
生活学习2024-02-14 08:52:48自考教育网







除了以上提到的同义词,“gist”还可以用其他一些近义词来替换,比如“essence”、“core”、“main point”等等。例如,“请你把本次介绍的主旨告诉我”,也可以说成“请你把文章的gist告诉我”。



1. gist的含义:指主旨、要点、核心内容。也可以指某件事情的本质或精髓。

2. 发音:[dʒɪst]

3. 同义词:essence, core, main point, crux, essence, substance

4. 例句:

- The gist of the story is that the hero saves the day and gets the girl.


- Can you give me the gist of your presentation? I don't have time to listen to all the details.


- The gist of her argument was that we need to take action now before it's too late.



1. Gist的意思是“要点”或“主旨”,常用于表示文章、演讲或对话中最重要的部分。

例句:The gist of the article is that exercise can improve mental health.

2. Gist的同义词包括essence、core、main point等,它们都指代某个事物或概念的最重要部分。

例句:The essence of the book lies in its practical advice for success.

3. 除了作为名词使用外,gist也可以作为动词,意为“理解”或“抓住要点”。

例句:I couldn't understand every detail, but I managed to gist the main idea.

4. 想要更加形象地表达gist的意思,可以使用类似于get the hang of、grasp the concept of等短语。

例句:It took me a while, but I finally got the hang of how to use this new software.

5. 在日常口语中,我们也可以用get the gist来表示“理解大概”的意思。

例句:I didn't catch every word, but I got the gist of what he was saying.

6. 除了指代文章或对话中的主要内容外,gist也可以用来表示某个人或事物的基本特征。

例句:Although they have different styles, their gists are similar - they both value creativity and innovation.

7. 总之,gist是一个非常实用且多功能的单词,在各种场合都能派上用场,希望你能get the gist of它的用法!


1. Essence - The essence of something is its most important or fundamental aspect, just like the gist.

例句:Can you give me the essence of your argument in a few words?

2. Main point - This refers to the central or most significant idea of something, similar to the gist.

例句:I didn't quite understand the main point of his presentation.

3. Core - The core of something is its central or essential part, just like the gist.

例句:The core of her argument was that we need to focus on sustainability.

4. Crux - This word means the most important or decisive aspect of something, similar to the gist.

例句:The crux of the issue is whether we should invest in renewable energy.

5. Key takeaway - A key takeaway is the main lesson or idea that you should remember from something, just like the gist.

例句:What was your key takeaway from that workshop on time management?

6. Bottom line - This phrase refers to the most important or essential information that needs to be understood, similar to the gist.

例句:The bottom line is that we need to increase our sales in order to stay in business.

7. Nitty-gritty - This term means the crucial details or specifics of something, just like the gist.

例句:Let's get down to nitty-gritty and figure out how we can improve our marketing strategy.

8. Meat and potatoes - This phrase refers to the essential or most substantial part of something, similar to the gist.

例句:We don't have time for small talk, let's get straight to meat and potatoes of this project.

9. Heart - The heart of something is its central or most vital part, just like the gist.

例句:The heart of his message was about following your dreams and never giving up.

10. Bottom-line - This hyphenated word means the most important or essential aspect of something, similar to the gist.

例句:The bottom-line is that we need to cut costs in order to increase profits


1. Get the gist of something: 理解某事的要点/主旨

例句:I didn't have time to read the whole article, but I got the gist of it from the title.

2. The gist of the conversation: 对话的要点/大意

例句:I didn't catch every word they said, but I got the gist of their conversation.

3. In a nutshell/gist: 简而言之/概括起来

例句:Can you give me the gist of what happened at the meeting?

4. The gist of a joke: 笑话的精髓/要点

例句:I didn't understand all the details, but I got the gist of the joke and it was hilarious.

5. The main/general gist: 主旨/总体要点

例句:The main gist of her argument was that we need to take action now.

6. The essential/key gist: 关键要点

例句:He summarized the essential gist of his research in a few sentences.

7. To miss/get the gist: 错过/抓住要点

例句:I missed most of what she said, but I think I got the general gist.

8. Gist vs details: 要点与细节

例句:You don't need to know all the details, just give me the general gist.

9. Catching on to/getting someone's drift/gist: 领会到某人的意思/理解某人的观点

例句:It took me a while to catch on to his sense of humor, but now I get his drift/gist.

10. To summarize/synthesize the gist: 总结/概括要点

例句:Can you summarize/synthesize the gist of the article for me?

