
生活学习2024-02-14 10:40:08自考教育网






根据牛津词典的解释,“glitters”是动词“glitter”的第三人称单数形式,意为“闪耀、闪烁”。它通常用来形容光线或物体表面反射出明亮的闪光。例如,“The diamond ring glitters under the sunlight.”(这枚钻戒在阳光下闪耀。)

除了作为动词使用外,“glitters”也可以作为名词使用,表示“闪光、闪耀”。例如,“The glitters of the fireworks lit up the night sky.”(烟花的闪耀点亮了夜空。)

另外,如果我们要表达某物有大量的小闪光点,则可以使用“sparkles”这个同义词来替换“glitters”。例如,“Her dress sparkles with sequins.”(她的裙子上镶满了亮片。)

1. The stars in the night sky glitters like diamonds.


2. The Christmas tree was decorated with colorful glitters.


3. Her eyes were full of tears, but they still glitters with determination.



1. "glitters"的发音为 [ˈɡlɪtərz],重音在第一个音节。

2. "glitters"是动词 "glitter" 的第三人称单数形式,意为闪耀、发光。通常用于描述物体表面反射光线的现象,也可以用来比喻某种状态或情况下的亮丽或耀眼。

3. 同义词:sparkles, shines, glistens, twinkles, gleams

4. 例句:

- The diamond ring glitters in the sunlight.


- Her eyes were full of tears, but they still glittered with determination.


- The city skyline glitters at night with all its lights.


- The actress' dress was covered in sequins and glitters, making her stand out on the red carpet.



1. glitters是什么意思?


2. glitters怎么读?


3. glitters的同义词有哪些?


4. glitters的例句

- The stars in the night sky glittered like diamonds.


- Her eyes glittered with excitement when she saw the surprise party.


- The city at night is full of glitters and glamour.


5. 用法提示

glitters通常作为动词使用,也可以作为名词。“glitter with + 名词”表示“闪耀着某物”,“glittering + 名词”则表示“闪亮的某物”。

6. 双语例句

- The Christmas tree was decorated with glitters and lights.


- 她的眼睛闪烁着欢乐的光芒,看起来非常美丽。

(Her eyes glittered with joy, making her look incredibly beautiful.)


1. Sparkling: glitters的同义词,指闪光、闪耀的意思。例如:Her dress was sparkling with glitters.

2. Shimmering: 也是glitters的同义词,指闪烁、闪耀的意思。例如:The water was shimmering with glitters under the sunlight.

3. Gleaming: 同样也是glitters的同义词,指发光、闪耀的意思。例如:The stars were gleaming with glitters in the night sky.

4. Glinting: 指一闪一闪地发光,与glitters有相似之处。例如:The diamonds on her necklace were glinting with glitters.

5. Twinkling: 指闪烁、闪耀,与glitters有相似之处。例如:The lights on the Christmas tree were twinkling with glitters.

6. Glistening: 指光亮、发亮,与glitters有相似之处。例如:The dew drops on the grass were glistening with glitters in the morning sunlight.

7. Glittering: 也是指发光、闪耀,与glitters有相似之处。例如:The chandelier in the ballroom was glittering with glitters.

8. Scintillating: 指散发出明亮、吸引人的光芒,与glitters有相似之处。例如:Her eyes were scintillating with glitters as she looked at him.

9. Flashing: 指一闪一闪地发出光芒,与glitters有相似之处。例如:The camera flash was flashing with glitters as the celebrities posed for photos.

10. Radiant: 指光芒四射、明亮,与glitters有相似之处。例如:The bride's smile was radiant with glitters as she walked down the aisle


1. Shimmers

例句:The sun glitters on the surface of the lake, creating a beautiful shimmering effect.

2. Sparkles

例句:The diamond ring sparkles in the light, catching everyone's attention.

3. Gleams

例句:The polished silverware gleams under the bright kitchen lights.

4. Glistens

例句:The morning dew glistens on the blades of grass, making them look like they are covered in diamonds.

5. Glints

例句:The moonlight glints off of the ocean waves, creating a mesmerizing sight.

6. Shines

例句:Her smile shines like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

7. Radiates

例句:The bride's happiness radiated from her as she walked down the aisle.

8. Glows

例句:The fireflies glowed in the dark, lighting up the night sky with their magical presence.

9. Flickers

例句:The candle flickers in the gentle breeze, casting shadows on the wall.

10. Beams

例句:His face beams with pride as he receives his graduation certificate

