有镀金边的证券,指高信誉和低风险的投资工具。

- Gilt trip: 感情上的利用,指某人被利用或欺骗以满足他人自身需要


1. 这个词的发音是[jilt],读起来像是“吉尔特”。

2. 如果你觉得这个词很陌生,那么你可能会想把它读成“吉特”或者“格尔特”,但其实都是不正确的。

3. “gilt”这个词源于古英语中的“gylt”,意为“欠债”或者“罪过”。在现代英语中,它有两种主要的意思。

4. 第一种意思是指“镀金”的过去分词形式,也就是说某物被涂上了一层金属。比如,“The frame of the mirror was gilt.”(镜子的框架被镀上了金属。)

5. 第二种意思则是指“年轻母猪”的专业术语。如果你去农场,可能会听到人们说:“We have a new gilt in the pigsty.”(我们在猪舍里有一头新母猪。)

6. 同义词包括:gold-plated、gold-covered、golden、young sow等等。

7. 举个例子来说,你可以说:“The necklace was made of gilt beads.”(这条项链是用镀金珠子制作的。)或者“The farmer bought a gilt to breed with his boar.”(农民买了一头母猪和他的公猪配种。)

8. 总的来说,“gilt”这个词虽然有点生僻,但是它的意思并不复杂。希望你能够在阅读本小节之后,对它有更深入的了解


1. Gilt的意思是什么?


2. Gilt怎么读?


3. Gilt的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- The chandelier in the ballroom was adorned with gilt decorations, making the whole room look luxurious and extravagant.


- She was wearing a beautiful gown with gilt embroidery, which caught everyone's attention at the party.


- The new restaurant has a gilt menu, with prices that are much higher than what I usually pay for a meal.


- The antique mirror had a gilt frame, adding a touch of elegance to the room.



1. Gilt-edged - 有金边的,指高品质的、可靠的或有价值的

例句:He invested in gilt-edged securities to ensure a stable income.

2. Gilt-framed - 有金框的,指画作或镜子等被装在金色框架里

例句:The painting was displayed in a beautiful gilt-framed frame.

3. Gilt mirror - 金属镜子,指用金属制成的镜子

例句:The antique shop had a beautiful gilt mirror on display.

4. Gilt bronze - 铜鎏金,指铜制品表面覆盖一层薄薄的金属

例句:The temple's doors were adorned with intricate designs in gilt bronze.

5. Gilt lettering - 金色字母,指印刷或雕刻在书籍封面上的金色字母

例句:The title of the book was written in elegant gilt lettering.

6. Gilded age - 镀金时代,指19世纪末期美国经济繁荣时期

例句:The gilded age was characterized by rapid industrialization and wealth accumulation.

7. Gilded lily - 镀金百合,比喻外表华丽但内在空虚的事物

例句:His extravagant lifestyle was nothing more than a gilded lily.

8. Gilt complex - 镀金情结,指对自己地位和财富过分自豪的心理

例句:The wealthy businessman had a gilt complex and looked down on those less fortunate.

9. Gilt-edged invitation - 有金边的邀请函,指高级场合的正式邀请

例句:She received a gilt-edged invitation to the state dinner.

10. Gilt trip - 镀金之旅,指为了炫耀财富而进行的旅行

例句:The couple's vacation was nothing more than a gilt trip to show off their wealth


1. Gold-plated: This term is often used to describe an object that has been covered with a thin layer of gold, similar to gilt.

2. Gilded: This word can be used to describe something that is covered in gold or has a golden appearance, just like gilt.

3. Golden: Another synonym for gilt, this word is often used to describe something that is bright and shiny like gold.

4. Glittering: This adjective can be used to describe something that sparkles or shines, much like gilt does.

5. Gleaming: Similar to glittering, this word can also be used to describe something that shines or reflects light, just like gilt.

6. Lustrous: This term can be used to describe something that has a shiny or glossy appearance, similar to gilt.

7. Shimmering: Another synonym for glittering and gleaming, this word can also be used to describe something that glimmers or reflects light, just like gilt does.

8. Radiant: Often used to describe someone's beauty or happiness, this word can also be applied to objects that have a bright and glowing appearance, similar to gilt.

9. Resplendent: This adjective can be used to describe something that is visually impressive and dazzling, just like gilt.

10. Brilliant: Similar to radiant and resplendent, this word can also be used to describe something that shines brightly and catches the eye, much like gilt does

