
生活学习2024-02-14 10:24:27自考教育网


The pronunciation of "glider"

Glider是一个英文单词,它的发音为[ˈɡlaɪdər]。在美式英语中,它的发音为[ˈɡlaɪdər],而在英式英语中,它的发音为[ˈɡlaɪdə]. 它是一个名词,指的是一种轻型无动力飞机,通常由飞行员操纵并通过空气动力来滑翔飞行。



1. Sailplane:指的也是一种无动力飞机,与glider意思相同。

2. Hang glider:指的是一种由人悬挂在机身下方并通过自身重量来控制的飞行器。

3. Soarer:指的是一种专门用于滑翔飞行的航空器。


1. The glider soared gracefully through the air, carried by the warm currents.


2. He's been flying gliders for over 20 years and has won numerous competitions.


3. The hang glider pilot skillfully maneuvered through the valleys and mountains.


4. The soaring eagle seemed to glide effortlessly, just like a glider.


Is "glider" an idiom?


1. “glider”的意思是什么?


2. 怎么读?


3. 同义词及例句


- Sailplane: The glider gracefully soared through the sky.


- Hang glider: The hang glider landed smoothly on the ground.


- Gliding plane: The gliding plane flew silently above the mountains.


4. Is "glider" an idiom?

那么,我们来回答一下本小节的标题问题:Is "glider" an idiom? 答案是不是很明显了?没错,它并不是一个习语或者惯用语,而是一个普通的单词。所以,如果你遇到这个词时感到困惑,不要担心,它只是一个简单的词汇而已。


Usage and examples of "glider"

1. Definition of "glider"

A glider is a type of aircraft that does not have an engine and relies on natural forces such as wind and gravity to stay in flight. It is designed to glide through the air, using its wings to generate lift and maintain altitude.

2. Pronunciation of "glider"

The word "glider" is pronounced as /ˈɡlaɪdər/ with the stress on the first syllable. The "i" in the second syllable is pronounced as a long "i" sound, similar to the word "eye".

3. Synonyms for "glider"

- Sailplane: This term is often used interchangeably with glider, especially in Europe.

- Soaring plane: This refers to a glider specifically designed for long-distance flights.

- Hang glider: A type of glider that is controlled by shifting the pilot's weight.

- Paraglider: Similar to a hang glider, but controlled by pulling on lines attached to a fabric wing.

4. Examples of usage

- The aviation enthusiasts gathered at the airfield to watch the gliders take off.

- She spent her summer vacation learning how to fly a sailplane.

- The soaring plane broke a world record by staying airborne for over 56 hours.

- He decided to try hang gliding as an adventurous activity during his trip.

- The paraglider gracefully landed on the beach after a thrilling flight over the mountains.

5. Common phrases using "glider"

- Gliding through the clouds: This phrase refers to flying in a glider at high altitudes, where clouds can be seen below.

- Take off like a glider: This phrase means to start something smoothly and effortlessly.

- Glide into retirement: This phrase suggests retiring without any financial worries or difficulties.

6. Conclusion

In summary, a glider is an aircraft that relies on natural forces to stay in flight. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to move smoothly and effortlessly. With its various synonyms and common phrases, "glider" is a versatile word that can be used in different contexts

Antonyms and synonyms for "glider"

1. Antonyms for "glider":

- powered aircraft

- helicopter

- jet plane

- propeller plane

2. Synonyms for "glider":

- sailplane

- soaring aircraft

- unpowered aircraft

- hang glider

3. Examples of using "glider" in sentences:

- The glider gracefully soared through the sky, powered only by the wind.

- She learned how to control the glider during her first lesson.

- The hang glider was able to fly higher and longer than the traditional glider.

- The pilot expertly maneuvered the sailplane through the air currents.

4. Other words related to "glider":

- aircraft: any machine capable of flying through the air, such as airplanes, helicopters, and gliders.

- aviation: the operation or study of flying aircraft.

- glide: to move smoothly and effortlessly through the air without using power or force.

- aerodynamics: the study of how objects move through air and other gases.

5. Similar terms for "glider":

- paraglider: a type of unpowered aircraft that is controlled by a pilot suspended below a fabric wing.

- kite: a light frame covered with paper, plastic, or cloth that is flown high in the air on a long string.

- drone: an unmanned aerial vehicle that can fly autonomously or be remotely controlled for various purposes.

6. Opposites for "glider":

- land: to come down from a flight and reach the ground; opposite of taking off or flying.

- crash: to collide with something violently and suddenly; opposite of safely landing or gliding smoothly

Explanation of "glider"

1. "Glider"的含义是什么?


2. 如何正确读音"glider"?


3. 除了"gilder",还有哪些同义词可以代替它?

除了"gilder"之外,还有一些近义词可以用来指代“滑翔机”,比如"sailplane"、"gliding machine"、"hang glider"(脚蹬式滑翔机)等。

4. 请给出一个例句来说明"gilder”的用法。

例句:"I saw a group of gliders soaring gracefully in the sky."(我看到一群滑翔机在天空中优雅地飞行。)

