
生活学习2024-02-14 09:38:50自考教育网



1. glad是什么意思?



2. glad怎么读?


3. glad的同义词有哪些?


4. glad的例句有哪些?

(1) I'm so glad to see you! 我很高兴见到你!

(2) She was glad that the exam was over. 她很高兴考试结束了。

(3) We are all glad about the good news. 我们都为这个好消息感到高兴。

(4) He is always glad to help others. 他总是乐于帮助他人


1. 发音:glad的发音为/glæd/,重音在第一个音节。

2. 读法:glad的读法和英语单词“glam”类似,但是重音不同。

3. 同义词:高兴的,快乐的,欢喜的,愉悦的。

4. 例句:

a) I am glad to see you again after so long.


b) She was glad to hear the good news.


c) He's always glad to help out his friends.



1. glad的意思是高兴的,愉快的,满意的。它可以用作形容词或动词。

2. glad的同义词包括happy, pleased, delighted, content等。

3. 例如:

- I am glad to see you again. (我很高兴再次见到你。)

- She was glad to hear the good news. (她很高兴听到这个好消息。)

- We are all glad that you could make it to the party. (我们都很高兴你能来参加派对。)

- He was so glad that he danced around the room. (他太高兴了,绕着房间跳舞。)


1. Delighted - 高兴的,欣喜的

例如:I am delighted to hear that you got the job.

2. Pleased - 满意的,高兴的

例如:I am pleased with my new haircut.

3. Happy - 快乐的,幸福的

例如:I am so happy to see you again.

4. Joyful - 充满喜悦的,快乐的

例如:The children were joyful when they saw the Christmas tree.

5. Content - 满足的,满意的

例如:She seemed content with her life.

6. Thrilled - 兴奋的,激动的

例如:I was thrilled to receive the award.

7. Ecstatic - 狂喜的,欣喜若狂的

例如:He was ecstatic when he found out he won the lottery.

8. Grateful - 感激的,感谢的

例如:I am grateful for all your help.

9. Elated - 兴高采烈的,欢欣鼓舞的

例如:She was elated after receiving her acceptance letter from her dream university.

10. Overjoyed - 非常高兴的,无比欢喜的

例如:We were overjoyed when we heard the good news


1. Be glad to (do something) - 非常乐意(做某事)

例句:I am glad to help you with your project.


2. Glad about - 对...感到高兴

例句:I am glad about your promotion.


3. Glad for - 为...感到高兴

例句:I am glad for your success.


4. Glad that - 很高兴...

例句:I am glad that you enjoyed the movie.


5. Glad to see/meet (someone) - 很高兴见到/遇见(某人)

例句:I am glad to see you again after so long.


6. Glad tidings - 喜讯,好消息

例句:The company announced some glad tidings at the meeting.


7. Be only too glad to (do something) - 非常乐意(做某事)

例句:I would be only too glad to help you with your move.


8. Glad rags - 漂亮的衣服,盛装

例句:She put on her glad rags for the party.


9. Glad-hand - 热情地和某人握手,热情招待

例句:The politician glad-handed everyone at the event.


10. Glad to hear (something) - 很高兴听到(某事)

例句:I am glad to hear that you got the job.


