
生活学习2024-02-14 09:19:45自考教育网



1. 发音方式


根据英语的发音规则,given的发音为 /ˈɡɪvən/ ,其中重读音节为第一个音节,即“giv”。

2. 发音示例


- given name (/ˈɡɪvən neɪm/):名字

- given up (/ˈɡɪvən ʌp/):放弃

- given that (/ˈɡɪvən ðæt/):考虑到

3. 音标解读

- /ˈ/ 表示重读音节;

- /ɡ/ 表示辅音字母g的发音;

- /ɪ/ 表示元音字母i的短元音发音;

- /v/ 表示辅音字母v的发音;

- /ə/ 表示中央元音发音,类似于汉语中的“啊”;

- /n/ 表示辅音字母n的发音;

- /eɪm/ 表示元音字母a和元辅组合字母m的发音。

4. 注意事项




首先,我们来看一下given的词性。它可以是形容词也可以是名词。作为形容词时,它的意思是“特定的”、“给定的”,例如:“Given the current situation, we need to come up with a new plan.”(考虑到当前的情况,我们需要提出一个新计划。)作为名词时,则表示“条件”、“假设”,例如:“Given that we have limited resources, we need to use them wisely.”(考虑到我们有限的资源,我们需要明智地利用它们。)



1. 介绍


2. 名词

作为名词时,given指代“给定的事物”或“特定的条件”。例如:“Given the current situation, we need to come up with a solution.”(考虑到当前的情况,我们需要想出一个解决方案。)这里,“given”表示特定的条件或限制。

3. 形容词

作为形容词时,given意为“特定的”、“特定地”、“假设的”。例如:“Given the circumstances, I think we should postpone the meeting.”(考虑到情况,我认为我们应该推迟会议。)这里,“given”表示假设或推断。

4. 动词

作为动词时,given是give(给予)的过去分词形式,在句子中通常与be动词连用。例如:“He was given a chance to prove himself.”(他被给予了一个证明自己的机会。)这里,“given”表示给予或授予。

5. 表示假设

除了以上几种基本含义外,given还可以用来表示假设、推测或条件。例如:“Given his age, he should retire soon.”(考虑到他的年龄,他应该很快退休。)这里,“given”表示假设或条件。




1. 作为形容词,given通常表示“特定的”、“特定条件下的”、“假设的”等含义。例如:Given the current situation, we need to come up with a solution.(考虑到当前的情况,我们需要想出一个解决方案。)Given your busy schedule, I don't want to bother you.(考虑到你的繁忙日程,我不想打扰你。)

2. 作为名词,given表示“给予”的意思。例如:I appreciate your given support.(我感谢你所给予的支持。)Given the circumstances, we have no choice but to accept it.(鉴于现实情况,我们别无选择只能接受。)

3. 另外,在口语中,given也可以用作介词,“考虑到”、“鉴于”的意思。例如:Given his background, he should have known better.(考虑到他的背景,他应该知道得更清楚。)Given that you're not feeling well, I think you should take a break.(鉴于你现在身体不舒服,我觉得你应该休息一下。)

4. 此外,在某些特定的短语中,given还可以表示“假定”、“如果”等含义。例如:Given the opportunity, I would love to travel around the world.(如果有机会,我愿意环游世界。)Given his age, he is surprisingly energetic.(考虑到他的年龄,他仍然精力充沛。)


1. Given that

- 意思:考虑到,鉴于

- 例句:Given that she was sick, she couldn't attend the meeting.

2. Given up

- 意思:放弃,抛弃

- 例句:She has given up her dream of becoming a doctor.

3. Given away

- 意思:赠送,送走

- 例句:He has given away all his old clothes to charity.

4. Given out

- 意思:分发,散发

- 例句:The teacher has given out the test papers to the students.

5. Given in to

- 意思:屈服于,让步于

- 例句:She finally gave in to her parents' pressure and agreed to marry the man they chose for her.

6. Given over to

- 意思:致力于,专注于

- 例句:He has given over all his time and energy to his new business venture.

7. Given off

- 意思:散发出,释放出

- 例句:The flowers are given off a sweet fragrance in the garden.

8. Given rise to

- 意思: 引起,导致

- 例句: The recent economic crisis has given rise to many social problems.

9. Given the circumstances

- 意思: 考虑到情况,鉴于情况

- 例句: Given the circumstances, we have no choice but to cancel the event.

10. Given name

- 意思: 名字,名字的第一个字

- 例句: His given name is John, but he likes to go by his middle name, Michael.

11. Given a chance

- 意思: 如果有机会

- 例句: Given a chance, I would love to travel around the world.

12. Given to understand

- 意思: 被告知,被了解到

- 例句: I was given to understand that the project has been postponed.

13. Given up for dead

- 意思: 被认为已经死亡

- 例句: After days of searching, the missing hiker was given up for dead.

14. Given to fits of anger

- 意思:容易发脾气的,易怒的

- 例句:He is given to fits of anger whenever things don't go his way.

15. Given time

- 意思:经过一段时间,到了某个时候

- 例句:Given time, she will learn to adjust to her new surroundings.

16. Given the green light

- 意思:得到许可,获得允许

- 例句:The project can proceed now that it has been given the green light from the board of directors.

17. Given a clean bill of health

- 意思:被宣布健康,被认为健康

- 例句:After undergoing several medical tests, she was given a clean bill of health by her doctor.

18. Given half a chance

- 意思:如果有一点机会

- 例句:Given half a chance, I know I can prove myself in this job.

19. Given the go-ahead

- 意思:得到批准,获准进行

- 例句:The construction project was given the go-ahead by the city council.

20. Given to exaggeration

- 意思:喜欢夸大的,爱夸张的

- 例句:He is given to exaggeration and often tells tall tales to impress others

given是一个非常常用且多义的词汇,它的发音也非常简单易记。无论是作为形容词还是动词,given都有着重要的意义,在句子中起到连接和限定作用。它常见的搭配如“given that”、“given the fact that”等也在表达条件或前提时起到至关重要的作用。希望通过本文对given的解析,能够帮助读者更加准确地理解和运用这个词汇。我是网站编辑,如果你喜欢本文,请继续关注我们网站,我们将为您带来更多有趣、实用的知识。谢谢阅读!
