give birth to是什么意思,give birth to同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 09:02:58自考教育网

“give birth to”是一个常见的英语词汇,它有着丰富的含义和用法。它不仅可以指代生育,还可以表示创造、产生、引发等意思。那么,你知道这个词的正确发音吗?它又有哪些同义词?让我们一起来探究一下吧!在本文中,我将为你介绍give birth to的发音、用法及例句,并列举一些常用的同义词。让我们一起来学习吧!

The pronunciation of give birth to

给我生孩子?不,不,不!我们说的是“give birth to”的发音。作为一个翻译解释行业的人工作者,你可能会经常遇到这个词。但是,你知道它的正确发音吗?让我们来探讨一下吧!

1. “give birth to”的发音

give birth to是什么意思,give birth to同义词及例句

首先,让我们来学习一下“give birth to”的正确发音。它由三个单词组成,分别是/gɪv/、/bɜːθ/和/tuː/。注意第一个单词“give”的发音中有一个清晰的/g/音,而第二个单词“birth”的第一个音节则是重读音节。

2. 同义词及例句

除了“give birth to”,还有其他表达同样意思的短语可以使用。比如,“deliver a baby”、“have a child”、“bring forth”等等。下面是一些例句:

- She gave birth to a healthy baby boy last week.

- The doctor delivered her baby in the hospital.

- They are planning to have a child next year.

- The tree brought forth beautiful flowers in spring.

3. 让我们来练习一下

现在,让我们来练习一下这个词的发音吧!请跟着我读:“Give birth to, give birth to, give birth to...”好极了!再试一次:“Deliver a baby, deliver a baby, deliver a baby...”太棒了!你已经掌握了这个词的发音。

希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解“give birth to”的发音,并且在日常工作中能够更加流利地使用它。记得练习哦!

How to pronounce give birth to

在英语中,“give birth to”是一个非常常见的短语,它的意思是“生下,产生”。它通常用来指女性生育孩子,也可以用来形容某种事物或现象的产生。例如,“She gave birth to a healthy baby boy.”(她生了一个健康的男婴。)“The new policy gave birth to a lot of controversy.”(这项新政策引发了很多争议。)

同义词方面,可以使用deliver、bear、produce等词来替换“give birth to”。例如,“She delivered a beautiful baby girl.”(她生下了一个漂亮的女婴。)“The company is expected to bear great profits this year.”(预计该公司今年将获得巨额利润。)“His actions produced unexpected consequences.”(他的行为带来了意想不到的后果。)

那么,如何正确地发音“give birth to”呢?它的读音为/dʒɪv bɜːθ tuː/,其中重音在第二个单词上。“give”的发音类似于“吉芙”,而“birth”的发音则类似于“伯斯”。最后一个单词“to”的发音是/tuː/,与英文中表示方向的介词to相同

Usage and examples of give birth to

1. Definition of give birth to

Give birth to is a phrase that means to bring forth or produce something, typically a baby or an idea. It can also refer to the act of giving life or beginning something new.

2. Synonyms of give birth to

- Deliver: This word is commonly used in medical contexts and refers specifically to the act of giving birth to a baby.

- Bear: This term has a more poetic connotation and can refer to both giving birth and creating something new.

- Create: This synonym emphasizes the act of bringing something into existence.

- Produce: Similar to create, this word emphasizes the action of bringing forth or making something happen.

- Generate: This synonym highlights the idea of producing or causing something to come into existence.

3. Examples of give birth to in context

- She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last night.

- The artist gave birth to a masterpiece with his latest painting.

- The new technology gave birth to a revolution in the industry.

- The company's innovative ideas gave birth to a successful product line.

- The scientist's research gave birth to groundbreaking discoveries.

4. Common collocations with give birth to

- Give birth to an idea/concept/theory

- Give birth/deliver/bear/produce/create/generate offspring/babies/children/offspring

- Give birth/deliver/bear/produce/create/generate results/outcomes/effects/consequences

5. Usage notes for give birth to

In most cases, give birth is used in reference to human or animal reproduction, while deliver is used more specifically for human childbirth in medical contexts. However, both phrases can be used interchangeably in informal speech.

6. Conclusion

In summary, give birth to is a versatile phrase that can refer not only to the physical act of childbirth but also the production or creation of anything new. It has various synonyms and collocations that can be used to add variety and depth to your writing or speech. Remember to use it accurately and appropriately in context

Phrases with give birth to

1. Bring forth: "Give birth to" is a more formal way of saying "bring forth". Example: The mother brought forth a healthy baby boy.

