
生活学习2024-02-14 08:18:07自考教育网





1. gingko的意思


2. gingko怎么读


3. gingko同义词及例句

除了gingko这个词语外,还有一些同义词可以代替它。比如maidenhair tree、ginkgo biloba等。下面是一些例句:

- The leaves of the gingko tree turn a beautiful golden color in the fall.


- Gingko is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve memory.




1. gingko的含义:gingko是一种古老的树木,也被称为“白果树”或“银杏树”,它具有独特的叶子形状和药用价值。

2. gingko的解释:gingko一词来自日语“銀杏”(gin means silver,kyo means apricot),意为银色的果实。它也被认为是来自中国南部方言中的“yin-hing”,意为银杏。

3. gingko怎么读:gingko的发音为/ˈɡɪŋkəʊ/,可以拆分为gin-ko,重音在第一个音节上。

4. gingko同义词:gingko的同义词包括maidenhair tree、ginkgo biloba、yinhsing等。它们都指代同一种植物。

5. gingko例句:

- The gingko tree in my backyard turns golden yellow in autumn.


- Gingko is known for its medicinal properties and is often used in traditional Chinese medicine.



1. gingko的意思是什么?


2. gingko怎么读?


3. gingko的同义词有哪些?

gingko的同义词包括maidenhair tree、silver apricot、duck foot tree等。

4. gingko的例句有哪些?

- The gingko trees in the park turn a beautiful golden color in the fall.


- Gingko leaves are often used in traditional Chinese medicine.


- The ancient gingko tree is believed to have many health benefits.


- The gingko is a symbol of longevity and resilience in many cultures.



1. 银杏树 - gingko tree

例句:The gingko tree is known for its bright yellow leaves in the fall.

2. 银杏叶 - gingko leaf

例句:The gingko leaf is often used in traditional Chinese medicine.

3. 白果 - white fruit

例句:The white fruit of the gingko tree is often used in cooking.

4. 银杏果实 - gingko fruit

例句:Gingko fruits are high in antioxidants and have many health benefits.

5. 银杏种子 - gingko seed

例句:Gingko seeds are believed to improve memory and cognitive function.

6. 银杏核桃 - gingko nut

例句:Gingko nuts are a popular snack in some Asian countries.

7. 白果仁 - white nut

例句:White nuts from the gingko tree are often used in traditional Chinese desserts.

8. 银杏仁 - gingko almond

例句:Gingko almonds are rich in healthy fats and protein.

9. 金银果 - golden silver fruit

例句:In Chinese culture, the golden silver fruits of the gingko tree symbolize longevity and good luck.

10. 白银果实 - white silver fruit

例句:The white silver fruits of the gingko tree have a unique texture and taste when cooked.

11. 孔雀树 - peacock tree

例句:The beautiful fan-shaped leaves of the gingko tree have earned it the nickname "peacock tree".

12. 一钱树 - one coin tree

例句:In Japan, the gingko tree is sometimes called "one coin tree" because its leaves resemble the shape of a Japanese coin.

13. 银杏木 - gingko wood

例句:Gingko wood is highly valued for its durability and resistance to insects and decay.

14. 银杏油 - gingko oil

例句:Gingko oil is extracted from the seeds of the gingko tree and is used in cooking and traditional medicine.

15. 白果油 - white fruit oil

例句:White fruit oil from the gingko tree has anti-inflammatory properties and is often used in skincare products.

16. 银杏茶 - gingko tea

例句:Gingko tea is a popular herbal tea made from the leaves of the gingko tree, known for its health benefits.

17. 银杏片 - gingko slice

例句:Dried slices of gingko leaves are often used in traditional Chinese soups and stews.

18. 白银杏粉 - white silver powder

例句:White silver powder, made from ground gingko seeds, is a common ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine.

19. 金银花果 - golden silver flower fruit

例句:The golden silver flower fruits of the gingko tree are often used to make jams and preserves.

20. 孔雀绿 - peacock green

例句:The vibrant green color of the gingko leaves in spring has been compared to that of a peacock's feathers, hence the name "peacock green"


1. 错误翻译为“银杏树”

gingko在英文中的正确发音为/ˈɡɪŋkəʊ/,而不是/ˈdʒiːŋkəʊ/,因此很多人会将其错误地翻译为“银杏树”。实际上,gingko是一种植物的名称,它的学名为Ginkgo biloba,英文中也常被简称为ginkgo或maidenhair tree。

2. 错误翻译为“银杏叶”

由于gingko是一种植物,很多人会将其错误地翻译为“银杏叶”。虽然gingko的叶子也被称为ginkgo leaves,但在这里指的是银杏树的叶子,而不是整个植物。

3. 错误翻译为“金果”

有些人将gingko直接翻译成了“金果”,这个翻译并不准确。实际上,gingko的果实并没有什么特别的颜色,它们只是普通的果实形态。正确的同义词应该是ginkgo nuts或者ginkgo seeds。

4. 错误翻译为“白果”

有些人将gingko直接翻译成了“白果”,这个翻译也是不准确的。虽然gingko的果实呈现出白色,但它们并不是真正的果实,而是种子。因此,正确的同义词应该是ginkgo seeds。

5. 错误翻译为“银杏精”

有些人将gingko直接翻译成了“银杏精”,这个翻译并不准确。实际上,gingko extract才是指从银杏树提取出来的药用成分,它具有很多保健功效。

6. 错误翻译为“银杏叶提取物”

与上一条类似,有些人将gingko直接翻译成了“银杏叶提取物”,这也是错误的。实际上,gingko extract指的是从整个植物中提取出来的药用成分,而不仅仅是叶子。

7. 错误翻译为“银杏萃取物”

有些人将gingko直接翻译成了“银杏萃取物”,这个翻译也是不准确的。实际上,gingko extract指的是从植物中提取出来的药用成分,并非仅限于萃取。

8. 错误翻译为“金果提取物”

与第三条类似,有些人将gingko直接翻译成了“金果提取物”,这也是错误的。实际上,gingko extract指的是从整个植物中提取出来的药用成分,而不仅仅是果实。

9. 错误翻译为“银杏叶精华”

有些人将gingko extract直接翻译成了“银杏叶精华”,这个翻译也是不准确的。虽然银杏叶中含有很多有效成分,但并非所有的药用成分都来自于叶子,因此正确的同义词应该是ginkgo extract或者gingko biloba extract。

10. 错误翻译为“银杏树萃取物”

与第七条类似,有些人将gingko extract直接翻译成了“银杏树萃取物”,这也是错误的。实际上,gingko extract指的是从整个植物中提取出来的药用成分,并非仅限于萃取。


