
生活学习2024-02-14 09:28:25自考教育网






1. glade的含义


2. glade怎么读


3. glade同义词


4. glade例句

a) The hikers rested in a glade surrounded by tall trees.


b) The deer often gather in the glades to graze.





1. glade的发音

- glade的英语发音为[ɡleɪd],重音在第一个音节。

- glade的美式发音为[ɡleɪd],重音也在第一个音节。

- 在英式英语中,glade也可以读作[ɡlɑːd],重音在第二个音节。

2. glade的意思

- glade是一个名词,指的是“林间空地”、“林中小径”或“开阔处”,通常指树林中的一块空地或开阔区域。

- 在文学作品中,glade也常被用来形容宁静、幽雅的环境。

3. glade的同义词

- clearing:指树林中被清除了树木、草丛等障碍物而形成的开阔处。

- dell:指山谷或小溪旁边树木茂盛的地方。

- grove:指树木茂密、绿荫蔽日的地方。

4. glade的例句

- The sun shone down on the peaceful glade, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.


- The hikers stopped for a rest in a shady glade, enjoying the cool breeze and the beauty of nature.


- The glade was filled with wildflowers, their vibrant colors adding to the already picturesque scene.


5. 与glade相关的词汇

- glade也可以用来形容某种情绪或感觉,例如:

- She felt a sense of peace and tranquility in the glade.


- The children ran through the glade, their laughter filling the air.


- 在英国民间传说中,glade也被认为是精灵或妖精居住的地方。

- 在游戏《魔兽世界》中,glade是一个游戏地图区域名


1. glade的意思


2. glade的发音


3. 同义词


4. glade的用法

a. 作名词:The hikers stopped for a rest in a peaceful glade.


b. 作动词:The lumberjacks were hired to glade the forest for new development.


5. 双语例句

a. The sunlight filtered through the trees and illuminated the glades with a soft glow.


b. The glade was filled with wildflowers and the sound of birds singing.


c. The old man spent his days wandering through the glades, reminiscing about his childhood.


d. The forest was once a dense jungle, but now it is dotted with glades and clearings.



1. Forest glade - 森林林间空地

例句:We found a beautiful forest glade to have our picnic.

2. Sunlit glade - 阳光明媚的空地

例句:The sunlit glade was the perfect spot for a peaceful afternoon nap.

3. Meadow glade - 草地空地

例句:The horses grazed in the meadow glade, enjoying the lush green grass.

4. Glade of flowers - 花海空地

例句:The garden was filled with a colorful glade of flowers, creating a picturesque view.

5. Mountain glade - 山间空地

例句:We stumbled upon a hidden mountain glade during our hike, offering a stunning view of the valley below.

6. Glade of trees - 树海空地

例句:The children loved playing in the glade of trees, pretending to be explorers in a dense forest.

7. Wildflower glade - 野花草原空地

例句:The wildflower glade was teeming with different types of flowers, attracting butterflies and bees.

8. Secret glade - 秘密空地

例句:She discovered a secret glade deep in the woods, where she could escape from the chaos of everyday life.

9. Glowing glades - 发光的空地

例句:As the sun set, the glowing glades created an enchanting atmosphere in the forest.

10. Fairy tale glades - 童话般的空地

例句:The fairy tale glades were filled with magical creatures and sparkling fairy dust, making it feel like a dream world


1. Clearing

例句:The glade in the forest was a perfect spot for a picnic.

2. Meadow

例句:The glade was filled with wildflowers and tall grass.

3. Dell

例句:We stumbled upon a hidden glade in the woods.

4. Opening

例句:The glade provided a break in the dense forest.

5. Copse

例句:The glade was surrounded by a small copse of trees.

6. Grove

例句:The glade was nestled within a grove of oak trees.

7. Thicket

例句:We found a peaceful glade amidst the thicket of bushes.

8. Clearing in the woods/forest

例句:We set up camp in a beautiful glade that we found while hiking through the forest.

9. Sunlit clearing/grove/meadow/dell

例句:The sun shone down on the glade, making it even more picturesque.

10. Open space/clearing/meadow/dell/grove/clearing in the trees

例句:We stumbled upon an open space in the middle of the trees, which turned out to be a lovely glade

