
生活学习2024-02-14 08:42:08自考教育网




1. girls是指女孩子,通常用来指年轻的女性。这个词源自古英语中的"girle",意为"小孩"。

2. 在现代英语中,girls一般用作复数形式,表示一群女孩子或女性。例如:"The girls are playing in the park."(女孩们正在公园玩耍。)

3. 除了指年轻的女性外,girls也可以用来指特定的群体,比如同一个学校、同一个社会团体或同一个兴趣爱好的女孩子们。例如:"The girls in my class are very friendly."(我班上的女生都很友好。)

4. 在俚语中,girls也可以指某个国家或地区的人民。例如:"The girls from Australia are known for their love of surfing."(澳大利亚人以热爱冲浪而闻名。)


1. 读音:[ɡɜːrlz],注意其中的“r”发音比较轻,不要读成[ɡɜːlz]。

2. 同义词:young women、ladies、females等。

3. 例句:

- These girls are all from the same dance team. (这些女孩都来自同一个舞蹈队。)

- The girls in my class are all very smart and hardworking. (我班上的女生都非常聪明和勤奋。)

- My little sister loves to play with her dolls, just like most girls her age. (我妹妹喜欢和她的玩具娃娃玩耍,像大多数同龄女孩一样。)

4. 幽默提示:有时候我们也会把“girls”用来指代一群女性朋友,比如“girls night out”(女生聚会)、“girls trip”(女生旅行)等,所以不要被字面意思限制哦!


1. “girls”的定义及含义


2. “girls”的发音及读法


3. “girls”的同义词及例句

- 同义词:young women, females, ladies, damsels

- 例句:

a. These girls are all students at the same university.


b. The girls in my class are all very smart and hardworking.


c. We had a great time playing girls' games at the party.


4. 关于“girls”的幽默话题

- Q: Why did the girl bring lipstick and eye shadow to school?


A: Because she wanted to make up her mind.


- Q: What do you call a group of girls waiting in line for a concert?


A: A girl band.



1. Young ladies - 年轻的女士们

2. Female children - 女孩子们

3. Teenage girls - 青少年女孩们

4. Adolescent girls - 青春期女孩们

5. Little girls - 小女孩们

6. Girls' night out - 女生聚会之夜

7. School girls - 学校女生们

8. Working girls - 工作的女性们

9. Country girls - 农村女孩们

10. City girls - 城市女孩们

11. College girls - 大学女生们

12. Cheerleader girls - 啦啦队女孩们

13. Girl scouts - 女童子军

14. Flower girls - 花童

15. Daddy's girl- 爸爸的小公主

16.Girl power- 女性力量

17.Sorority girls- 姐妹会成员

18.Tomboyish girl- 男孩子气的女孩

19.Girly girl- 娇柔的女孩

20.Baby girl- 宝贝女儿

同义词方面,girls这个词可以替换为females、young women、maidens等。例如:The girls in the village are all very beautiful. (村里的女孩都非常漂亮。) 可以改为:The young women in the village are all very beautiful. (村里的年轻女性都非常漂亮。)


1. The girls giggled and chattered as they walked to school together. (女孩们一起走路去学校时咯咯地笑着聊天。)

2. She's always been a bit of a tomboyish girl, preferring to play sports with the boys rather than do girly activities. (她一直都是个有点男孩子气的女孩,更喜欢和男生一起玩运动,而不是做女孩子的活动。)

3. We had a girls' night out last weekend and it was so much fun! (上周末我们有一个女生聚会之夜,非常有趣!)

4. The little flower girl looked adorable in her white dress as she walked down the aisle at the wedding. (小花童穿着白色礼服,在婚礼上走过通道看起来可爱极了。)

5. Girl power is all about empowering and supporting other women. (女性力量就是要赋予和支持其他女性。)


1. Young women - 年轻女性

例句:The girls giggled and chatted as they walked down the street. (这些年轻女性笑着聊天走在街上。)

2. Ladies - 女士们

例句:The girls were all dressed up for the party. (这些女士们都打扮得很漂亮准备参加派对。)

3. Females - 雌性

例句:The zoo has a new exhibit featuring female lions and tigers. (动物园有一个新展览,展示雌性的狮子和老虎。)

4. Maidens - 少女们

例句:The village was full of young maidens dancing and singing during the festival. (村子里充满了少女们在节日里跳舞和唱歌。)

5. Damsels - 少女们,小姐们

例句:The prince rode in on his horse to rescue the damsels in distress. (王子骑着马前来救助那些处于困境的少女们。)

6. Chicks - 妞儿,姑娘

例句:The club was filled with young chicks looking for a good time. (俱乐部里挤满了寻找欢乐的年轻姑娘。)

7. Gals - 姑娘,女孩

例句:Let's have a girls' night out and go dancing! (我们一起出去玩吧,去跳舞!)

8. Lasses - 女孩,少女

例句:The lasses were all excited to go to their first concert. (这些女孩都很兴奋,因为要去参加她们的第一场音乐会。)

9. Babes - 宝贝,美女

例句:The beach was full of babes soaking up the sun. (海滩上挤满了晒太阳的美女。)

10. Dames - 女士们,夫人们

例句:The girls' soccer team was coached by two experienced dames. (这支女子足球队由两位经验丰富的女士担任教练。)

girls是指女孩子或女性的意思,发音为/dʒɜːrlz/。在英语中,girls常用于指代年轻的女孩子们,具有亲切、活泼的感觉。例如,我们可以说:“The girls are playing in the park.”(女孩们正在公园玩耍。)除了girls之外,还可以用young ladies或young women来表示年轻的女性。作为网站编辑,我希望通过本文的介绍,能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个词汇,并且喜欢上它所传递的温暖和活力。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,让我们一起探索更多有趣的单词和表达方式吧!