2. Deliver: This word can be used as a synonym for "give birth to", especially in medical contexts. Example: The doctor helped the woman deliver her baby safely.

3. Bear: This is a poetic way of saying "give birth to". Example: The lioness bore three cubs in the den.

4. Produce: In a figurative sense, this word can mean "give birth to" in terms of creating or bringing something new into existence. Example: The artist produced a masterpiece that took the world by storm.

5. Pop out: This informal phrase is often used in a lighthearted or humorous way to describe someone giving birth. Example: My sister just popped out her third child last week!

6. Have a baby: This is a common phrase used to talk about giving birth, especially when referring to oneself or someone close to you. Example: My best friend had her first baby last month and she's over the moon!

7. Give life to: This phrase emphasizes the act of bringing new life into the world through childbirth. Example: The mother gave life to two beautiful children and couldn't be happier.

8. Welcome into the world: This phrase is often used as an expression of joy and celebration when talking about a newborn baby being born. Example: We welcomed our precious daughter into the world yesterday and our hearts are overflowing with love.

9. Push out: Another informal phrase that can be used in a playful or humorous way when talking about giving birth. Example: It took her less than an hour to push out her son - she's amazing!

10. Grant life to: Similar to "give life to", this phrase highlights the idea of bringing new life into existence through childbirth. Example: The mother granted life to her daughter and became a proud parent for the first time

Synonym examples of give birth to

1. Bring forth

- Meaning: To give birth to or produce something.

- Example: The mother brought forth a healthy baby boy.

2. Deliver

- Meaning: To give birth to a baby.

- Example: She delivered twins at the hospital.

3. Bear

- Meaning: To give birth to a child or offspring.

- Example: The lioness bore a litter of cubs.

4. Give life to

- Meaning: To bring into existence or give birth to something.

- Example: The new technology gave life to a whole new industry.

5. Create

- Meaning: To bring something into existence or give birth to it.

- Example: The artist created a beautiful painting.

6. Procreate

- Meaning: To produce offspring or give birth to children.

- Example: The couple procreated and had three children.

7. Spawn

- Meaning: To produce or bring forth offspring, especially in large numbers.

- Example: The salmon spawn in the river every year.

8. Reproduce

- Meaning: To create offspring by giving birth or laying eggs.

- Example: Birds reproduce by laying eggs.

9. Generate

- Meaning: To bring into existence or give rise to something.

- Example: The company generated millions in revenue last year.

10. Originate

- Meaning: To come into being or start from a source.

- Example: The idea originated from a conversation with my friends.

11. Engender

- Meaning: To cause something to happen or come into existence.

- Example: The war engendered chaos and destruction.

12. Incubate

-Meaning :To develop and grow before being born or hatched.

Example:The eggs incubated for two weeks before hatching into chicks.

13. Produce

-Meaning :To create, make, or bring forth something .

Example:The factory produces thousands of cars every month .

14. Release

-Meaning: To bring forth or give birth to something.

Example: The flower released its seeds into the wind.

15. Give rise to

-Meaning: To cause something to happen or come into existence.

Example: The new policy gave rise to protests from the public.

16. Sire

-Meaning: To father offspring or give birth to offspring.

Example: The stallion sired many champion racehorses.

17. Whelp

-Meaning: To give birth to puppies or young animals.

Example: The dog whelped a litter of five puppies.

18. Drop

-Meaning :To give birth to young animals, especially when referring to sheep, goats, or cows.

Example:The ewe dropped a lamb in the middle of the night.

19. Hatch

-Meaning :To bring forth or produce young birds from eggs.

Example:The mother bird hatched three chicks in her nest.

20. Parturition

-Meaning :The act of giving birth or producing offspring.

Example:The cow was in labor and about to go through parturition

give birth to是一个非常常用的短语,它可以用来描述生育、产生、创造等含义。它的发音也很简单,只需要注意to的发音就可以了。在实际使用中,我们可以结合其他词语来构成更加丰富的表达,比如give birth to a child, give birth to new ideas等等。同时,它还有许多同义词,如bear, produce, create等等。希望本文能够帮助到大家,并且能够给大家带来一些启发和灵感。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请关注我(编辑:我是网站编辑),我会继续为大家分享更多有趣的知识和信息。祝愿大家在学习和工作中都能够不断“give birth to”新的成就!
