
生活学习2024-02-14 09:48:57自考教育网



1. 简介



2. 词源


3. 同义词


4. 用法示例

- She glanced at her watch and realized she was running late.


- As I walked by, I caught a quick glance of the beautiful garden.


- The teacher's gaze swept across the classroom, making sure everyone was paying attention.


5. 拓展用法


- Glance off:意为“偏离,擦过”。例如:The bullet glanced off the wall and hit the floor.


- Glance over:意为“粗略地看一遍”。例如:I just glanced over the report, so I haven't had time to read it carefully yet.


- Glance through:意为“快速浏览,翻阅”。例如:I'll just glance through my notes before the meeting starts.





1. 基本发音


2. 注意发音细节


3. 举例说明

为了更好地理解“glances”的读法,我们来看几个例子吧!比如,“She gave him a quick glance.”(她迅速地瞥了他一眼。)这里的“glance”就是指一瞥、一眼的意思。再比如,“He glanced at his watch.”(他看了看手表。)这里的“glance”就是指一瞥、一看的意思。

4. 幽默小故事


1. glances的基本含义


2. glances的用法


(1) 用于描述快速地看或瞥见某物的动作。例如:She caught a few glances of him in the crowd.(她在人群中偶尔瞥见了他。)

(2) 用于描述眼神交流或表达感情。例如:Their glances showed their mutual understanding.(他们的眼神表明了彼此的理解。)

(3) 用于形容某人或某物具有吸引力或特殊魅力。例如:She couldn't help but steal a glance at the handsome stranger.(她忍不住偷偷地瞄了一眼那位英俊的陌生人。)

3. glances的双语例句

(1) He gave her a quick glance and then turned away.(他匆匆地看了她一眼,然后转身离开。)

(2) Their glances met and they both knew what the other was thinking.(他们相互对视,彼此都知道对方在想什么。)

(3) The young couple exchanged glances and smiled at each other.(年轻的情侣互相交换了一瞥,然后微笑着看着对方。)

(4) She couldn't help but steal a glance at the beautiful sunset.(她忍不住偷偷地瞄了一眼美丽的日落。)

(5) His glances were filled with admiration and love for her.(他的眼神充满了对她的赞赏和爱慕。)



1. Catch someone's glances: 捕捉某人的目光

2. Exchange glances: 交换眼神

3. Steal glances at: 偷偷瞥视

4. Share a quick glance: 分享一瞥

5. Avert one's glance: 转移视线

6. Meet someone's glance: 对上某人的目光

7. Avoid someone's glance: 避开某人的目光

8. Steady glance: 稳定的目光

9. Meaningful glance: 有意义的眼神

10. Sideways glance: 斜视

11. Furtive glances: 偷偷看的眼神

12. Quick glances: 快速的一瞥

13. Glance over one's shoulder: 向后看一眼

14. Glance through the window: 透过窗户看一眼

15. Take a second glance at something/someone: 再次看向某物/某人


1. Quick looks: glances are quick looks that convey a lot of information in just a few seconds.

2. Brief glimpses: glances can be brief glimpses that leave you wanting more.

3. Sneak peeks: glances can be sneak peeks into someone's thoughts or feelings.

4. Fleeting gazes: glances are fleeting gazes that can be easily missed if you're not paying attention.

5. Passing glances: sometimes, glances are just passing interactions that don't hold much significance.

6. Furtive glances: these are secretive and sly looks that may hint at hidden intentions.

7. Sideways glances: these sideways looks can be subtle and coy, but also revealing.

8. Knowing looks: glances can also be knowing looks between two people who share a secret understanding.

9. Meaningful stares: sometimes, a glance can turn into a meaningful stare that speaks volumes without saying a word.

10. Intimate gazes: when two people share an intimate connection, their glances can speak volumes about their feelings for each other

